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Posts posted by RigelB

  1. I can't really make an comparisons to previous years, my last cup was ACI! But yes, I agree with what is being said here. Darigan Yooyus are frustrating, though I'm generally pretty lucky with them. I don't get too many, and few I have scored within one or two shots! Most of the time it does end badly though. Faerie yooyus aren't as bad, but I often end up too close to the goalie, so it can't curve properly into the goal. I didn't mind Snow yooyus at first, but because they don't travel as far they can be annoying later in the game when the opponent possesses more and and I need to get the ball somewhere near the opponent's goal before I get tackled again. Fire yooyus are bad news for me if they're NOT in my hand...


    The AI does get pretty hard at 8 goals, but I can usually manage double figures every game. I can't believe how much they tackle at that stage though, and so perfectly. The rest of the game just becomes a tackle-a-thon after that. It's frustrating and not enjoyable at all, though I have to give it credit for adding some challenge. Best score I've managed is 13-0.


    The team I've had the most problems with so far is Lost Desert. Played them yesterday, their formation was difficult and the two forwards were faster, more agile, and a lot more tackle-y than any other team so far. They're the only team that has managed to score 3 goals against me, but I still came out on top all other times. ;)

  2. Eh, I have not been too happy with HW play recently. Getting pummelled into the ground by MI twice has had a really profound affect on our morale, it's quite obvious around the boards. However, we're still alive and kicking, and hopefully we'll be able to land a blow on Kreludor somewhat! Our new bracket should hopefully allow us to gain momentum and maybe cause some upsets for the big teams in it.


    MI has been a big surprise this year, and kind of ironic for me. I've only participated in two ACs; ACI and ACVII. I joined MI in ACI, and HW won the cup. I joined HW this year (not because of that win, I did my research, because I felt more at home there and the players are very charming) and it looks like MI are set to win the cup! D'oh!

  3. Hey guys! I'm RigelB, but you can call me Grace. I'm a sorta long time Neopets player, as I played from 2004-2007, but went on hiatus and lost my account in a wipe. I returned in 2010, and now I'm more active than ever!


    I decided to join the TDN forums because they're more customisable than the Neopets boards, have a nicer layout and a friendlier atmosphere. The site is really handy too! I'm very shy, so I might not post alot, but I might drop in now and again. :)

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