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Posts posted by CassandraA

  1. I don't think there's a way to temporarily self freeze. I got hacked and they changed my password. I couldn't recover it because I forgot the old email password, and now my account is frozen. Some people on the neoboards are saying TNT did this to protect you if you sent in a ticket, which I had done. I would suggest making sure your email is updated so you can recover your password asap if need be. (also if you're super paranoid you could move some of your valuable stuff and np to a side account so it isn't all in one place)

    here's a thread on the boards http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=158241079&next=21

  2. So I have a new question...

    I neomailed my old account from my side and received an official warning. I said "please give my account back. I'm sure all my money is gone but can you change the pword back". I knew this wouldn't work but I figured it was worth a shot :( but the warning was awhile after the neomail was sent. Does that mean they reported me? Or is it just automatically detected?

  3. So I went to login on my phone this morning and my password didn't work. I tried 5 times, no caps lock. I try the forgot my password and it said its not a valid account. I login from my side to check my profile and it looks like it isn't frozen but all the items from my gallery are gone (idk why, only a handful of things were worth anything). Idk where to go and what to do. After 12 years I'm not rebuilding if I don't get my account back :(

  4. I've already gifted some people, so i might as well post my list too! I'd appreciate any battle gear for my gelert (I want to get some more battledome avvies), stamps, cards, or things missing from my jelly gallery :



    And thank you to deboratibi and marjolein71 who managed to get me exactly what I wanted before I even posted my list! :) <3


    Thank you midnight_spell360 for the water jelly ,battle gear, and all the stamps!!!!

    Thank you paperdoll66 for the moulded jelly dessert!!!!

    Thank you ranga_muffin for all the stamps!!!

    Thank you vetski2 for all the cards!!!

    Thank you rejoyce_20 for the stamp!!

  5. It looks like your store is pretty small right now. You could try expanding your store and stocking as many items as you can. I liked to buy extra stuff and keep it in my sdb, that way I could always restock immediately. The more you have in your store, the more you'll sell. Good luck with your store :)

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