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Posts posted by JubJubMan

  1. i cant get into www.thedailyneopets.com , ie, the main page!!!


    i can acess the forums, as you may noticed


    Ive tried with IE and Firfox

    Ive also tried going to some pages first but nothing works


    I get the Problem loading page and the This page can not be displayed messages.


    Its been like this for several hours

  2. Maybe that geraptiku is just for the movie, i hope they have a good plot, what would be good would be a neopia war, this could be NW I and the next one could be NW II darigan shenkuu, Kreludor, virtu pets, haunted woods could be the axis of evil.


    a interesting idea would be that the side you are on is dependend on where your gallery or house is located, if you dont have one of those then you can pick

  3. Congratulations!


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  4. 43gl44k.jpg



    Well, mine may not look as flash as isabells(pun), but this took alot of time.

    I even invented a new colour of jubjub, its called retro, now, if only i had a pb...

    And not only is the retro and striped jubjub holding up the egg, but its a kinder surjub with a sexy island one keeping my baby warm. :)

  5. well i lose, when is easter? for me its in 24 hours


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