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    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to leverhelven in What's your Achievement today?   
    I was feeling lucky yesterday and decided to try and buy a Neopets 14th Birthday Goodie Bag to see if I could get one of those Birthday Petpets.
    ...AND I DID!!! :D :D :D

  2. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to muertadivina in Today's Random Events   
    Woo-hoo! :thumbsup: Neopets has been very kind to me today. First, the grundo plushie gives me a few nps. Then i find a a few more nps while strolling about.
    Now, i get this:
    The Pant Devil's evil twin hands you Disco Bruce Morphing Potion, stolen from his brother. He flies away cackling madly.

  3. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to carlyle in Best Late Trick-Or-Treat   
    As always, I was going through my normal Neopets routine of completing 5 basic jobs and participating in the dailies. When I did the TDMBGPOP daily, I noticed something odd. I took a screenshot and then I realized what happened.
    I suppose that DOES count as a toy. Foolishly, I decided to open it in order to try to score a pair of Black Alabriss Wings and received only junk as my reward. Though I am still kicking myself, I am pretty impressed at my fortune. This is almost, but not quite, the highlight of my day. :laughingsmiley:
  4. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Musical_Shoyru in Usul Subject and Illusens Quest   
    So today I went onto my profile and noticed I was awarded a 3rd place trophy for Usul Suspect! I didn't know I was even in the top! This MADE my day. 7 years of playing games and I got my first trophy! YES! I'm also in the top 30 (#26) highscores for the Illusen Quests!
    Do you remember your first game trophy? How excited where you?
  5. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to teeniem55 in Faerie Quest Help   
    cool thank you! level, health, and strength increases... a lot. i beg to differ on that statement but oh well.
  6. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to jcpet in New Site Themes And Avatars!   
    Oooh, I like the new site themes. I've never been one to use anything other than Neopets Basic but I might change it up for once.
  7. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to nousha in Wishing Well - Have you ever gotten your wish?   
    Unfortunately you cannot get it from the Wishing Well. It gives only items with rarity of 89 or below. And the Rock is rarity 98. :(
  8. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Duskitty in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    That was Delina the Etsy Crafting Faerie, she asks for only NC items. :P But I agree, there's a lot of events that have NC side events squeezed into them, which I'm not fond of.
  9. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to snowangelmidori in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Without a doubt, the random avatars. I've been after the Buried Treasure, Wheel of Knowledge, Wheel of Extravagance, Forgotten Shore, Skarl - Moody, Snowager and Symol avatars for around forever. That and the "we'll get around to it sometime in this vague, distant timeline" approach to updates. The updated Battledome has been in beta since the prehistoric ages and I need my Defenders of Neopia avatars in the modern ages. Speaking of the Battledome, Punchbag Sid. Where art thou Punchbag Sid? Oh and ridiculous trading post offers. If I list that I want 200K, that means I want 200K. It doesn't mean I want a ptolymelon. It doesn't mean I want a ptolymelon and 100 NP. If I wanted a ptolymelon and 100 NP I would list 'ptolymelon and 100 NP'. THE PRICE IS 200K, NO TRADE FOR YOU.
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    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Novelista in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    I agree with the rotting item comment...the same with good names for different pets. I wanted to name a skeith after my favorite NCIS actor, but no go--he's an acara on a rotten account. And I know it's rotten not just because it says "a long, long time"; but it was clearly created back before Lindsay Lohan went off the deep end...after she (the user) watched Freaky Friday, by the looks--the account has Lindsay, Mark Harmon, Jamie Lee Curtis and a name I assume belongs to the actor that played Lindsay's boyfriend.
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    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Deltacow in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Lutaris O.M.G I created one on my side(Witha good name)and I am preparing to transfer it NOPE! It's too,foooooond of me even though I have met it for about 15 seconds,jeezus!
    And...lucky noobs like when some newb makes a account and gets like visited by jacko the phantom painter like 50 times and gets all the random avatars,it frustrates me to no end!And people who play meerca chase and get like 3 fish neggs in a row!And then say it was because of my...skill.Whelp I'm done ranting.
    Edit:Just remebered cause it happened I was going on SW and let's just say I search up one dubloon coin guess the results,were you searching for flaming meepit eating 10-pound one thousand shiny gold dubloon coin of magical backflips,why of course I WAS NOT SEARCHING FOR THAT,shop wizard read some books increase your intelligence please
  12. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Arielo in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Random avatars are really anoying I agree, random anything is annoying actually. I never had luck at all, the odds are never in my favor so I understand you perfectly on this one.
    Putting aside the obvious, getting your neopets, neopoints and all your items stolen from you and never getting them back. Random avatars are the worst.
    Oh and expired avatars and old trophies, it always makes em sad to think that I missed them when I could of gotten them. (I was young and foolish when I started neopets, I did not really know what I was doing half the time)
  13. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to hrtbrk in Unreleased Petpets!   
    Neopets' Birthday is next week but we've found upcoming Birthday Petpets!

    Faellie | Ukali | Babaa | Noil
  14. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Dragons in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    I hate when my pets are dying and when I give them food they say: "Yuck! I'm not eating one of those!"
    Fine! Starve to death!
  15. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Duskitty in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Ahaha me too, I freaking hate it when I defeat a boss and I have to walk all the way back to the person, so I can give them the thingy to make the thingazoinkyjig, to get a whatsafiddle and a binkything so's I can do the quest with a herpderp boss to get a frinkamadink and defeat the OTHER boss so I can FINALLY get the flerpderpamerp to defeat that huge pinkaderp boss and beat the game. :)
    And that is Neoquest summed up in a very long sentence with made-up words.
  16. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Lady Lyuba in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    And - My net has not been responding well on Neo. I went to visit Marina again and clicked the "Heal My Pets" option...and NOTHING happened, because the page would NOT load AT ALL. How do I know? Because there was no increase in my active's HP, and that is all she ever gives me. I visited again, thinking it didn't work the first time, and then I got a "Don't come back here again for another 30 minutes" type message (Okay, she does not actually say that), but I WASTED a whole turn all because my stupid net wouldn't load the page! So nothing happened!
    Actually, something did - I checked my inventory and she gave me another Wet Snowball. I'd love to throw it in her face. >_>
  17. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to allthestickysugar in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Heh heh, looking at everybody else's replies makes me feel bad about what my frustration is... It seems to be a unique issue? XD
    The thing that gets on my nerves the most is that I tend to swear a lot in my regular life, so when I'm writing neomails to my friends, I always forget to censor myself and chill out with the language, so I always get the warnings like, "Hey don't talk about that kind of stuff here!"
    And I'm like "EXCUSE ME I AM AN ADULT WRITING TO MY ADULT FRIENDS LEMME SAY WHAT I WANNA." But I get over it XD It's not a big deal, it's just hard to re-word things sometimes and still get the same message across XD
  18. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Eri_K in what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?   
    Actually, my biggest frustration is having to pay more than 51k to upgrade my gallery... *cries*
  19. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to CherryGrass in Some general questions.   
    Thank you guys for your answers :) I understand a bit better now!
    I decided to join the Awakened faction...purely because it looks cooler than the other two xD
    I guess I might as well try a contest or enter the gallery, it's not like I'd lose anything if I don't win :)
  20. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to slavecrown in Depressed Pet?   
    If I remember right, your pet has to play with a toy about six times for its mood to raise a level. Usually I just get a cheap toy and hit f5 and enter in the item window after I click 'submit' for about twenty seconds, then repeat if my pet isn't delighted yet. I'm not sure the neolodge actually changes a pet's mood - my battle pet's been back in the lodge for a week and its mood is still just "Happy", and that seems to be the case whenever I put them in there if they aren'r already delighted. Maybe it just maintains their current mood level (barring random events)?
  21. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to battlegirl87 in November is becoming a great month!   
    I'm hoping some of your guys good luck will rub off on me, so far the only interesting thing to happen to me this month was a random event last night where it was raining mortogs lol
  22. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 got a reaction from perrin in Gallery Ideas   
    I 100% agree!! I am all about the petpet gallery! I have one too! teampetpets!
  23. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to chubit in Unreleased Zombie Petpets!   
    That Wherfy looks pretty awful*, it's joints look all broken & you can see it's bone! Proper Halloween gore.
    (and by awful, I mean awesome)

    The Gallion looks pretty cool, I think it'd match most halloween pets.
  24. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to Duskitty in Today's Random Events   
    Oh my goodness. Finally, a not-useless RE :D *bounces around excitedly*
  25. Like
    chknlimbosthe1 reacted to lfisher2 in Gallery Ideas   
    I have a petpet gallery. Petpets are expensive and it's taking a long time, but it's really fun and i love getting pretty painted pets and retired/rare ones. They are so cute I just want them all! It's the main reason I play neopets :)
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