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Posts posted by RigelB

  1. 1: Technically this was my second year playing, my first was ACI (huge hiatus in-between) but I wasn't very dedicated during the first one. Originally rooted for Mystery Island. (I did not join HW because they won in ACI, that would be pretty stupid!)

    2: 9th, but if we'd gone by wins we'd be 15th, which would've been our lowest ever finish...

    3: Rank 10.

    4: Yes! I sorta realised near the beginning that All Star wasn't within my reach. So I set a new target, paced myself, and managed to reach my goal on the last day of the cup.

    5: Yooyuball is my favourite, Slushie Slinger/Shootout Showdown my least favourite, this has not changed since the beginning of the cup.

    6: Five I think, my top score was 591.

    7: I think I lost three lives in a row once from dropped cups that were almost in a complete vertical line. Yeaaaaaah... :x

    8: Thirty games of MSN and ten of Shootout Showdown.


    Yooyuball stats!


    9: 461.

    10: 4,670

    11: 530 by Krell Vitor, 594 by Wan Dirx, 1,698 by Brains Mortigan, 1,848 by Zo Junior and 676 saves by Fanetti.

    12: Nope, no draws or losses.

    13: I managed to get 15-0 once in a moment of glory. Least would probably have to be maybe 6 or 7?

    14: Darigan Yooyus, of course, but Faerie could be equally annoying until I figured out a solid way to score with it.

    15: Oh, I think all of them did a pretty fine job, Fanetti was pretty useless in goal at times, especially if the opponent was shooting near vertical.

    16: Um, I think the team I had most problems with was... Lost Desert, their team seemed a lot more tackle-heavy than the rest of them I faced.

    17: I experimented at the beginning of the cup, before settling on mouse, shooting to the right.

    18: A few. One involved all my players staying huge after scoring with the power-glove thing.

    19: None of them I found particularly amusing, if I waited around at the end they would mention something about Slushie Slinger. Did I miss something?

    20: True.

    21: Not really.

    22: Yes!


    Random section!


    23: Yes, it was either my music collection on shuffle or some some video game related play-throughs, reviews or shows with commentary.

    24: At the beginning I just went with the flow, tried a rank a day, until the numbers of wins required started getting too high. Then I set a target and planned how many wins I'd need every day in order to reach my target by the end of the cup.

    24.5: Yes!

    25: Yes, for a short amount of time in the middle. It was only two or three days, I was out with friends anyway.

    26: Reading about the cup's history or the team's, browsing Altador Cup forums...

    27: I think Haunted Woods has morale problems, after a big loose or sweep the team would generally feel very disheartened. But there was usually at least one person who gave us the morale kick up the butt to get us playing again.

    28: Not at all! Every goal counted, though I did feel my twenty-odd goals a day shrank in comparison to what other people had done... but that was just me.

    29: I think so. I really enjoyed this team, its supporters and characters, although we seem to be on a continually downhill slope since ACI. I might hop onto another team next year to see what it's like and see if the experience is any different. Contenders are Lost Desert or Brightvale. But I do think I'll stick with Haunted Woods again.

    30: Generally yes, that's why I have answered every single question on this one and your previous one. :P

  2. They say a person's computer desktop can say a lot about them. Whether it be modern and pristine, or old school and cluttered, a desktop can be customised in so many ways that each one is always unique. Post your desktop here to show off your fancy backgrounds, layouts, whatever!


    Here's mine:




    I've recently got back into Prince of Persia 2008, after leaving it for two years. This is my third play-through, and it's still as fun as the first time through. Plus, the game is one of the best looking I've ever seen and the screenshots always make nice backgrounds. (This one does not do it justice, but the composition is nice.) I usually have the icons 'round the edge so there's a better view of the wallpaper. Bit of an avid gamer, as you can tell, and a techy. :) I have also cancelled my WoW subscription but keep the program around just in case.

  3. Yooyuball

    Goals Scored 4,670

    Goals by Krell Vitor 530

    Goals by Wan Dirx 594

    Goals by "Brains" Mortigan 1,698

    Goals by Zo Junior 1,848

    Saves by Fanetti 676

    Number of Wins 461

    Number of Draws 0

    Number of Losses 0


    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 5

    Top Score 591


    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 30

    Top Score 6,557


    Shootout Showdown

    Games Played 10

    Top Score 919


    Final rank of 10, and a GPG of 10.13! I'm quite happy with how I've done, might play a few side games today to grab some more points, but unlikely. All-Star was never within my reach, but congratulations to those who did reach it.

  4. Haunted Woods made the biggest jump in ranks because of the layout of this cup, as mentioned before, it looks like we're ninth when by wins we're fifteenth. Six places higher than we "should" be. Wow. I am quite happy with that result (it's our highest in years) but still, it doesn't seem fair seeing as how badly we played compared to other teams in some rounds. We got lucky in our last few brackets. But still, saved us the embarrassment of fifteenth place (ugh...)

  5. I'm quite glad it's over too. I was really into the spirit at the games at the beginning, but as the new system started to take form and I realised how out of my reach All-Star was, I slumped off a bit in the middle. But I paced myself towards the end and kept playing and managed to reach my new target of Rank 10.

  6. Yeeesh, what a day. Congratulations to Altador and Tyrannia (TY was a back-up team of mine) on their surprising results! And once again Haunted Woods misses out on a sweep because of our YYB play. That's definitely something we need to focus on next year, we've had one YYB win.

  7. I'm just... baffled at what happened. I guess people expected an easy win and slacked off. Gave us a nasty surprise. Haunted Woods can give other teams a nasty surprises too (Our win in a side game against DC) but it seems like we only bother with "worthy" opponents and end up loosing anyway. That's what I've gathered from this year. Makes us look really inconsistent and hard to pinpoint if we're a good team or not. Congratulations none-the-less, but you can expect a little bit of bias. ;) I'm sure you all played well.

  8. Btw, check FL vs HW. What on earth happened there?


    I know, right? I was expecting a sweep against one of the lowest ranking teams in the tournament, yet they manage a win and a draw, one of their best performances so far? (I do like Faerieland, but HW is statistically stronger.) Yet a few days ago, we managed one win over DC? Haunted Woods is very inconsistent this year...

  9. Finally, I want a comprehensive finals. I don't care what rounds come before it, but there needs to be a physical final game. This year, we were able to see the first place winner a mile away whereas previously, we didn't know at all until the next day (and we all know how late those results come out sometimes!). I love Kreludor, I've been rooting for them since I started playing and especially last year after LD's win, but they have the disadvantage of not having the awesome epic finishing touch like previous teams have been awarded. More people have finished disappointed this year, that their hard work and winning still hasn't helped their team placed where they should be. I think having a proper endgame would remedy a lot of that, or at least it would for me.


    This! In enjoy having a final, deciding round than being able to tell a winner from the third round. This is why I enjoyed other systems like Single Elimination. I think the Single Round robin mentioned above would be one of the better systems.

  10. I actually quite enjoyed the ACI format. Sure, if your team got knocked out in Round 1, that sucks a bit, but you could always join another team, and keep playing through the whole cup. I really doubt anyone likes just one team, it seems everyone has backups. The later rounds felt very epic, especially the final. Everyone was either on one team or the another, battling it out and making a contribution to the final, instead of sitting back and watching it. It's simple to understand, but I think it can fall prey to the luck problems that the current bracket system had. I dunno, I don't play a lot of sports, so I don't know a lot of tournament layouts. If there's an flaws I've looked over, please point them out.

  11. Aw, no way, skillet_fan_1 was a Hauntie. One of our best players. That's quite disappointing. And not fair in the slightest. Saw him 'round the Neoboards a few times with his incredible results.


    EDIT: Skillet_fan_1 either wasn't frozen in the first place or has been unfrozen, his user lookup is still viewable.

  12. I have two, Ilere and Aethia. Ilere because I love her dark look and that she is so mysterious and Aethia because she is the Battle Faerie. I love fighters and she's just so awsome looking. :)


    This! I really like Delina too because of how tomboy-ish she looks.



  13. is it just me or is habitarium very slow lately? when it loads i cant click on anything or move things around and it take forever to load things , also the pets move very slowly. my flash player updated recently.


    me too , flash updated itself yesterday and since then i've been having it running slow .. not it's not slow on the loading page but inside it's slow .. like , when i move p3's oe buildings around or when i click on purple gems .. it is very "heavy"


    You say Flash updated itself? Do you use Firefox? I made a post in the Computers & Programming section recently about people having problems with the new flash update and Firefox.

  14. Yeah, the new bracket system is a bit weird. However, I don't think the victors should be disregarded because of it! Kreludor has been making a championship push for a few years now, now is probably their time.


    Haunted Wood's performance has been a bit lacklustre this year, not sure if it's because of the new bracket system or just poor play. However, we're still 10th, even above teams that have nearly sweept us a few times. The system seemed more accurate at the beginning, where we moved around our bracket a lot, but in our last bracket we came fourth above Roo Island, who nearly swept us. It can be pretty boggling at times. And it really isn't fair that some teams don't get to face other teams. I know they say it's random, but couldn't the "rig" it just a little bit so everyone would get to play everyone?

  15. Ehhh, thought we just might be able to pull something againast Maraqua, but we didn't. At least we got a draw. One win and two draws last round... not our best performance. However I'm quite happy with our new brakcet, it has three teams we haven't played before.

  16. Hey, I'm just curious, I see a lot of these sort of posts. How do you find these images before they're released? Are they uploaded to an FTP server or something like that?

    Sorry if this had been asked before.


    That Baby Ruki plushie is very cute, too. :)

  17. Ohhhh, so lucky, I'd love a Halloween PB. But congratulations none-the-less!


    If you really like the colour Halloween, I'd advise painting a pet. Otherwise, they're one of the mid-range Paintbrushes, and are worth 2 million at present.

    As mentioned before, there's a couple of avatars associated with Halloween Pets. Check out Neocolours to see if there's any Halloween pets you'd be interested in!

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