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Posts posted by JubJubMan

  1. like 5 = average

    6-7 = above average


    Great with (*) = 20 - 32


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  2. April fools :laughingsmiley:

    As April fools approaches you must understand that every year Neopets plays a pratical joke on all the users. Despite this happening every single year, every single year people fall for it. Here is what Neopets has done in previous years:



    No April Fools prank this year(neopets was to new)



    Neopets announced that all the pets were getting makeovers

    Theese included:



    Full list here



    The Pant Devil got a lot stronger and stole everyone’s Safety Deposit Boxes.


    The Pant Devil has struck again - doh! He has chosen a select few people on the site and totally stolen all their items.... if it's happened to you, why not get some revenge in the Battledome!!!



    Neopets became ill!

    This year extreme Neopets April fools was that the site got radicalized.

    Click here to see the front page:

    They introduced a character called Nick Neopia, got rid of neopoints and made the site ‘totally awesome’.




    This year Neopets claimed that an TCG expansion set would be released called Quiguki Armageddon. This would be based on the new world Quigara. Luckily they never happened. (The real TCG expansion set was announced the day after, based on the Return of Dr Sloth plot (This was cancelled some time later)).



    This year Neopets announced that they were adding 50 new species.

    My favourite:




    It should also be noted that included in these 50 fake pets is the Lamameeah:


    Look like someone you know?



    A vote was held and the Lamameeah won, so with some slight alterations the Gnorbu came about.


    Full list here




    Neopets announced a neocharge, you would have to pay np’s for using the site.


    The explanation of neocharge here:

    Go pay your 50,000 or whatever your neocharge is here:?

    See how it works here:




    Don’t worry if something happens. The April fools joke is always announced with actually news. In one year it was announced with the start of the Curse Of Maraqua plot. Also don’t be scared if your pet turns into an asparagus - It will turn back to normal after a couple of days.


    Ps. I own, while writing this neopets just informed me i won lenny's conoundrum!!! only 267 np tho. :(

  3. Glass is an old colour that got discontinued, some pets are still in that colour

    They are:

    Quiggle, skeith, shoyru, mynci, nimmo, koi and flotsam (tho you can never get them in the game, the images are still there)


    The sponge And Strawberry shoyru colours are released, they came out last shoyru day, they just didnt get added to the rainbow pool.


    But the front page image, well, you beat me to it

  4. jubjub you know you can actually talk on other boards about NON neopets stuff rather than post about the new mags, or april's history etc.

    History of Neopets april, in my opinon isn't what i call interesting stuff.


    Some people find it interesting plus this is in the forum Anything & Everything Neopets. If you dont want to hear about Anything & Everthing Neopets ; Keyword: Everything; you shouldn't go onto this board and complain that your getting Anything & Everthing Neopets.

  5. Festivities:

    1 April - April Fools day

    2 April - Shoyru Day (Often delayed)

    14 April - Grey day

    16 April - Krawk Day (to cure those grey day blues)

    19 April - Lutari Day

    22 April - Kougra Day

    27 April - Cybunny Carnival (Cybunny Day)




    23 April - Pet Spotlight launched

    28 April - New Neopet, The Acara (Called Tigren at the time)



    3 April - Krawk petpet started stocking in the Tyrannia

    17 April - Chia becomes a Fruit for the very first time; as a pear

    20th April - The One player Battledome is released!

    26 April - Tyrannia starts to get invaded!



    April - Those cool faerie dolls get released through the month

    April - Lots of technical problems this month

    April - High score tables taken down due to cheating

    5 April - ‘Better Than You’ launched

    27 April - 30 Million owners

    29 April - Adam passes the 5 billion mark in neopoints from frozen users. He froze all the game cheaters.



    April - Lord Darigan and his possie fights the crew from Meridell

    10 April - Pets can now be painted that cool Darigan colour

    21 April - Lord Darigan uses himself in the war against Meridell!

    23 April - Unis get a new look

    23 April - Petpets are now on fire due to the Fire Petpet Paint Brush

    23 April - Pacific rimmers, Forest surrounded witches and more join forces with Meridell to attack Lord Darigan as he announces he wants the whole world!

    28 April - Last part of the plot is released and the Lords possie is no more.



    ... for now



    April - Tis the season of Lord Darigan as he attacks Meridell in the Battle for Meridell

    2 April - New plot: The Return of Doctor Sloth announced (which got cancelled some time later and has never actually happened, even though there was much hype)

    4 April - 04/04/04 A Disaster!

    9 April - oh.... so ...bad..i...dont like Neopets any more... Grey paintbrush released and people start getting unhappy and angry while getting grey day blues.

    21 April - Maraqua is a random theme, with the petpet colour being released

    28 April - ..Were getting to the end of April history still it sure is shorter than The Wheel of Monotony that got released today

    30 April - Lupes look sexy with this new extreme! Makeover.



    April: Tis the month for plots ... or curses in the Curse of Maraqua

    21 April - Rich Snobs no longer have to mingle with the Poor yobs as Kelp opens

    21 April - Chia Bomb again in Chia Bomber 2

    26 April - Myncis get a makeover



    April: Wouldn’t just feel right without a plot - The Altador plot engulfs the world.

    12 April: Defenders of Neopia 2 release (DON1 ended with 17 challengers)

    19 April: Lutaris are spotted for the very first time by the hero Judge Hog at the peak of Mt. Techo - New Neopet Lutari

  6. I found Three Upcoming daily Dare items:

    Day 28 Meepit juice break:


    Meepit Juice

    Day 29 Eye of the storm:


    Finding Cyodrakes Gaze

    I couldnt find the image for the other but it is called: Cyodrakes Gaze Spyglass




    (i also know the day 30 prizes but they have been out SINCE THE START OF THE MONTH they are)

    Faerie Bubble Blower



    Faerie Bubble Bracelet


  7. You can now expect the release of snowbeast snackarfice with the banner being uploaded on monday




    Also the AAA avater being released today.

    Making the people on the neoboards go crazy!




    people have been getting it today from beating aaa or abigail. I dont have it. I somehow think its related to how many times youve beaten AAA, like maybe over 10 times and you get it.



    SHOYRU DAY!!!!!

    Three brand new chocolates! milk - orange and white




  8. For those of you that have enough money. Issue #22 of the Neopets magazine comes out a few days after Shoyru day. It will sure cure those grey days blues that you are feeling a little early. It costs only $9.99USD as normal or for an extra 10 you can get that elusive specked Cybunny plushie that i know that you have always secretly and will never admit to anyone no matter what, even if there life is at stake, even if its your own or your very berry best friend jubjubman wanted.





    Or for the more money aware custerma you can always buy them on ebay at a much cheaper price a few weeks after the mag was released.


    Like #21 at $1 with 3.8hP&H (it is an auction that ends in 7 days, it may increase)


    Or for the full complete list go here(make sure you check the Postage and Handling costs at the bottom of the page, Some trick people out with high P&H, add that onto your bid and remember a new issue cost $10)


    Unfortunetly i live in Australia, (yes i am a Auzsis) i cannot buy the magazine nor do the those mag selling ebaiers ship to Australia sad.gif.



    Ps. Pretty much this post is just announcing issue #22 and suggesting that if you dont really need the new issue straight away, it is cheaper to buy 2nd hand if you wait a bit. But if you are buying make sure you check the sellers feedback score.


    PPss. I didnt post this in unreleased news, becuase i beleive its only avaliable to US and Canada people, and not all of those people are interesting in paying for neopets stuff.

  9. Actually Dan, I put this in the games thread, with nothing related to unreleased. It was just to show people sneak peaks of upcoming games.


    ps. those trophies have actually been out for quite some time you know

  10. For those wanting to get a sneak peak at rooduku, the two buttons were released on friday;





    (A button is that little box under the search neopets bit on the yellow sidebar.)


    Crisis courier buttons were released a few weeks ago,




    And Ednas Shadow



    And Snowbeasticle(heh heh) Snakraficeicle (these ones really give you an idea of the game; sorta like get the snorkle in the cave)



  11. Its called contributing. I am helping out the site by providing them with information they do not have. The bottom game is a sponser tamagotchi game. However the top game is called 3D Adventure and is related to the upcoming neopets video game.


    You see, if i find something that TDN doesnt have, i am going to post it, i will help out TDN with stuff they dont have.

    Like this: Caption #794 got uploaded the same time as the games, that should also goes in the news, it relates to the Bumble Beams which means that it us coming out soon. My prediction is Wednesday since caption 793 is due to be released on Monday, and 794 is due to be released on Wednesday. I predict it will be released on the same day as the game as neopets has done in the past.

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