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Posts posted by happybox22

  1. I have a question,

    I had my pet zapped into the color Desert, later that pet was Zapped to a different color but the desert clothes are still in my closet. Is that a glitch?? The clothes aren't even usuable, I can put them on my pet but it won't save.

    This girl knows whatsuP!



    Also thanks for the reply I'mma try to rezap my pet thanks for the answer!

  2. Wow how did you do that? I mean, what was TNT reason to help you get it back? My brother has recently been denied access to his old one :(

    Send a 3 paragraph essay on a tiny box on how much I miss my account, they then said they fixed it cause there was a glitch on the password and emails and I still couldn't log on so they asked me several questions to confirm if the account is mine and I answered them to the best of my ability and got it.


    Honestly though I think they gave me the account because it has nothing in there but the account age + dessert poogle + 200k np which my main made tenfold of that now :T



    Just wondering guys, could I leave my stock market on my main account and retrieve it slowly as time passes on and slowly move it to my main account? Or do i have to start completely over?

  3. I thought it would never happen since I constantly hear complaints how they NEVER reply and such and they actually replied pretty quickly the moment they reached to my ticket after 2 months or so LOL



    Check out Jenniferxox, im pounding 2 of my other pets soon e_e also got hacked and typed like a newbie but nonetheless I'm so happy to get my account back :D. Thought I had to share GIGGLES


    Now to relevel my habitarium to 50 on that account and such OTL ugh... so much work.

  4. It's not restricted just because of NC. It's restricted because they instituted customization- something the user base requested for YEARS before they finally did it. I'm sure NC helped them believe that the cost was worthwhile (because really, how much time went into redrawing EVERY PET), but it's not like they did this random thing that no one wanted and just sneakily cackled, "heh heh heh, now they must pay us for clothing for their pets!"


    Especially since you don't HAVE to customize your pet at all, and there are lots of beautiful NP clothing. I use almost exclusively NP, and I have had no problems with customizing any of my pets.

    If they did this for the user base(something I hardly see based on what I saw from TNT aka their NC system), then shouldn't they be giving us an option whether to convert or uncovert our pets? Some of us might actually not like the new changes and want some of their pets be uncoverted.


    I am aware that there is NP items for customization but that doesn't make everything better the fact they took away some of the beautiful art works that the old Neopet staff had AKA the faerie petri. I feel like this whole thing is, okay we changed your pet to customization, hehehe you'll eventually want to buy NC with all the advertisements and NP clothes that we give out, why stick with the boring NP items when you could have fancy NC items with ridiculous trading system?


    Not going to derail thread but this is my opinion 0_0.

  5. You know what could be another money grabbing method that TNT could use to get even more money then they do with that evil system NC?


    They could sell this item that could make your pet converted or unconverted lolol.











    if you take off the halloween outfit for this Shoryu o .. o would they look exactly the same? LOL




    I feel bad for korbat lovers, it seems like alot of bland paint brushes are them LOL.



  6. It's quite awkward to see :P. I was looking at the faerie painted pets and I feel like TNT were so lazy on making these they just slapped them with wings and called it a day LOL.




    http://pets.neopets.com/cp/m7q6xfct/1/2.png look at this chia, like you can hardly see the wings LOL!






    http://pets.neopets.com/cp/2wsqgt78/1/2.png for something that is a unicorn o_O I wished Tnt put something more pretty with this :<



    I'll add some more later from other paint brushes but some of these pets I would never not in a million years spend a crapload of neopoints on :P

  7. Shoyru Yellow, the red ones are like... happened to you

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  8. The only reason I would spend NC would be on my habitarium. Especially for coloring my storages, hospitals, etc cause those are so pretty!


    Well I guess Neopets has to earn money in some way huh

    Really? I find using NC on Habitarium is the most wasteful next to clothes. o_O


    I guess they need ways to make money but they shouldn't be using silly methods like what I was ranting about. Yeah sure it could reel the most profit but I feel like the service they are providing are no better than WalMart. Honestly, I found more joy when Adam and Donna was around, because right now this game feel more like a commercial game you'd get for your kids to make them stop bothering you rather then an actual genuine game.


    Don't get me wrong I still love this game but it's alot less fun now since it became more commercial and business like with a crap load of children advertisement.



  9. That's so ridiculous... LOL I was planning to by nc but with the system that TNT made I changed my mind. They ain't getting a single penny from me. I'm probably just gonna get NC for SSW and that's it tops. It's not worth the hassle imo to trade "cash" items that I already graciously spent the money for to work again and find the items that I want. That ridiculous.


    They should be grateful that we're even spending money on a free to play game, why would they even take advantage of that and make a stupid system where we have to trade or whatever to get another item?!

  10. I find it so ridiculous how not ALL the items that exist in the database for NC isn't available all at once. I made an outfit at JellyNEO NC mall but what's the point if I can't purchase the item at the very moment? Can someone please explain to me why NC is so popular if you can only have a small selection of items monthly or am I browsing NC mall incorrectly? They would make MORE profit if they left all the data of the items they have on the mall rather then releasing a small x amount of items. Am I the only one that feels this way? I come from a different online game where EVERY update they have they KEEP it there and not discard it no matter what.

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  11. Alright thanks for you guys help also is it a fair trade if it's



    item + 300k = 700k a good idea? or should I be looking for pure neopoints? Cause I just got an offer that giving me 100k less if I get it in full neopoints and I don't know if it's worth it

  12. I'm look for strategy on ways on how to sell unbuyables. i recently snagged two very expensive items that could sum up to 500-800ks and the only problem I have is that I don't know how to sell them other then trading post. What sort of methods do you guys have for, to sell such expensive rare items that not alot of people demand for?

  13. The 500k I can\'t find anywhere! I'm planning to start my lab map but it seems I can't find the most expensive peice anywhere! what do i do o_O


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