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Posts posted by RigelB

  1. I was glad to find out that I wasn't the only one that noticed that there are like 4 or 5 teams that are all male and none that are all female. At the very least, it would make sense for the Faerieland team to be all female, seeing as all faeries are female. Maybe it's payback for the faeries? :shiftyeyes_anim:


    I like that Faerieland has plenty of males! It stops the reinforcement of the "little girl" stereotype Faerieland has. I really like the colours too.


    Haunted Woods is all male, but I don't mind too much. As long as there's females in the tournament somewhere, I'm good.

  2. After searching around, it looks like quite a lot of people are having this problem. It seems 11.3 r300 is disagreeing quite badly with Firefox. Causes crashes and takes up a lot of CPU. I've seen many "solutions" but most are only permanent in some cases. Check out this topic; http://forums.adobe....018071?tstart=0


    If none of those work, I suggest downgrading to 11.2 for the time being. Uninstall Flash and get a previous version from here: http://helpx.adobe.c...r-versions.html

  3. Well, I'm very techy person, so I don't have a lot of hobbies away from technology :P


    Though I enjoy sketching, reading, birdwatching, going for walks and photography. I'm also writing a Cartoon script with a friend. It's our life dreams to get it made one day, whether it be a TV or Web show.

  4. Wow, what's up with Haunted Woods this year? 16th is our lowest ever placement. And we're just above the two statistically weakest teams in the cup. Man. I don't think our final result in the cup will turn out the same, because of this very odd ranking and point system, but I follow this one more because it's easy, simple, and generally fair. Although not all teams have faced each other yet.


    OMG WE ARE STILL IN 12TH PLACE!What happened to everybody?It's not like last year!Am I the only one there?That rhymes,also it's what I planned,as a poem.


    Sorry, Virtupets will be suffering from the Winner's Curse. A team's placement will drop dramatically during the current tournament if they won the year before. People from that team will generally disperse to other teams to make it fair, or to try new experiences. Especially the All-Star players (such as SOTAC or Stealth, or just All-Star players in general. I'm not saying those teams win because of SOTAC/Stealth, but it has happened in the past.) which helped force them up to that victory. Or people may just be happy with a trophy and not participate the next year.

  5. The first reason why I've joined DC for the 7th time now can be summed up in two words: Tandrak Shaye. :laughingsmiley:

    Well, actually that wasn't the only reason because I still looked through other descriptions as well. I like their flying island (and unless FL it's not mainly pink which is a colour I totally hate), I like the colour combination, their dark looks and I also already had read the Meridell-Darigan war comics a few times. If I already had been active on Neopets at that time I would have chosen Darigan's side to fight at, mainly because it seemed to be fairer because it was Meridell after all who had stolen their orb (or whatever it was), caused the Citadel to become that dark way and started the war because of that.

    But still Tandrak was a major reason to join.


    Yeah, Krell Vitor was another reason I joined Haunted Woods. Vampires aren't my thing, though I really like the designs of the DC players, particularly Layton Vickles!


    Aliens, and space. I love them. <3

    This is my first year being apart of the AC, and I've always been on a hiatus during the AC, so Kreludor being such a strong team came as quite a surprise- though, I shan't complain! :3


    Indeed! This my second AC, Kreludor were a strong contender for my team. Astronomy and aliens are my thing too (aliens are very close to monsters), and I like the team and their colours, but I went with Haunted Woods in the end. I had a funny feeling Kreludor would win this year, so I went with a bit more of an unpredictable team. :)

  6. So, what made you choose your Altador Cup team this year? Was it the land, the team, or the sportsmanship of the players? Have you picked this team every year and so feel loyal to them? Any other reasons?


    For me, I've always been a huge fan of monsters, anything with teeth and claws, and the colour scheme of Halloween (Mad Science also comes under Halloween, even though it's probably more associated with Virtupets.). These things helped attract me to Haunted Woods. I found their team very charming and with a lot of character. I really like Krell, the most experienced and well deserving of Team Captain, even though he scores the least. Zo Junior is young and quite small, but is a rising star and top scorer. Wan Dirx is a quiet defender, but always seems to be the right place at the right time to stop the match from going horribly wrong. Brains is... Brains, etc.

    Their designs are cool and they really stand out to me!


    The team also isn't too large that I'm just a speck in the sea, but not too small that that we won't win anything and I feel disheartened. There's generally good sportsmanship between the players and other teams, and our team chants and phrases are cool. :P

    Haunted Wood's rough-and-tumble playstyle is also appealing, along with their reputation for surprise upsets and winning the first AC.


    What about you guys? It'd really interested to see what attracted you to your teams, past or present!

  7. I think it ends on the 24th of June. You're not alone! I've been slacking off too! :sad01_anim:


    Ah, thank you! Some of my slacking couldn't be helped, because of visitors and exams, but I have had a few free days where I didn't play any YYB. Oops...

    That's another about another week, eh? I should be able to reach my target, but I have family coming down. Gonna have work extra hard these next few days!

  8. I'm Rank 7, which I'm kinda disappointed at. I was aiming for Rank 10, but the cup is becoming a bit tedious at this stage. I'll try for at least 9, that gets me a Bronze shield, but double figures are always nice. Been slacking off the past few days and out with friends, got some catching up to do. When does the cup end again?

  9. Yeah, unfortunately, that's the way all auctions work, real or virtual. It's unfair, but there's not much you can do, unless you become a sniper yourself! Like Hidden Oracle said, you're probably better off getting it from the Trading Post. Prices can vary a lot though, so hunt around for the cheapest lots! If prices are a lot higher than they should be (like an average or something) then give it a few days, maybe even weeks for new lots to pop up, unless you're really desperate for lab pieces.

  10. Alright so, I was looking back through my old Neopets magazine, which has the Haunted Woods TCG preview. One of the cards was Anubits...




    I noticed the description was Binary, so I decoded it, and it came out with:



    I think it's a funny little Easter Egg from TNT. :P I know this has probably already been discovered, but I couldn't find anything on it. Not a big discovery... but it amused me.

  11. I'm really starting to thing most of the HW team has given up or exhausted itself. Even I'm finding it difficult to reach my Rank-every-two-days target. Looking like every three days right now. Plus our bracket is pretty boring, we've faced all but one team in it before. Two powerhouses, one large team and two middlers. And we're even doing terrible against the middlers! (no offence to any teams)

  12. That's totally understandable! Hopefully you guys have some good news coming to you soon, and your team gets a resurgence of moral! :D (as long as your wins aren't against us. ;))

    Are you guys up against a team that you're pretty evenly matched with today, or is it a powerhouse?


    Today is Shenkuu, and from the results so far we're pretty evenly matched. We drew once, won once and lost twice against them last time, so anything could happen this time. :) MSN is our strong point, but I have no idea how the rest will pan out. There's not been much consistency.

  13. Saw this on Tumblr and laughed, thought I might share it.






    the techo on the hw team (wan dirx I guess) doesn’t have. a running animation. he’s just doing that all game HE’S JUST




    Yeah, I can tell HW is getting burnt out too, after that sweep by RI yesterday. Morale is lowering every round. Oh well. I am confused why RI is still behind us in the bracket after that sweep... not that I'm complaining. :P

    I don't see why the current FL colour scheme needs changing. Sure, it has pink, but it's s deep pink with a nice shade of green. People need to stop taking them as the girly-girly team, just because of their colour scheme and faerie wings. Hardcore!

  14. Actually, nope! LD's always had the win in YYB since ACIII (and probably before, but I didn't play those). We've only ever lost two side games and drew a side game in that time also. Yeah I've kept pristine records of LD's competition, what can I say? :P


    Wooowww, congratulations to Altador! It's always the underdogs that pull the surprises late in the game.


    And heh, thanks scoptophobia. Glad to know it's not annoying. :P And yeah, morale can get pretty low on the boards and forums, and with more sweeps it gets lower. We need some wins to get us back in the game, but its kind of a vicious cycle.

  15. Moving my post from the other board, sorry if most of this has been mentioned....



    A thread like this was made earlier this year, in January I believe, but there hasn't been a new post in it since March, so I decided to remake it. Anyway, the question is, what pets do you think the redesign completely destroyed? For me, it just has to be the Flotsam, mostly for the simple reason that what used to be my favourite pet has now become a weird knock-off of its former self. How on Earth could they have gone from such a cute, original design like this:



    To an overly generic weird looking design like this:


    Thinking about it actually makes me a bit sad... Oh, nostalgia for what once was. I also am not fond of the redesigned Lutari, Elephante, Blumaroo, Meerca, Grarrl, Jetsam, or Wocky. I especially feel bad for the Blumaroo and Meerca, since the redesign completely messed up one of the key characteristics of the species! The Wocky's eyebrows creepy me out, too.


    I have to disagree. I never liked Flotsams until the redesign. I dunno, the original looks a bit derpy and the pose and smile seem really forced. I adore the new Darigan Flotsam.



    I don't like how the Bori's claws became blunter, how are they supposed to dig with those stubby things? Plus the pose and eye direction in the original had more character.



    I like the art update they gave the Gelerts, but the smile and expression look really... awkward. Almost uncomfortable


    grarrl_cloud_baby.gif. 2.png

    The Grarrl is one of the worst for me. It's expression was perfect before. Now it has a stupidly forced smile, and the pupils are too large for me.



    And, as mentioned before, the Lutari. The eyes are too square, and the body looks disjointed and less flow-y, I think they should have made it quadruped.



    Really hate what they did with the Wockie's eyes. Made 'em squarer again and made their eyebrows too prominent.


    Overall though, I think most pets came out OK! A lot of them needed an art upgrade anyway. Like most have mentioned, many of the colours with original poses, like Faerie, Grey, Dargian and Royal to name a few.


    That's all for me.

  16. A thread like this was made earlier this year, in January I believe, but there hasn't been a new post in it since March, so I decided to remake it. Anyway, the question is, what pets do you think the redesign completely destroyed? For me, it just has to be the Flotsam, mostly for the simple reason that what used to be my favourite pet has now become a weird knock-off of its former self. How on Earth could they have gone from such a cute, original design like this:



    To an overly generic weird looking design like this:


    Thinking about it actually makes me a bit sad... Oh, nostalgia for what once was. I also am not fond of the redesigned Lutari, Elephante, Blumaroo, Meerca, Grarrl, Jetsam, or Wocky. I especially feel bad for the Blumaroo and Meerca, since the redesign completely messed up one of the key characteristics of the species! The Wocky's eyebrows creepy me out, too.


    I have to disagree. I never liked Flotsams until the redesign. I dunno, the original looks a bit derpy and the pose and smile seem really forced. I adore the new Darigan Flotsam.



    I don't like how the Bori's claws became blunter, how are they supposed to dig with those stubby things? Plus the pose and eye direction in the original had more character.



    I like the art update they gave the Gelerts, but the smile and expression look really... awkward. Almost uncomfortable


    grarrl_cloud_baby.gif. 2.png

    The Grarrl is one of the worst for me. It's expression was perfect before. Now it has a stupidly forced smile, and the pupils are too large for me.



    And, as mentioned before, the Lutari. The eyes are too square, and the body looks disjointed and less flow-y, I think they should have made it quadruped.



    Really hate what they did with the Wockie's eyes. Made 'em squarer again and made their eyebrows too prominent.


    Many colours with original poses too didn't work out, and specific Pet/Colour combos took the worst of it, like many have mentioned before. Dargian, Plushie, Grey and Faerie came out the worst.


    That's all for me. Isn't there a topic like this already, in Neopets Debate? 'Old Pets vs. New Pets'? Perhaps I should move my post there.

  17. Good job, Altador! I think Maraqua's win against DC is impressive too. Same with Moltara against VP.


    On the other hand...





    Haunted Woods, I am dissapoint. We at least drew with them last time.


    I should probably stop posting here, I'm sure everyone is sick of my daily complaining at HW.

  18. Interesting list! Now for mine:


    Faith & Mercury (Mirror's Edge)

    Sonic & Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)

    Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie)

    Prince (Prince of Persia 2008)

    Filia & Valentine (Skullgirls)

    Rayman & Globox (Rayman Origins)

    Joan the Turnip Seller (Animal Crossing)

    Quackberries (Viva Pinata)

    Chell & GlaDOS (Portal)

    Magatha Grimtotem (World of Warcraft)


    I might edit if I think of any more. :)

  19. Cloud is my favourite! They're so fluffy I'm gonna die! :D



    I love that film! Or any animated film to be honest. :D


    Anyway, I really like Island, Christmas, Maraquan and Mutant. Striped and Cloud look really good if you're looking for less expensive colours! Coconut can get you an avatar and looks unique, but it can only be aquired through a FFQ or Lab Ray.

  20. Man, I'm the same. I'd eat cereal for every meal if I could (well, maybe not, 'cos I'd soon get sick of it. :P)


    I'm not picky with cereal, and I can eat nearly everything of every flavour (except cinnamon cereals like Curiously Cinnamon and Golden Grahams, ugh) but I'm particulary fond of Krave, Special K, Cookie Crisp, Golden Nuggets and Bran Flakes.

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