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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. 1. You may come visit me at my Rainbow Fountain any time! I'll be happy to reward you with a brand new colour!
  2. Thanks for the information. I found out from a friend that we can collect these bags on our side accounts too!
  3. Since I'm having a hard time with my computer I have decided to number each RE here so I can better keep track if any RE's come up missing. 1. Legretta_Abyss's gained 2 strength points and 2 levels!
  4. I have been lucky the last 2 battles. It felt great to finally win a couple in a row. I am going with Thieves Guild this week and hoping for the best. When you win and chose the Space Faerie Scratch Card Boon for each card you scratch your given a 1000np extra. I now have 90 cards and the whatever allows you to scratch them is still broke. So I am unable to scratch any. I only scratch them if I have the Boon for the extra 1000np's. I sent a ticket months ago and feel like I personally matter to Neo less than a bag of peas. My closet is still broke after 2 years. No help with that but told they'll get right one it. No reply about the cards. I get one a week and they're still there 90 weeks later. Wish my Premium Membership counted for something other than a reduction in ad's No matter what Fraction you choose I wish you good luck and hope you win!
  5. Hi Duma, I kept track yesterday of each of the RE's I got was a 1. Spooky Nimmo Stained Glass Window 2. I found1220 np's 3. A Buzz Sheet Music OK now I'm ticked ! I had all of them in a neomail message off to the side and when I was coping to post here to show you I touch something else and I deleted the message but before I started coping them I counted the RE's and there was 19 in my message to myself. When I do count of the the message board there are only 11 posted RE's. I'll start over again today but there are 6 missing. I am so upset with myself!
  6. Well, thanks for letting me know! I kept wondering what was happening. Sorry to cause the extra work but I will tell you for a fact that some of my posts are coming up missing. The one I stated about the Faerie I was for sure but until that although I noticed some were missing I wasn't keeping track of which ones only the fact that I wondered where they went. I guess now I'll have to keep track of my posts so I can report the missing posts. You have explained a lot and I'm glad I wasn't breaking any rules, that was never my intent and I refresh before I post the next one because it will tell me how long it's been. As you said the edit is limited and if I have 3 minutes before the edit ends I will still post in the same box. I put as many as I can in 1 box. As far as the missing post I am SURE it was there because it came after one but before another and it was definitely posted. I'm going to try and keep track of each one so I can say for sure what is missing but I hope it isn't necessary. I wish I could do something to help with you having to combine my posts but I don't know what it would be.
  7. Oh what a cute petpet! Keep zapping or keep it?
  8. " Turmy is AWAKE! " You have awoken the great Turmaculus... and he has completely restored your pet"s hp...
  9. I have noticed that when I post RE's that they are being moved or disappear. Last night I know I posted an RE from a Faerie that had given me a large amount of NP's. I don't remember the correct amount but around 17K np's. Now that post is missing altogether. Also the fact we can't edit posts after 30 minutes I always refresh the page before posting so I'm sure if I have time left to put another RE in the box, sometimes yes, sometimes no. If no I go to the next reply box and add the new RE I usually have no more than 3 RE's per box for that reason. Lately though I've been noticing when I come here to post the next day my RE's are stacked as many (last night) as 7 on top of each other. The one before that has 8 RE's in the box, stacked. No way I did that. A couple more posts above that another 8 in the same box. Even before we could edit at anytime I was never able to get that many into one post. One posted on Nov 4 has 12 ! in a box. Also the time frame of when they were posted is all wrong and the the posts are not in the order I posted them. Nov 5 has 9 posts in the same box with no time at all. Then I see some that say they were posted 20 hours ago but I know it hasn't been more than a few hours. So, I really have know idea what's going on but I find it strange that posts are missing or moved around and posted out of the order I post them and worse of all some come up missing like the Faerie one with the large amount of NP's. Has anyone been having this happen to them?
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