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Posts posted by astro

  1. Love the Wraith. One of the better wraiths out there! The clothes are nice and I've been asking the Editorial for a Biscuit Tonu for over a year... I think it looks PERFECT!


    I'm sure I wasn't an influence but I'd like to think I was - SO THANK YOU TNT FOR BEING RAD! :dance:


    I think the female outfit with the biscuit color would look super duper cute!

  2. Welcome to TDNF, Riah. What a lovely name! I lived for a long time in North Carolina. What general area do you live in, if that's not too personal? :D


    I lived in Florida for awhile, I moved here about a year or so ago. I live in Germanton. It's rather small, closer to the Virginia line.

  3. Hello everyone, my name is Riah. You can either call me astro or riah. I'm 21 years old and I live in the rural state of NC.

    I spend a lot of time on neopets, mostly working on trophies and my pet characters. It's lovely to be a part of this site!

    I'm new to this forum so if I'm slow to respond just bear with me. ^_^

    I can't wait to be a part of the wonderful community here!

    If you're wondering about my username, it comes from my love of space aha.

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