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Frostfire Rockwind

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Posts posted by Frostfire Rockwind

  1. I always thought the unwearable clothing was weird, too. (In fact, since there still seems to be a lot of it, I have a section in my gallery called the "Ironic Closet", where I dump whatever unwearable clothing items I happen to stumble upon.)


    While customization is fun, though, adding it in made things very......uniform, not just in positions (as mentioned above) but in body shape and design across a species. The Tyrannian Korbat used to have a pterodactyl head instead of a bat head (for all the sense that made). The Darigan Buzz was practically a wasp. My favorite example, though, has to be the Halloween Lupe. UC, he's a big scary werewolf, all upright and musclebound and whatnot. Now, with customization...he's a slightly shaggy wolf with pants. That's pretty much it.


    Also, I don't know if this is technically a "feature", but......boy, I sure miss the days before the Neopets economy inflated like crazy. I may not have been rich then, but I sure wasn't poor. The good old days.

  2. "The Neopian authorities are cracking down on counterfeiting. Your 'doughnutfruits' have been confiscated, and you have been fined 500np for each one in your possession. Hey, at least it wasn't jail. How could such an honest shoyru have led you so wrong?"


    ......it's probably for the best that I'm not a member of TNT.... :evil:

  3. Well, on the plus side, I'm not the only one thwarted by this P3's stubbornness, it seems. It's always been some other item to be stolen by the Pant Devil, turned to sludge by the Wheel of Misfortune, or dropped into Bart's apple-bobbing barrel. If I didn't know better, I'd think this Vernax had built a house and started a family in my Inventory; it just won't leave.

  4. I seem to have much worse luck than the others here. I've had a Vernax in my Inventory for a few years now. Boochi has popped up to zap my Shoyru 4 times in that span, but the P3 hasn't budged from my inventory, no matter how often I refresh. Here's hoping your Mootix is less stubborn.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions so far. I was kinda afraid that Von Roo and the Lab Ray would be my only options. I rarely catch Von Roo anymore because he doesn't wake up until about 2am my time, and as for the Ray, well...would you believe after all these years I still haven't completed that map?


    Fortunately, I don't have to worry about Pyrodrax's hp being too high. Right now, he's sitting at 79 (which is where I discovered it can only be double, not triple, his level). I was hoping not to have to use codestones to train him just yet, mostly because selling the ones I get is my primary source of income right now.


    I'm a little surprised Movement isn't easier to increase. It seems to be a stat no one really cares about, so I was assuming there'd be a few items out there that could boost it and would be particularly cheap.

  6. I'm not sure if this belongs here in the Help section, or over in the Battledome section, but I'm sure a friendly mod will correct me if I'm wrong. :whistle:


    Between Coltzan's Shrine, Deadly Dice, and apparently misreading one of the training articles in the Battlepedia, my Shoyru Pyrodrax is now just a couple levels too high to train at the Swashbuckling Academy. (Apparently, hit points can only go up to double your pet's level there, rather than triple. This is good to know.) Pyrodrax still has some Academy-level training to do, a little in Strength and Defence, and rather a lot still in Movement. (Yes, I know Movement is basically worthless, but I'm a completionist that way, and would prefer to have it up as high as his Strength and Defence scores.)


    So here's what I need: 1) What is the most reliable way to lower a Neopet's level? In order to train with Cap'n Threelegs, Pyrodrax needs to be exactly level 40, which means I need him to lose two levels...no more, no less. 2) What is the most financially efficient way to increase a pet's Movement score? At 32, Movement is Pyrodrax's lowest stat by a lot, and I would like to correct that as much as possible, preferably without spending any more NP than I have to.


    I've poked around the various Battlepedia articles, but so far haven't found what I'm looking for, so any and all input is appreciated. (As a sidenote: It would be really nice if it were possible to search the Battlepedia for a specific stat, say "Level" or "Movement", or even "Intelligence", and have it pull up everything that can impact that stat, both positively and negatively.)

  7. I've tried playing the Post Pebbles Bejeweled knock-off game, but the last couple times I've played, after submitting my score I get a message saying it is under review, and if it is deemed valid, I will get my NP and it will be entered into the hiscore tables.


    Is this normal? Am I somehow cheating without meaning to? The last time I got that message, I received a neomail a couple days later saying it was all good and I got my NP...but now I have the message again. I just want to make sure that playing this game isn't going to get me frozen or something.

  8. I'm on the "Fix the Minigames" bandwagon, too. As one of the people with a hyperslow computer, there is no point in even pretending to play most of the minigames, and I find myself groaning whenever anyone lands on that square. Shenkuu Showers is the only game I can think of that I have a decent shot at, since the computer doesn't have to be all that fast to keep the umbrella over the petpets' heads. The rest, though? In the time it takes to tip the water can once, the game is over. My mouse doesn't even draw the lines to loop around the petpetpets, and my little robospyder moves so slowly there's really no reason for anyone to catch it with that purple goo (but they still do, and it doesn't wear off again until the game ends). And yeah, that new glitch where the cursor mysteriously disappears has been coming up, too, and has caused me to accidentally go the wrong direction or select the wrong powerup/key once or twice on the board, because I can't see for certain what I'm clicking and have to guess.


    As nice as the extra codestones and money are, I never make ten keys in one day, and I haven't even played at all in a couple days, and it's pretty much all because the minigame issues just make it too grueling to tolerate for me. Just fixing that one thing would make it an infinitely more enjoyable experience (though I suppose there would be something to be said for a guarantee that I'm not going to turn in a gold key only to be "rewarded" with three 1NP items, too).

  9. What a neat holiday (that I have somehow managed never to have heard of, in all the years I've played). How many years has Neopia been celebrating the Festival of Neggs?


    And for that matter, what time today did it actually start? Because when I sat down at the computer and saw it going, I only had about three hours or so to do everything there was to do today (which hardly seems fair).

  10. When I came back after a habitarium hiatus, I still had a couple P3s running around yet, but apparently all my nesters had died. When that happened, the Professor came around and gave me a single Mootix Nester egg. I doubt that would always be a Mootix, but from the message that came up, I'm guessing you only have to run out of nesters to guarantee a new nester egg, and meanwhile you could hatch and use as many workers and soldiers as you please.

  11. Remember, the obelisk hasn't been opened yet. There could be anything- I'm hoping for a new species. The last new species was Lutari (I think) which was 7 flippin' years ago, on 19th April 2006. Link to the news for that day, you have to scroll down though.

    We're about due for a new species.


    It would be cool to see a new species...though I have no idea what sort of critter it might be, to come out of this obelisk. I'm wondering if the obelisk is some kind of portal (maybe magical, maybe just literal) to a new location in Neopia...sort of like how the Ice Caves cracked open to reveal Tyrannia in the first place. (It's getting hard to remember that all of Tyrannia is supposed to be underground, Lost World style....)


    Also: Yay, I can "Like" things now!

  12. Wheel of Mediocrity: Fireballs (half damage to all pets)

    Wheel of Excitement: All pets completely healed (how's that for timing?)


    As I recall (from oh so long ago), Fire pets are immune to the damage from the Wheel of Mediocrity's fireballs...so why is it that Magma pets are not, I wonder?

  13. Well, I think the PPL would take issue with people dumping their petpets in lava...


    It can't be all that bad. Every time Boochi strikes, I end up tossing an adorable baby shoyru into a pool of lava, and he always seems to turn out just fine. :p

  14. Boochi. Bleeping Multiple-Expletives-Deleted Boochi. Baby Neopets are adorable, sure, but the color doesn't appeal to me personally, and what's more, they are almost completely uncustomizable (unless you feel like springing for the NeoCash, of course). I know there are people out there who would love a visit from Boochi, so why-oh-why do I have to deal with him? Pyrodrax, my main pet, has been Boochi'd four bleeping times, and I don't even play all that regularly. If I hadn't taken the time to learn my Magma Pool time, I'd probably lose all my Neopoints getting paint brushes just to de-Boochi him. Seriously, couldn't Boochi just show up and throw the Baby Paint Brush at me? Then I could sell for pure profit, someone could get a Baby Neopet who actually wants one, and I wouldn't have to worry that any second, Pyrodrax will earn his fifth set of baby clothes to take up space in the Closet.


    On a less vitriolic, more dully irritating note, the Return of Sloth plot bugs me, too, in a "constantly in the back of my mind" sort of way, because I missed it. I had been wanting to see Dr. Sloth come back for years, and was looking forward to having an account that could participate in defending Neopia from him in a meaningful way, and then when he finally came back, I was on hiatus. And to make matters worse, I've been slowly working at getting the various Shoyru paint brush sets, just to have them available, and I've been wondering how I could possibly get the Robot Shoyru casings without exposing my pet to the lab ray. So, of course, the plot I'd been waiting for, the plot I missed, comes complete with a ray-gun prize that turns a pet Robot...and is No-Trade, meaning I can now never acquire one ever...only look and see that the exact item I've been wanting exists in a place I can never get it. *sigh* So very, very annoying....

  15. How should I go about transferring Neopoints to a side account (and back again)? I would like to earn the Soup Faerie avatar, but I want to make sure I don't do anything that's going to get my account flagged or frozen or anything. Is there a specific "Give So-And-So X Neopoints" command somewhere, or do I have to sell myself something ridiculously overpriced on the Trading Post or something?

  16. I've been looking forward to the end of the Obelisk War. Not that it wasn't fun while it lasted, but I've been wanting to get back to fighting the regular Battledome opponents that always seem to run and hide in a war. Now that the war is over, I was happy to get back to where I left off with the Defenders of Neopia missions...specifically, fighting the Brain Tree. For some reason, though, even though I've now beaten him twice, the Defenders don't seem to be paying attention. Does the new Battledome just not work with the DoN missions? Why doesn't it count when I beat the Brain Tree?

  17. The message came up for me when I went to the Mysterious Outskirts page, following the link in the News. What happens is: The page loads, complete with Prof. Lambert and his quote, but then an alert box comes up on top of it with that message, and a link at the bottom saying "Survey the Scene". Clicking the link (or clicking the X in the corner) just makes the alert go away and lets you look at the Mysterious Outskirts as usual, with all the Fight buttons grayed out.

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