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Posts posted by agrinwithoutacat

  1. Often I wait for mine to get over 100% and then sell, but I'm always afraid it will continue to go up afterward. I've been being very patient with NAKR recently and it's gone up to 200% which, since I have 3000 shares, is a lot of profit. If it keeps climbing then I'll regret selling, but if it drops down significantly before I sell then I'll regret not selling. :/

    It got me thinking about what other people do in these situations. Is there a method you guys use to determine when to sell?

  2. I kind of understand. My job isn't soul-sucking, but I don't like it either.

    Retail just isn't a lot of fun, and at my job they kind of throw you to the wolves as far as training goes. One day they stuck me behind the customer service desk, with nothing except a quick review of how to answer the phones and transfer calls. There was one other girl behind the counter with me and then she got sent off to do something else and I was alone. I had to keep hunting down a manager who was busy running the register (why they didn't put me there and her in customer service, I don't know) to ask what to do. I felt so unprofessional having to say, "I don't know how to do what you want, let me ask." Then, on the same day, they put me at the returns desk, something else I'd never done before. I know that's how it is when you do something new, you have to ask questions, but I'd have preferred someone actually being on hand to help me out.

    I hope your teaching job is more fun than the last one was! Hopefully it won't be as bad as you remember it being, and you'll feel a bit better about it. If not, well, at least it pays, and it's only temporary. :)

  3. The way I see it, if you're not hurting anyone or yourself, be who you want to be. This includes LGBTQ, furries, etc. I know people who are trans, people who don't identify strongly with either gender, and people who just like to bend the "rules" a little bit while still identifying with one or the other. When I was younger I didn't really "get" the trans thing, but finally it clicked for me that sex and gender are different things. I'm also convinced that you can't change someone's gender, no matter how hard you try. Look up David Reimer, if you're fuzzy on that. (Summary: Crazy doctor trying to prove his hypothesis convinces a family to raise their son as a daughter after a botched circumcision; it doesn't work.)

    I'm pretty certain there's some physiological reason that you are whichever gender you are, we just haven't found it yet. A gene or set of genes, or something in the brain, there's some reason for it. A lot of the people I know who are transphobic feel like it's whatever your chromosomes are, whether you're XX or XY, but that can't be the case. There are men with complete androgen insensitivity, whose bodies don't recognize male hormones. Instead, they get female hormones from their mother in the womb, and usually no one knows they're not female until they don't start puberty. Despite having a Y chromosome, most of them grow up to be heterosexual females. There are documented cases of some who decide to make the change to being male, but most feel most comfortable as a woman. I challenge those transphobes to tell all of them that they have to transition to being a man because, genetically speaking, they are one. It's not that simple.

    So, to reiterate: it's not harming anyone, it's not a "delusion", it's just the way they are, and the only harm is trying to force someone to be something they're not.

    I don't know what I'd consider myself. I don't really wear men's clothes because I don't feel secure in them. I'm plus sized and have a larger figure, but I find clothes for my size very easily. My overall weight is distributed very well. I always wear jewelry, I try to do some makeup even though I took a break for a while.


    The only thing is, based on my personality I might as well be a guy. I love potty humor even if it's offensive and the majority of my free time this Summer has been spent on video games. I listen to music that degrades women and I just don't care for romantic comedies, what celebrities are dong etc...


    I burp and fart and don't care if it's ladylike or not. So I don't really know what I am.

    I'm similar. I dress feminine, I love jewelry, and I'm trying to learn how to do make-up other than basic eyeliner and mascara. I have a small girly voice, feminine figure, etc. For all intents and purposes, I identify as a heterosexual female and I'm secure with that. However, I play video games, most of my friends are guys, I don't mind crude humor or music, my boyfriend likes romantic comedies more than I do, etc. Apparently my communication style is more masculine, too. Heck, my boyfriend thought I was a guy when we first met online. My profile picture wasn't a picture of myself, my real name is androgynous (I go by Lucy on neopets, though, which is definitely feminine), and he just assumed I was male for a few weeks until someone said something that made him realize I wasn't. (After all, everyone on the internet is a guy until proven otherwise. xP) He was shocked. Even after that he's always treated me like one of the guys, which I don't mind. I don't think he truly saw me as a female until we met up for the first time.

    Likewise, he has a lot of feminine traits while still being masculine in many ways. He wears an earring, he grooms his eyebrows and shaves a lot of his body hair, he takes a lot of pride in his appearance. He likes romantic comedies, and he doesn't mind girly singers like Vanessa Carlton or Carly Rae Jepson. But he's also into bodybuilding, loves a good poop joke, and listens to a lot of really crude music alongside the girly pop stuff. In high school, some of the other kids thought he was gay because he was abstinent, had a ton of female friends, and just didn't care to follow all the "rules" for being a guy. Family members have even asked him if he's gay, in the past. He's just very secure in his masculinity, to where he doesn't feel the need to be "masculine" in everything he does.

    I think most of us, if you really look at it, have masculine and feminine traits. Most of us are more one than the other, but not always. It's a spectrum, just like sexuality is, and it's all about finding what part of it you feel most comfortable in.

  4. Both sets of piercings I have were done with a gun, and I luckily had no troubles with them. I barely felt them, either. The noise was more of a shock than anything. I got my first set when I was 6, and I remember another girl in the shop watching and saying she was surprised that all I said was "ow". She had cried when she got hers done, apparently. I have a decent pain tolerance, though. I also hardly felt my tattoo; it was more irritating than painful.

    I definitely would get any future piercings done at a reputable tattoo/piercing shop though, and if I have daughters who want their ears pierced that's where I'm taking them. I have heard horror stories before and no longer trust the guns as much as I trust a straight up needle. I think only lobe piercings can be done with the gun, though, and I don't plan to get more of those as I have tiny ears and it wouldn't fit. So, I'd have to go to a proper shop to do any future ones anyway.

  5. OH, I just remembered, I met an old boyfriend on neopets. I was thinking I'd met him somewhere else, so I just mentioned the current boyfriend, but I actually met him on the neoboards when we were like 13. We exchanged emails and lost touch but started talking again when we were about 15. So I guess I have met a neofriend after all.

  6. I have two in each earlobe, and so far that's it. I've thought about a cartilage piercing, but I'm still iffy enough to not get it done. I'm also iffy on a belly-button ring, I might want one but I'm still mulling it over.

  7. It's not weird in the slightest to pick a male. I choose a male avatar on Unreal Tournament because the girls all look lame, to me. In general I pick a female avatar, especially in games where you can customize the appearance, but not always.

    In some games I've been forced to pick a male. There was one wrestling game for the PS2 (can't remember which one, but I believe it was one of the Smackdown vs Raw games) where I basically had to be a guy. They had the option to make a diva, but you couldn't compete in all the match types as one, because in real life you never see a diva in a Hell In A Cell Match (and against guys, at that). So I had to make a male character, which was annoying because I really liked my diva until I found out she was hardly playable. :(

    I also know people who are into e-fedding (basically role-playing, but centered around a fictional wrestling federation) who write as the opposite gender. It's totally common and no one bats an eye.

  8. I met a friend through a guild who I later met in "real life", but she was also a friend of a friend (that's how we ended up in the same guild) so I don't know if that counts. In any case we ended up taking the same dance class and she was a lot of fun.

    I have met people that I met through other places, though, like internet forums. My boyfriend and I originally met online, actually, and I went to visit him across the country for the first time when we were still just friends. That was an adventure, haha.

  9. I have a lot of pets, but the one that would qualify as a best friend is Molly, my dog.


    This was taken Halloween 2010, but she still looks the same. It's my favorite picture of her.

    She loves to cuddle, and she can always tell when you're not feeling well and will spend more time with you. Animals really are special that way. I trust this dog more than I've trusted any other dog. I can put my face right up to her face and not worry about her freaking out or snapping at me like some dogs do when you invade their space. I've put socks on her, Halloween costumes (last year she was a bumblebee, but I don't have any good pics of that), and she's just the most patient dog ever who puts up with all my shenanigans.

    Sometimes she's annoying, like when there's a thunderstorm (she's afraid of those), but on the whole she's just the best dog ever.

  10. Happy belated birthday! Donuts sound delicious, I almost never get to eat them. I love the giant cinnamon rolls most donut shops have, and of course the classic "Homer Simpson" cake donut with pink frosting and sprinkles. Mmmm.

    Anyway, enough donut talk, haha. I hope you have fun with your new games, that's always exciting, and I hope the rest of your week is just as awesome! :)

  11. Ooh! I love cooking and baking, and I love alfredo sauce! I've never made one from scratch before, but it sounds delicious. It it possible for you to send me the recipe, or did you just wing it?

    One of my favorite pasta dishes is from my boyfriend's family, it's their take on pasta fagioli. Usually it's a soup but theirs is literally "pasta and beans", with a little (ok a lot) garlic and some olive oil. Top with cheese and crushed red pepper and you have a simple, cheap, and delicious meal. Unfortunately I don't get to make it very often because my dad isn't a fan. If I add chicken he likes it better, but then it's not really the same thing and it's sort of an abomination according to my boyfriend. xP

  12. I have never gotten anything from The Coincidence, good or bad (except the avatar in the beginning). Just lost neopoints spent on fetching items. I gave up when I realized I was just rejecting the quests every day anyway due to them being too expensive for likely getting nothing in return.

    That sucks that REs outside of The Coincidence are being mean to you, too. I haven't had that problem, so far, but I'm not getting a lot of REs in general either.

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