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Posts posted by JubJubMan

  1. step 1: buy 1000stocks at 15 or 16 each for as long as you can remember/ untill you run out of money.


    Step 2: Wait one year


    Step 3: Sell


    My example:

    Stocks: 16,000

    Bought for: 240,000

    Current Price: 464,000



    (profile) 54 60 +6 2,000 30,000 120,000 +300.00%


    Summary : You had 40564 NP. After 10 successful transactions, you have 410524


    And now your richer, with doing barely a thing


    I just sold all those, i wondered where some of my money was..

  2. Get it? Information is spelt wrong, heh heh


    I found some wrong information on this page:




    In the section Game World Categories


    #1. First thing is that you say that the image for brightvale is

    world_mer.png and world_brv.png


    The first one is Meridell and the second is Brightvale


    #2. Your missing theese symbols:




    Lutari Island and Darigan Citadel


    #3. The text under that is wrong, It is:

    The gameless worlds are: Geraptiku, Jelly World ;), Altador, Darigan Citadel, and Lutari Island.

    It should be

    The gameless worlds are: Jelly World ;) Darigan Citadel, and Lutari Island.


    Becuase Altador now has a game, and Geraptiku is not listed in the game room where all the other worlds(including jelly) are.


    Also On this page:


    At the maraquan bit, your missing parts of the side bar such as



    You might want to check with the other sidebars, becuase thats the image under were the language and search bit is, all the sidebars should have them, and you dont have any


    and this is the what the bit with all the links on top actaully looks like

    (see how it has the bit in the bottom left)


  3. all this stuff in unreleased; sigh, whats the point, they never post it...




    Skittles Crazy Coaster

    Skittles Rescue Ship

    Surf's Up; Find Cody

    Tamagotchi party on! lucky drop

    Spiderman 3 image quiz







  4. Well, Qasala is a part of lost desert its still on the map.

    The guys in the pic are playing yooyuball and some are muntant ugly things as described as the inhabitants of the new land (which hopefully means that the world will be discovered before june and they will play yooyuball in the cup, which means they will be added as a team, but then thats an uneven numbers of teams so another team has to be added)

    I beileve it wont be a new planet becuase its says a new land, and a new island

    or it be lutari island on the main fact that it says new.

    I think that it will be placed on the island left of shenkuu, that looks pretty mysterious or in the blob island right or mystery island

  5. Well, i've always wanted to people to know my mood, this way people wont talk to me when im angry, or say that their the hate everyone when im sad.

    So i thought, hmm what could i use to tell ppl...

    Then it Came to me, a mood indicator!


    So i created my very first one!




    How this works, is that i create images with different ones lit up. For example the happy one is lit up so it means that im happy at the moment.

    But to change my mood to sad, all i would have to do is to change the word happy to sad in the url and now people know that im sad.




    This is the very first one i have done, i hope to do all different pets, you can use theese as siggys, in your shop, in your guild, your gallery, or whatever you want it to be.

    And the great thing is, is that it can have your pet in it!

    Which means not only can it say how your feeling, but you can have one for each of your pets and that will be how your pets are feeling or how you are feeling towards them.


    Anywho, ive never really created anything cool like this before, so i was hoping for your feedback.


    I however cant use my petpage to have all the images...


    ...But hey who knows what will happen.

  6. i finally got the to the bat in whack a kass, after so long of trying!!!


    And now i have the avatar go me!!!


    OMG, i just hit 1077!!!! but the stupid thing failed to send, thats so lame

  7. well i can't take all the credit, i found it on the neoboards


    You'll take the credit or you will give me your codestone!!


    Just joking :D . But yeah, stilll thank her, i found it out thanks to her


    Oh and samuel, even if vivi posted it in the unreleased news thread it wouldn't alert tdn, stuffs been in there for four days, come on, some of that stuff has been released since then, but theres still some goodies!



    Please use this:

    Ticket #:





    We need four things;


    1.Your EXACT time.

    Right click (on the tombola page)

    Select the View Source (Sometimes it says View Page Source)

    Press Crtl + F

    Enter in NST

    It has to be NST in captails NOT nst

    Tick the Match Case box

    Click Find (For FireFox users it will auto search)

    Just before the letters NST will be your EXACT time


    Submit it in the form of HH:MM:SS (which is the form it is in)

    BUT make sure you include if its AM or PM

    H = Hour

    M = Minute

    S = Seconds


    2. The number of the ticket you received.

    3. The amount of neopoints you got (If none say none)

    4. What items you got (if nothing say nothing)




    Our homepage:


  9. my thought is that the server provider for tdn had stuffed up. I think one of its servers has gone down, but this server only covers people in a certain area, im in Australia and its not working, what about you Antiaircraft? Aust aswell, we have lots of computers here, so maybe...

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