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Posts posted by Nubisbully

  1. I'm not really sure why smoking (pot) is more egregious than smoking tobacco (around other people.) Unless you're in a tightly confined area or there are a hundred people smoking joints and blowing it at you, you're not going to get the hysterically overblown "contact-high" that everyone complains about.


    It's much more offensive to me, to have tobacco smoke blown your direction or even have to smell drunk people (at a concert or game.) This country is starting to lighten up, which I am very (cautiously) optimistic about.


    I also am horrendously aggravated by people who don't smoke/use mj and especially at pro-mj movements that want medical mj either as a first step, or as an only. This thinking makes no sense and only hinders those who would benefit from it and also keeps the stigma.


    I am planning on moving very close to a state which has legalized mj and currently live in two states, one that does not even have a medical option and has a (fairly restrictive) medical option but has also decriminalized up to an ounce.


    You need to be responsible, end of story. Nothing is completely innocuous, but mj extremely safe when used properly and when compared to the loads of terrible crippling alternative (of which I have tried literally dozens and are responsible for the loss of a decade of my life, I'm only 28 now.)


    I also rarely drink (the mixing of mj and alcohol isn't something I enjoy) and have never done actual drugs so myths dispelled right there.

  2. Super cute Navy! His paws looks huge, he might be a big fella. He reminds me of my friends Maine Coon mix. He's not quite a long haired cat (not fluffy like a Maine or Persian) but he definitely has long hair on his ears and tail. Reminds me of my Chi who had long/short haired parents and came out in between. Any idea how much he weighs? I think he'll be a slender boy but oh my gosh, those huge eyes! :)

  3. I really like that ad (except that's it's pantene) and have a terrible habit of doing that. I'll hand the baby off to his dad and apologize, even though I basically have a dislocating shoulder and shouldn't be carrying him. He tells me that's it's his baby too and to not apologize all the time (in this situation and many others when I feel I've overstepped my boundaries because I'm southern and women should been "seen, not heard.") I think "excuse me" should be used, as everyone should use manners more, in my opinion.

  4. I think that's the right call. This happened to me when I was pregnant (thought it said "afk") because of my need for many bathroom breaks. It's also happened since once or twice as my computer sometimes decides it hates me, and strong winds affect my connection quite a bit. There are also glitches on KQ sometimes. I left a game once, because the players weren't even on the board. The other people kept playing, but they weren't moving properly or even moving at all sometimes. I got fed up and gave KQ a rest for the day.

  5. fullonparanoid: I appreciate that you took the time to respond and give a male voice to this. I usually only have my partner to ask for a male perspective, but he does not subscribe to the "typical" male way of thinking (he's one of those "new-age" crunchy dad types, if you will.) I haven't seen that image but it is incredibly disheartening. I read an article recently by a well known (male, conservative) journalist recently, who believed it was more important to attack statistics (that are impossible to precisely pinpoint) than to support the women who have been attacked.


    I think it is important for men to be heard and to support this idea. Without their voices, they look guilty or like cowards. Or worse, apathetic.

  6. When we have issues like this it's usually the weather (wind, snow and heavy rain are the worst.) Another possibility, although less likely, is that your ISP has restricted your bandwidth purposefully. This can happen for a myriad of reasons but is usually done after they notice (or unfairly accuse you of) illegal downloads. They usually warn you beforehand but that's not required as far as I understand it.

  7. It's also possible that he wasn't abandoned by a human. My first foster litter was about that age or a tad younger and had terrible respiratory issues. They were to be put down that night because they were sick and I got em' just in the nick of time. My most recent was two sisters who were found together at 7 days old and I nursed them back to health (luckily I was working at a vet's office at the time so my anxiety was cheap.) We had little guys come in all the time that were found and the area didn't have many outdoor cats and there were plenty of places to take them, so maybe he's from a feral colony? I just hate to think his situation was due to human negligence.


    He is lucky to have you, and I'm sure he'll clean up wonderfully! Seems like you have a good vet as well, it would have cost double that here to have everything checked out!


    Does he have long hair? It seems his ears are fuzzy but I can't be sure.

  8. I'm currently working through X-Men: The Animated Series with my boyfriend. I can't believe I never watched this as a kid, it's a great show!

    Old x-men is amazing! It was one of the few shows I watched growing up. After that, Batman Beyond is pretty good.


    my fav tv show is True Blood :D although im going to cry as this summer is the last season :( dont watch much tv but on the rare occasion i do i watch Castle,Supernatural or various tattoo shows.Fav movie of all time is The Fifth Element (so nerdy i know )


    I didn't hear that it was cancelled. I didn't think the last season was very good (although it had some strong concepts) but I think they started to loose focus. I will agree that Fifth Element is the best movie...ever. V for Vendetta and Pride & Prejudice are very close seconds however.

  9. I've had my "new" PS3 for over four years as well and it still runs like a champ. It only began acting oddly last week but I suspect that has something to do with my almost toddlers discovering it and being in the "hit something hard with something else hard" phase. :sad01_anim:


    Looking for a new way to situate/store my consoles so prevent the tv from being next.


    I would wait as well. I'd say a year after release personally and go with the PS4. From the time I got my PS2 & XBOX (same day) until now, i've gone through 3 playstation consoles (including upgrading) and 6+ xbox consoles.


    It's your money and if you want a new console then enjoy but I think the Xbox One needs to be out for awhile longer as well, I've heard not so great things on that front. In addition to them not being as reliable and just generally creepy in how they treat customers. Only wish that Gears of War were on the PS3.


    I'd go for a nice bottle of liquor or something :)

  10. It's the change we need towards how women are viewed. Many things are against the law and people still do them and get away with them regularly. I'm not sure how it is in your country (although it seems like you are on a similar course) but here bad guys don't always or even usually get jail time. There has been video evidence of atrocities committed against young women by groups of young men and they aren't convicted. Assault victims here are very often made to feel like they instigated or asked for the crime. I agree that as parents, we need to raise our children better but that doesn't address the failings of society or the law when these things happen.


    I realize that television is entertainment but a show here called "Major Crimes" had an episode where a father had to deal with his rapist son getting out of prison and starting his "hunt" again. He ended up killing his own child to save his future victims, knowing the law had failed and would probably do so again.


    Unfortunately rapists and other predators regularly escape jail time or get out after a short stint, just as child killers have gotten out after 10 years while a woman who kills her long documented aggressor is in for 30-life. The law works sometimes but often it's bias and fickle.

  11. YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! My PS3 is probably/possibly dying and I am waiting until the PS4 has been out for long enough to get the kinks worked out. The PS3 had issues with their first gen console (which I regrettably got the day it came out) but any next gen console will have these issues. I have only heard grumbling from the xbox community (which I have a 360 as well) but if you like Sony, stick with em'. I still regret wasting the money on upgrading to the 360 slim, as it gathers dust on my entertainment center.

  12. I feel the same way about chivalry. Grow up, southern guys held doors, opened car door, pulled out chairs. It was normal but I never felt it was degrading. Of course I can do those things myself but that's not the point. I think that women put up with more in life and shouldn't expect presents or favor but when they receive it(to a degree), they should enjoy it (using sense to see when being baited.)


    Unfortunately, you seem young or perhaps just very lucky in your experiences. (not intended as an insult at all) It also might just be your outlook on life and who you have around you. I've become a very quick (and mostly accurate when it counts) judge of character. I've needed this because a little generosity can turn predatory very quickly. Through years of acquired mistrust and abuse, I no longer expect doors to be held but still welcome it as a nice change and a well raised guy. Through misfortune in my own life and a lack of competent parents, I have had to rely on guys several times for a helping hand. Each time, I payed for it. Staying at a friends house while I sorted out my life and quit my job after a messy breakup, landed me sexually abused and physically threatened with a sledgehammer, being thrown out the the second floor window etc. This is more extreme than a lot of my experiences but I still can't trust most men to have good intentions as even the quite one, kind ones can take advantage of a situation (even long term, very closely trusted friends.)


    I think you have to consider Siniri's point about degrees of feminism. I have read some of the most atrocious man-hating nonsense and then heard someone else speak and agree that she articulated what I felt exactly. There's a girl on youtube who has a huge following and in general, I think she portrays a great feminist view. I think she speaks from a place that lacks experience but her intentions are good. Her videos extend this topic to the larger issues in our culture such as a woman's "duty" to shave, to make sure she is portrays as "pure" and the topic of coercion and assault as they should be definited. I don't consider myself a feminist honestly because I've never really thought about it or felt I needed to be labelled. If asked however, then yes, I would say I'm a feminist but not "radical' because most "radical" versions of anything are dangerous.

  13. I've done it once to see what price I could get him down to when starting out and had few np. It's also happened a few other times when I mistyped on the keypad and made them mad...get booted pretty quickly. Sometimes if you offer a huge amount lower than asking (like 10k less) then they'll get mad sooner. I have a habit of typing too quickly for my old, slow mac.


    I was able to go back in right away but sometimes the price was still set like 5k higher than the original price.

  14. I like that thought. Reminds me of Johnny Depps tattoos. When asked why he kept getting tattoos of girlfriends or passing fads, he said something about having the memory to grow as a person and not try to ignore what's happened in your life.


    Since we have a son together (and quite a few pets,) I think getting a tattoo for my son or any of the animals, would also be a reminder of my bf. Then there's also the having a son part.


    I get weird about loss and try to preempt it, so I want to get "memorials" for my dogs and such before I actually loose them. I don't know that I'd have the courage afterwards.

  15. So far I think the justice system is still the same and if women are incapable of understanding the complexities of the working world how did Elizabeth Blackwell become a doctor and how did Marie Curie discover polonium and radium? Also I thought there was a law stating that if someone were to attack a person the said person could fight back and if someone were to be abused for years and that the abused person's life that is in danger they can kill the abuser because their life was in danger at that moment although the law I mentioned seems to be different in different states I think the rule still applies that they can kill in self defence if they have a good reason and being abused both mentally and physically I think is one of the good reasons also I could have sworn that if it was accidental murder that they could charge less than 30+ years although some laws seem to have unsaid loopholes that some people can get away with.


    Just a quick word of concurrence with AzuraBlue and an example. Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in jail for firing a warning shot at her estranged husband who abused her for years. He trapped her in the house and she shot in his direction, harming no one. She got a retrial after it became known that the judge told the jury that she had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that her husband beat her. IF CONVICTED AGAIN: she could be faced with THREE 20 year sentences. She is a black woman.


    Compare this to how the Treyvon Martin case was handled and it's outcome. Zimmerman (not white but viewed as such in the news and to the general public) was found not guilty. He was allowed to use the "stand your ground" defense while Alexander, was not.


    Being from Florida I know that they are, for the most part, an exception rather than the rule but, it happens more often than is acceptable.


    Casey Anthony is another example but of a white woman (whom I was an acquaintance in high school) getting the better of the court system despite the obvious fact that she was guilty. This one I would throw more to police incompetence, regrettably.

  16. Saxen, I love the beetle, did you sketch it? I'm assuming the crescent would be the moon...or no?


    I was worried about my scars from S.I. and have had mixed reactions from artists concerning covering them. Depending on how bad they are (how deep/large etc) you can try to get them covered but the tissue is odd and doesn't take ink well.


    One of my tattoos is partially over a scar on my leg and you can still tell if you look close (it looks raised a bit but the ink is solid there.) In theory I wanted to have a partial sleeve to cover my "bad" arm but it'd just be impossible and I don't want to waste thousands of dollars and not be happy.


    Good luck with your journey though.


    Agrinwithoutacat: I love the idea of a charm bracelet (I'm sorry to hear about your sister, but a nice way to remember her), I actually think I might snag the idea from you. I've been trying to come up with a way to have a bunch of little symbolic tattoos without it looks like I just had them randomly put on me.


    I also love phoenix tattoos (though some designs look really odd) and also the motherhood idea. I want one for my main pets and something for my baby at some point. I don't trust relationships or people enough to get a tattoo for a partner (though I've been with this one for a long while and we're very committed) but perhaps something to signify the time together in case there's a "live and learn" situation later.


    Sorry, pessimist in me came out for a snip.

  17. I too have been getting the three second blank screen for awhile. I have ads blocked however but always got the np until recently. I think I noticed it a week or so ago and figured that it was my computer. Checked last night for the first time in a bit and same deal, three seconds, spin wheel, no np added to my till.

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