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Posts posted by JubJubMan

  1. You are correct, one of the other staff members added it without fully checking it out, Thank you for your help!


    TBC: My bad, sorry :(


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (jubjubman) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    The original topic has been answered.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact jubjubman if you have any questions regarding this action.

  2. My understanding of the score reset was; (i could be mistaken, i've only done one). I thought scores were reset at the midnight between the last day of one month and the first of the next. Then you would have 40(or 45 or 50, can't remember which one) to quickly get a relativity low high score and get a trophy when the trophies are sent out at 40(or 45 or 50) past the hour.

  3. Go to here

    Copy everything on that page

    Go to here

    Paste it

    Click the Look For Constellations button

    It should list the Constellations, the coordinates should be listed

    Look for them in your star chart, and do the same as you did previously.




    The Daily Neopets Altador Plot Solutions on which that star is listed is here.

  4. Neopets is preparing for the release of a new game called Ednas Shadow. It could possibly come out on the 1st of May (May Day) which is the 4th anniversary of when Edna received a makeover.


    Game Room Images


    Note: Headers are now obsolete.







    Button 1 | Button 2


    Screen shots

    Click to see full version



  5. Note: The Daily Puzzle Answers will now be posted with the Faerie Crossword Answers. Todays answer is located



    Cybunny Carnival was meant to be on the 27th. But Neopets got a new layout that day so it has been delayed. We currently do not know when it will be. Most likely, it will be tomorrow, but you can still get your free training at the Academy. (Thanks for telling us Rachel!)

    We have four new morphing potions:


    Christmas | Rainbow | Island | Cloud


    There are also some images for the Art Gallery.



    We also have the next three captions (Click to enlarge).

    sm_caption_802.gif sm_caption_803.gif sm_caption_804.gif


    Lupe Day is 2nd of May (Hunting)

    We have four new morphing potions:



    Split | Baby | Glowing | Rainbow


    Thanks to NL for the Lupe potions

  6. I know some items,

    Robot Blumaroo Tail Housing

    Robot Moehog Body Housing


    All the robot pets have all there housings, so :)


    Also, all the clothing items will cost A LOT at the moment because theres hardly any around and a lot of people want them.

    Also, all the old clothes can't be worn, so don't waster your money.

  7. Hmmm, they have been doing a lot more stuff than normal lately. Neopets would have to moniter it pretty highly i would think. Otherwise there will be things like BackStreet Boys Sue Neopets.com or some lame stuff like that.

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