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  1. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to pulpfreeoj in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    This is such a heartwarming story (well, the end and outcome are, and they're all the more bright for the scariness in the beginning and climax).
    I hope you and Stripes continue to care for one another, and that his owners treasure him as well.
    I have always liked animals, and have been closer to more animals than I have people. One of my cats is around 15 years old (we got him in December of '99 and he was born around October of that year), and I don't know what I'll do when he eventually passes on. He's mostly just a mouthy needy brat but he's so charming about it that I can't deny him the pleasure of snoozing on my bed all day and a scratch or two when I look at him and find he's looking at me (honestly, I swear cats have hypnotic powers, he can get me petting him for ten minutes at a time or more with just a plaintive meow and a glance!). I understand what it's like to care for a cat so strongly and they seem to love you back; it's truly a privilege.
  2. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Delshnya in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    Your new place sounds nice, especially with such a good company. I usually like the post written by you that I read, and sometimes I think of answering, but I never do, I'm not sure of what to say. But today I will, you should relate this to those people who said that animals are stupid and cannot understand anything that you said. You're lucky to have him (and he is lucky to have you, for what you say, he likes you back), I think eventually you'll end up adopting him.
  3. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Delshnya in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    Thanks everyone! We do like our new place. It's definitely more quiet and peaceful around here.
    Little Stripes looks out for us, so we do the same for him. And I admit, Stripes, when he was a baby was a very special case, but we took good care of him until he was ready to be adopted. As soon as we found out what happened to Stripes, as I said, we forcefully took him back and nursed him back to health, and he has since acted like a "normal" functioning cat. But the ones who had him at the time later said they didn't want a quote "retarded" cat, and thought that hitting him with a bat to "put him out of his misery" would be appropriate.
    Uh, excuse me? His misery or yours? Poor Stripes was hit hard right on his head, and they call that "mercy"?
    As I said, very, very bad things has happened to the people responsible for that monstrous act. That's all I can really say on that. Not much makes me madder than people who hurt innocent animals.
    Now, Stripes has grown, and he is healthy for the most part, and still somewhat underweight (I don't see how, he eats like a piggie!) but he is happy. He really is precious, and I know he is appreciative of what I do and what we all do for him.
    But on days when I'm upset and depressed and all of that... I mean I get really low. Sometimes how I feel scares me, and I feel like giving up, and when I feel like that, I go outside and see Stripes there to greet me, and seeing him there purring, and happy as he could be to see me, and know what he's been through and survived... it really is an inspiration to me.
    Btw, I just checked on Stripes again. He's still sleeping in his little bed. I wonder what he is dreaming about.
  4. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Lia Seeya in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    Ooohh, I looove cheddar cheese in grilled cheese sandwiches. Or mozzarella. But mozza is expensive so I tend to mix it with normal cheddar. :D
    I've never really had Mexican adobo, but Wikipedia says that it's pretty similar to our own in terms of the kinds of flavour it has. Hee! I looove spicy food. SO MUCH. I could slather my pizza slice in Sriracha and never look back. <3
  5. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Shane for Wax in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    I will never understand how people can hurt animals. I know why (thanks, forensics training) but I just can't fathom having the idea in your head to hurt an animal like that. Discipline (light swats on the rear and such) is one thing.
    Stripes is definitely cute, tho. Unfotunately sometimes you just can't do all the things you want to in order to help an animal. But the next best thing is doing all you can, which you are. I'm sure Stripes appreciates it, even if it can't be verbalized like a human.
  6. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to chelperk in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    Awe, that lil Stripes is tooooooooo precious. I'm glad you've got a new place, too!
  7. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Lia Seeya in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    I love Cooking Mama and Cooking With Dog. :D I have tried several of Chef's recipes, including the tofu salad. :9
    I'm Filipino, and my favourite Filipino thing to make is adobo. HOOO-BOY do I love me some adobo! The salty/sour taste, garlicky and peppery, the meat that soaked up the marinade, all over lots of rice. MMMMM, so good!
    Other things I like making are quesadillas, omelettes, grilled cheese sandwiches. Basically anything with lots of cheese. Especially nachos, I love nachos!
  8. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to nicolelouise in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    Hmmm... I don't know that I love to cook. I suppose it's just one of those things I have to do to feed my family. Tonight I made a Sausage Bake for dinner. You simmer sausages in water, slip off the skins, chop them into 3cm pieces (roughly) and place in a lasagne dish. Then I made a tomato, bean and vegetable sauce to go over it, and then I put mashed potato on top of the whole lot and baked it in the oven for half an hour. It's yummy, it's cheap to make, it makes lots (we ate half tonight and will have the other half in a couple of days) and nobody in the family complains about it, unlike other things I sometimes cook. My only issues with it are that I use a lot of pans in the cooking of it and I don't know that sausages are the healthiest thing on the planet. I will say though that this way beats frying them and you'd be amazed at how much fat you see floating in the water you cook them in, which you then drain off. So, maybe it's an improvement?
  9. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Ranaki in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    Yeah, I've actually been watching her videos since I posted xD
    Got hungry in the process <.<
  10. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Ranaki in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    I agree with you, Brian! Candy blasphemy! I'd like to try some sea foam someday. It sounds delicious, and yes! That was the channel I referred to. I highly recommend you watch Chef's bento video, and the video about making pineapple ice cream. Francis is a cute little poodle, so your friend would love the channel, but I warn you to never watch if you're hungry. Chef makes things look so easy and everything looks so good when she is done. Last time I checked, massive drool plus a computer keyboard equaled a disaster. XD
    Ranaki, yeah! Actually, Athena isn't "new" anymore. We've had her since the day after Thanksgiving in November. My brother got her for Christmas. She's still a puppy, only 3 months old. She is a mess and chews up everything, but I love her. Sherbert and Sydney are not happy about having a dog in the house, but it won't be for much longer. When she gets older, she will be a BIG dog. She's part Boxer and part Labrador.
    Thanks also for the recipe suggestions! On the CWD channel, Chef has quite a few videos about making gyoza and different types of buns and potstickers, if you want to have a look! Chef also has a video of how to make the gyoza skins from scratch!

  11. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Ranaki in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    You have a new puppy? This is the first I've read of you having a puppy! D=
    I am partially of Asian ethnicity, but basically a mutt. I love various Asian foods, but potstickers have got to be my absolute favorite! I don't cook very well (that wasn't passed on to me by any of my cultures <.< ) but these are VERY simple and very versatile. The recipe can be just about whatever filling you like + won ton wraps.
    Here's a quick google search ingredient/recipe for you http://allrecipes.com/recipe/pot-stickers-traditional/
  12. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Accidental Cooking Mama   
    LOL Sounds neat Angel! Is this the channel you mean?

    I went looking because I've got a friend who really "digs into" cooking shows, though they apparently never really cook. But my friend is also an avid animal lover, and has a couple of dogs, very small poodles. lol I think she'd get a kick out of this channel. :)
    As for food, I'm no foodie, there's not a lot I actually like or cook. But my late Dad and I used to make this candy called Seafoam. A similar creation is known as Divinity. It's a white, and if done right, fluffy candy. I don't recall the proportions off hand, but it's got Sugar, egg whites, karo syrup (the light colored stuff), vanilla extract and water. In fact if I remember, the recipes are SO close that you'd think they were the same, but I guess one has slightly different steps than the other. My dad always insisted on doing "Double Batches". In fact the recipe card was written to make a double-batch. I suppose because he had a LOT of siblings. LOL Funny story, one year, we were making seafoam, the last year we would do it as gifts to the family, we had to get a new mixer, the Kitchen-Aid mixer we bought was worthless, you need a 2-beater mixer, one that gets the stuff off the walls of the mixing bowl. So we found a Sunbeam mixer with 2 Beaters. And we got the extended warranty, just in case. Well, wouldn't ya know, the seafoam being mixed was so hard on the poor appliance that the gears stripped in the motor. We had to travel back about 50 miles away to return and get a replacement. THANK GOODNESS FOR WARRANTIES! LOL We burned out motors in FOUR mixers that week! The 5th survived and worked for YEARS after! Though we maybe only did one more batch of seafoam again, though I think it was a single, at MY insistence. When the mixer breaks, you have to physically/manually LIFT the seafoam to expose as much of it to air as possible. When it changes from shiny to dull, and if you can make "peaks" in it and they stay without drooping over, it's time to spoon it out of the bowl. And that too is a time-crunch, before it gets TOO solid.
    But after ALL of that, it's probably the best (sweetest) candy around. Best I've ever tasted anyway. LOL And it's SO light and fluffy, it LITERALLY dissolves in your mouth. :D
    SOMETIMES you can find it at candy shops or bakeries, but darnit! A LOT of people put pecans in there... Just, why even bother making it to screw with the sweetness?! It's candy-blasphemy in MY opinion. ;) Though I can't stand nuts of any sort in anything. Although I like several varieties of salted nuts. Peanuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Pistachios are all pretty good. But not IN anything, imho.
    Good luck with your cooking fun! :D
  13. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Delshnya in What is Rich Now Poll   
    I've got a little over 14 mil in the bank right now. The Charity Corner put a serious dent in my funds (over 2 mil), but I have since earned that back. Sandrea has a true knack for earning loads of Nerkmids in the Cosmic Dome. She's netted me 7 in the past week... but I say what's the point of having so many Neopoints if you can't spend it on something worthwhile?
    I feel rich, but not because of the 14 million in the bank, but because frequently, I do shopping sprees and give items out to random, deserving Neopians. It's not the money that makes you rich, it's what you do with it. :)
  14. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to wanderwisp in What is Rich Now Poll   
    I have 4 million in the bank right now, but my goal is to get to the Ultimate Riches bank level, and then I don't really know what I'll do with all of my NP. Occasionally I'll go on sprees but meh. Maybe I'll be one of those rich Random Acts of Kindness users who gift things to sad neopians? Who knows!
  15. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from deboratibi in My TDNF Anniversary   
    I've been a lurker for quite a long time, but I actually signed up on March 28 of this year. My 10 month anniversary is coming up! Happy one year to you!
  16. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to hrtbrk in Dream Pet Winners, Festivities and Mall Happenings!   
    Head to the News page to see if you've won the Dream Pet Contest! Don't forget to visit the Advent Calendar, and the Charity Corner!
    The New Year brings a tonne of new items to the mall including caps, MME and a new Wonderclaw machine. Stay tuned.

  17. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Lia Seeya in Untitled Useless Drivel...   
    Yay! :D I told you that I would enjoy reading one of your stories, and I did indeed! c:
    It's really nice to depict how their friendship started, and exchanging conversation about their names. Good job, Angel! <3
  18. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Lia Seeya in Untitled Useless Drivel...   
    So, I spewed this out on a whim today. It's due for some major editing, but, I thought you guys might like a little story about Sandrea's humble beginnings. (Also, I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, if not, please move it for me.) Anywho, it's open for commentary, and note that this is nowhere near my best work, but considering I've not written in a little while, it's better than the other drivel I've come up with lately. Anyway, enjoy. Also, any tips for a title would be appreciated, thanks loves!
    I knew Sandrea much longer than before she became popular to scout on missions by very important peoples. I suppose you could say that our friendship had the same humble beginnings that our creation did. You see, we weren't always who we are today. There were a lot of hurdles before we got to that.
    I remember the day I met Sandrea. It was a foggy afternoon in the secluded town of Neovia, where fate destined us to be. I had not been long created by what I would later recall to be an "absent" owner, and left to explore the town alone. I felt like a sore thumb on an otherwise perfectly healthy hand. I was a bright red aisha called Ember, and I wandered the cobblestoned streets looking for someone, anyone, that I could relate to. And then, out of the corner of my eye, there she was. I saw her standing there. Another bright red aisha.
    My eyes were in disbelief at first. Could it be? Another aisha like me in this town of proper, Victorian attire? I blinked and rubbed my eyes, just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.
    "Ah!" she sighed. "I'm so glad to have found you!" she said with a cheery smile on her face. "I was beginning to think I was the only aisha here redder than scarlet berries at Christmas."
    "H-hi." I started with a shy smile. "I'm Ember." I said, extending my paw. She took my paw gingerly in hers and shook it with another smile. "I'm Sandrea! Nice to meet you." She looked around the streets of Neovia, and then turned back to me. "I rather like this town. Even though we stick out... everybody here seems to be prim and proper. Me thinks my owner picked out a great place to call home... and now to have a friend too?!" She sighed blissfully.
    "I'm sorry." she said. "I've not been long created and I'm itching to find a place to call home, and then I'm out to adventure all over the world! What about you?"
    I looked down at the ground for a moment. "I was recently created too! My owner is a bit absent though, but don't get me wrong, she's pretty nice!"
    Sandrea looked at me with a glimmer in her eye. "Don't count her out just yet. Give her time to come around. That's what my owner always says. Never expect the worst. Just expect the unexpected."
    Suddenly, Sandrea started to run off towards the Crumpetmonger's pastry shop. "C'mon, let's try out the food here... my treat!" My stomach was rumbling, so I hurried along after her.
    It was because of Sandrea that I now have a love of Neovian cannoli, and a new perspective of life. I spent my early days lamenting over the fact that I was just simple and red, and how uncommon it was for a young female aisha to become magma. Yes, that seemed like only being a dream to me... a dream I nearly gave up on.
    "Sandrea, you never really told me, why is your name Sandrea?" I asked her one day.
    "Why is your name Ember?" she asked me back.
    I thought for a moment. "Well, my owner said when she created me that I reminded her of fire, and that fire was one of those elements of life that she thought I had in me. She said I would bring lots of warmth to those I meet."
    Sandrea nodded her head. "And right she was." She looked at me with that same old cheery smile of hers. "Sandrea is actually short for Sanguine_Dream."
    My jaw dropped. "Sanguine? Like blood?"
    Sandrea laughed. "Yes, it's quite the moniker, I know."
    I scoffed. "It sounds quite morbid."
    "True." Sandrea explained. "But not everything is as it seems. I would consider myself far from morbid, but think of it this way; blood is also one of those elements of life, just like fire."
    "Yeah," I said, "But, why would one dream of blood?"
    Sandrea smiled again. "That's the thing. Don't you know what it means to dream of blood?"
    I grimaced. "Something bad?"
    Sandrea hesitated, then answered, "That's a possibility, but the general meaning of seeing blood in dreams is to be remembered of love, and life, and passion. Don't you see? That's why I love my life. That's why I have a passion for everything I do."
    "And it would seem that name fits you then, huh?" I said to her.
    Sandrea nodded again.
    "Sandrea?" I questioned. "What dreams do you have?"
    Sandrea thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, someday, I hope to be striped, and I hope to help a lot of people, and maybe someday, be in the Neopian Times."
    After a moment of silence, Sandrea spoke again. "Ember, what's your dream?"
    "... To become magma, but that seems impossible."
    Sandrea frowned and leaned in close to me. "Ember, you know how when you really, really love someone, you think 'I can't possibly love this person more than I do right now.' but then tomorrow, you love them even more than you did the day before?"
    "What does that have to do with being magma?"
    "Everything." Sandrea said back to me. "The impossible can occur at any moment, and on any day. Just believe it can happen, and it will. You'll see."
    I remember that conversation very vividly. Actually, it was the first thing that popped to my mind the day I finally became a magma Aisha, and wore my new color loud and proud.
    Sandrea congratulated me on achieving my dream, and suggested we go to the Crumpetmonger to celebrate with cannoli and catch up, as it had been a couple of years since we last saw each other.
    I almost didn't recognise Sandrea at first. She looked gorgeous! She had flowing black hair, and her striped aisha face was stunningly beautiful. She was as lovely as Princess Amira! She had a sachel with her, filled with Neopian Times papers.
    "Ember!" She cried out excitedly. "Did you see the Times? I did an internship at the Neopian Times office, and the boss overheard me doing one of my funny anecdotes, and he gave me a small column in the paper! I get to write back to readers asking for advice! I also get to personally deliver the Times to my hometown! I get to be in the Times, and help others! Isn't that great? I'm so happy! We both achieved our dreams!"
    And she was right. We both loved our lives and lived with passion for our biggest dreams. No truer words have ever been spoken to me than when way back then Sandrea told me the impossible could occur at any moment.
    Yes, the impossible is possible every day.
  19. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Spyke in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    I can't at all argue with what Angel had to say. Awesome points and well said.

    I got my avatar today though :3 My total donations are 50 times. I don't anticipate doing much more than what I've done unless I like some prizes that will be earned in the next few days.

    I'm a bit of a wearables hoarder, to be honest. I only had to buy the Courgette Field background. Let me know if anything goes UB and someone needs one or more of the other items. I have a few spares.

    The best way to reach me is either NM or PM.
  20. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from pinkmanwhite in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
  21. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from pokeneodragon in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
  22. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Bodhi in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
  23. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Angeló in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
  24. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Spyke in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
  25. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from decchild in New Charity Corner Is Here!   
    My two cents on the matter: I don't like this event, and here's a few reasons why...
    1. If people are going to donate, they should just donate. Prizes shouldn't really matter.
    2. I view this event as an attempt to a) get rid of junk on the servers and b ) regulate inflation, and nothing else.
    3. Granny should keep her day job. Her "tags" are robbing more people than the Thieves Guild.
    4. Items that are usually worth 1 np are now selling upwards of 650k or more, and people who can milk it are milking it.
    5. How many people feel left out because they a) aren't mass hoarders and b ) filthy rich? I've got 14 mil in the bank and I'm struggling!
    And this whole "most generous Neopians" list boils my blood because something isn't right about it. It's extremely fishy. This event hasn't been out THAT long. According to the list, some people have donated well over 3,000 times.
    a) what are the odds of you being that highest ranking generous Neopian? Seriously, how many players are on Neo each day?
    b ) many of the same people have constantly been on the list. Really? Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me!
    and my personal favorite
    c) these "users" would have to literally have NO life whatsoever, and be online 24/7, constantly donating to have donated that much, considering the price hikes on items and the serious sitewide lag! I think this whole list thing is just a catalyst to make everybody try to one up each other.
    Donating toys whether it be in real life or virtually, the concept is still the same, and it shouldn't be a competition.
    All that being said, no, I'm not being a cynical grinch, but I am saying this, my eighth tag is coming up. Once I complete it, I'm out. The only reason I've done it this far is because Neopians have helped me, and I have helped them in return. The whole point is to help somebody and give back, which is what I've tried to do.
    Considering it's now Christmas Eve where I am, all of my future donations are going to the money tree, where they belong.
    - Lady Angel out. Peace and Love, Ya'll! <3
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