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Posts posted by agrinwithoutacat

  1. Mine initially showed Order of the Red Erisim, not Brute Squad. Then when I refreshed it was replaced with the Brute Squad. Weird.

    In any case, I already have The Awakened and Brute Squad avatars, so I probably won't pick either of them them this week. I don't have the Thieves Guild avatar yet, but it's not looking like they're likely to win. :( I'll give it a shot, though.

  2. In addition to what's been said already, just keep applying and try not to get discouraged if you don't hear back from a lot of places. I recently got my first job, and it took applying to almost everything in town (to be fair, it's a small town) before someone offered me a position. Just keep at it and eventually someone will take interest in you. :)

  3. My routine has pretty much become shampooing once a week. If I'm working out and my hair gets sweaty between washes I'll rinse it real good with water, but I try to avoid the shampoo until I need it. I used to do it twice a week but lately my hair just isn't getting oily until it's been a full week, which is fine with me. It saves money on shampoo and conditioner, haha.

    Angelo's recipe seems like it should work, but let us know how it goes if you try it! I have all of that stuff already, so if it works I'll whip some up whenever my current bottle runs out. It's always good to have some on hand for hair-washing day if I don't have time before I have to go somewhere.

  4. I've been with my boyfriend for a little over two years. Right now it's long distance, though, as he moved back to his home state for a job opportunity. I'll probably eventually move out there to be with him but when is still up in the air.

  5. I feel like it's sort of popular to be a "nerd" these days, and playing a lot of video games falls under that category for some reason. This is why so many girls are taking those "sexy" pictures with their controller or console and making the rest of us look silly by association. I think it's great that girls are getting into games, though. They should be for everyone. It reminds me of when the Powerpuff Girls came out. No one thought it would take off because it was marketed more toward girls and the belief was that cartoons were sort of a guy thing. But it was a huge success, with both genders, and that's how video games are starting to be.

    I've gotten into games the past few years, mostly single player but some MMOs (Star Wars: The Old Republic, for instance). In the online games I don't find that I really get a lot of flak for being a girl. Either the other players must assume I'm a guy despite the female character, or they don't mind. In fact my boyfriend and I were playing SWTOR once, and when a random person we partied up with found out I was his girlfriend he thought it was cool that we played together. Most of my friends are guys these days, and they don't give me any crap for being a girl, either. (At least not specifically in relation to me playing games, we do tease each other in general, haha.) So, overall my experience as a "girl gamer" has been pleasant.

  6. I am totally fine with tattoos. I think today they're much more accepted than they used to be, and that's a good thing. I don't plan to get very many, I don't want to be covered with them, but I generally like how they look on other people. One thing I don't usually like is face/neck tattoos. You can't hardly cover them up, which can really get in the way of getting the job you want, and can cause others to prejudge you. Even if people shouldn't judge you based on your appearance, they will, and you have to consider that when doing any sort of body modification. All of my tattoos will be easily hidden under clothing. They're more for me than for other people to look at, anyway.

    Right now I just have the one. It's a charm bracelet kind of thing on my ankle with (at the moment) two charms. A knotwork heart for everlasting love and a butterfly for my sister who passed away. I plan to get more charms for the other important people in my life (my parents, my husband when I get married, etc.) but so far I don't know what to get for each of them. It has to be something small, which makes it kind of hard.

    I'm considering a phoenix on my shoulder/back area in the future. It's not very unique, but I've been through a lot in my life and come out the other side. Rising from the ashes, so to speak. It won't be for a while, though. I need to be 100% certain of what I want, and I need the funds to pay for it.

  7. Possible the HT - Richer avatar. It's one I otherwise would not plan on getting anytime soon, because it costs so much and I'd just read it to my pet instead of trying to re-sell it. I mean, really. Who would buy it from me, even for less than the full million, when they can get the avatar by buying it for full price?

    Other than that I might buy a TON of cheaper books to read to my pet, or some better battledome equipment.

    Maybe on something worth 1 Million, so I can sell the item and get the money back to save.

    Smart, haha.

  8. Wow, that's insane that that would set off the sensor. I had something similar happen with my shop description. I logged in after some inactivity and looked at my shop, only to find that "This shop's description was found to be unsuitable and was cleared." What? Upon trying to restore it to it's former state I realized I had used the word "screws" (as in, the things you use a screwdriver for). Really, neopets, I can't talk about hardware? Yours is especially ridiculous though, that takes the cake.

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  9. I used to collect stamps, but they got so expensive trying to fill in whole pages. Maybe when i'm richer and willing to part with a few million I'll come back to it.

    For now I collect "boring" books for my gallery. I buy and read a lot of books to my main active pet, and every time he says "That is like such a boring book!" I save it and stick it in my gallery. This way I have a record, so I don't see that he hasn't read it and buy it again in the future. I suppose I could write the titles down somewhere, but that's less fun. :P It's a slowly-growing collection, because most books are not "boring", but it grows nonetheless.

  10. Got 10,000np at the Forgotten Shore, and one of my stocks is up 148%. Waiting to see if it keeps climbing or starts to drop before I sell. The only downside is it'll take me that much longer to get the Sell! SELL!! avatar if I keep selling stocks. Every time I get close, something I have two or three thousand shares in goes up a lot and I sell. Also, I have now used the word "sell" so many times in those last few sentences that it no longer looks like a real word.

  11. Does my dog whining count? :P I'm petsitting and she really wants to play with the visiting dogs, but one doesn't get along well with her and the other is just too old/fragile. I'm afraid he'd get hurt if my six-times-his-size dog were to play with him.

    As for music, I'm listening to "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. I woke up with it in my head and decided why not.

  12. I think it can be worth it if you're not attached to your pet's species/gender/level in any way and are looking for another daily activity to keep you entertained. I used to zap my now-Kyrii every day (was a JubJub to start with). I kept a log of what happened and everything, but I got tired of it. When she (or is it a he now? I forget) got turned Christmas and I happened to have a bunch of Christmas-themed wearables I decided to just keep her that way. I have no interest in zapping my other pets, so for now my lab remains dormant. Same with the petpet lab ray.

  13. I don't like when people quit on me, so I try not to do it to them. The only exception would be if I started lagging so bad that I couldn't play. In that case I might just quit and try again later. On this computer I rarely have lag issues, though, it's mostly my old laptop that does it.

  14. I have fun with the stocks. It's slow earnings, sometimes you have to wait a really long time for a stock to get high enough to warrant selling, but I have fun watching them grow/shrink.

    Other than that, Key Quest can be fun if I have time to kill. I keep getting silver, though, and the prizes I get are largely junk. Maybe one codestone per 5-10 pieces of 1np items. Oh well, I still earn np just by playing and it should be more for fun than for earnings, right?

  15. Now that you mention it, it DID look a little funny. I didn't notice until I logged back in this morning and it looked bigger/more solid. That must be what happened, I feel silly for not thinking of that. D'oh!


    In any case, it seems to be fixed now. Thanks for the help, guys!


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  16. So, I got bored and decided to revive my habitarium. We'll see how long this lasts, as I don't have a good track record for keeping up with the little guys, but for now I'm trying to make it work.

    The problem I'm having is that my petpetpets won't harvest stone. I can drag them over to it and they'll start to go through the harvesting animation, but when they're done they don't have any stone and they just wander away and do something else. I've tried refreshing the page, but no luck. I also checked to be sure my storage isn't already full, and it isn't.

    For now they can continue to harvest other things but I will need stone in the future. Any ideas?

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