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Posts posted by RigelB

  1. Indeed it can. Like chiaroscruo said, only that URL is the problem. Shortening it doesn't work either, I've tried other shortening sites. But uploading an image to a Photo website, such as Tinypic, lets it past the content filter.


    I can understand your worry of uploading it to that sort of site. Maybe make a private album with that image in, and give her credit in your User Lookup somewhere? Private albums cannot be seen by other users, and the images within them do not show up in search results. I'd advise using Photobucket.

  2. Aargh, we did even worse against Brightvale than last time!


    And this bracket system is starting to get on my nerves too, Four out of the five we've faced before. Kreludor, Darigan Citadel, Maraqua, Roo Island and Shenkuu.


    Yep, we're gonna be last in the bracket. Again. What a fall from glory Haunted Woods has had. At least we got decent points in our last bracket.

  3. I remember having the Gadsgadsgame avatar on my old account, it was was my pride and joy. Having attempted it many times nowadays, I have NO IDEA how I got it last time. I can't get anything above 500 points. Pure luck I guess. My Sutek's Tomb and Grand Theft Ummmagine avatars sorta make up for it (I know, they're not particularly difficult or impressive game avatars) But it would be nice to get it back.

  4. I'm currently Rank 6, still got about 38 YYB games until Rank 7. Like most, I was trying a rank a day in order to get All-Star, but as the requirements for each shield goes up, I'm finding it harder to do that. Currently working at a Rank every two days, because of time constraints and I'm getting a little sick of the predictability of YYB. Still more enjoyable than all the other AC games for me.

  5. No surprises we got swept. Well done to Altador for managing a win against last year's victors! Brightvale seems to be on the up too, same with Moltara. There's seems to be a couple of upsets on there from them. (and absoluetly none so far from the team that's famed for them, come on Haunted Woods...)

  6. Before ACVII, I had narrowed it down to Brightvale, Haunted Woods, Tyrannia and possibly Roo Island. Had I not picked HW, it would have been one of those three. I like Brightvale's colour scheme, environment and focus on knowledge, Tyrannia's prehistoric and rather monstrous looking pets and Roo Island's bright colours, sense of humour and sportsmanship. Haunted Wood's focus on Halloween, gross things and monsters plus their colour scheme and very charming, unique team (Krell Vitor, Wan Dirx and Zo Junior for the win) won me over. I like space too but Kreludor seemed a bit crowded and Virtupets would suffer the Winner's Curse.

  7. I was watching a children's Saturday morning show, Diggit, and one of the sponsors was the little electronic Neopet toys. There was a website under the logo, so I decided to check it out. Made an account and the rest is history. :P Lost my old one in a wipe after a hiatus in 2007, but started afresh in 2010.

  8. Yes! And it rolls weird, because it's potato shaped!

    I think normal should be Altador and fire should be moltora.

    I think Roo Island should have jelly ball where it bounces of players.



    Yeaaah! Maybe Brightvale could have a Stained Glass Ball, that shatters if it bounces off walls! It can only be passed to other players, gently.

    Kreludor could have a Moon Ball that's really floaty, and stays in the air for quite a while.

    Kiko Lake could have a... Kiko Ball? I bounces around on it's own accord randomly. It's rebound off solid objects is also very high.

    A Coconut Ball for Mystery Island, it's very heavy and even harder to throw than a Snow Yooyuball.


    Hehe, this is fun.


    And I am getting seriously peed off at Fire Yooyus. They always seem to pop up later in the game for me, and so the opponent takes the ball at the start and manages to rebound it perfectly off the wall straight into the goal without giving me time to react. Agggggh.

  9. i was wondering last time how they can make a ball for every team:


    Fire Ball - Altador

    Snow Ball - TM

    Darigan Ball - DC

    Faerie Ball - FL

    Clockwork Ball - VP

    Mutant Ball - HW


    I volunteer Bubble Ball for MQ: it would burst if you pass it too strongly.

    Maybe Sand Ball for LD: it disintegrates the longer you play with it


    any others?


    I really like that idea, especially your two suggestions! Mutant is fitting for HW, but seems to originate from Virtupets, but then again they have Clockwork.


    Hmmm... maybe a Potato Ball/Yooyu for Meridell? :P

  10. Mutant is my favourite, they've become a lot more freakish and creative than their first inception, and I really like how strange and grotesque they look. I like the real-world influences Maraquan and a few Spotted pets have. Darigan, Glowing, Tyrannian, Strawberry and Faerie deserve mentions too.

  11. I think I've seen one other Hauntie on this board. We're reasonably big, but nowhere near the powerhouse we used to be.


    I quite like underdog teams. Brightvale was a second choice, so was Moltara. They're close knit and dedicated, and seem to keep morale high even though they tend to be losing teams. I love it when they pull surprise victory's, like Moltara and Kiko Lake have a few times this year. I feel very sorry for Altador. They have yet to even win, or even draw a match, and the past few years haven't been much better. I wish them best of luck in their future matches.

  12. I'm pretty terrible at making money in Neo. When I originally played, back in 2004, I only made about 100K in the three years I played! But now I'm better at games, have a select few I can make the 3K a day off, more dailies, and I'm currently working on my Habitarium as a source of income (Level 19 so far).


    My current goals are;

    • Aquire a Yurble Transmogrification Potion. It's not too expensive, I saw one for 600K, and I like 'ugly' pets quite a lot!
    • Paint Darusival, my Ixi, ghost. Check!
    • Decide on four perms, maybe start a side account if I can't.
    • Get my Habitarium to Level 50.
    • Get a double figure ranking in ACVII.
    • Paint Redenzek, my Buzz, snow.
    • Paint Decadeus, my ogrin, Starry. Collect clothing to make her a Mad Scientist.
    • Maybe get a Darigan Flotsam or Tyrannian Peophin. (Not through trading)
    • Write bios for all my pets.
    • Start a Mutant gallery!

    I think that's all of them for now. In no particular order, but the YTP is my current, I have to get the AC rank before it's over, and the Mutant Gallery will be the last thing I do. :)

  13. 1: Haunted Woods! Arrrrrooooo!

    2: Currently Rank 4, only 14 more games 'till 5!

    3: Yooyuball, most definately. It's quite fun and at times unpredictable, and it's always refreshing to face a new team (nearly) every day.

    4: Uhhhm, I don't like many of the side games. MSN is quite fun, I've had many button-mashing experiences, but since I'm on a laptop my fans kick in when I play and I fear I'm going to smash though my keyboard to the parts underneath. :P I'm terrible at Shooutout Showdown and it bored me to death, and Slushie Slinger is tolerable but I can rarely do more than one game at a time.

    5: Not too much. Currently attempting to get a rank a day, but I'm quite busy and so this is not always possible.

    6: I'm very much a lurker, I am a lurker on nearly every forum, 'cos I'm my chronic shyness. I check in there to see how the scores are going, how morale is, if people are having problems and reactions to scores.

    7: I play Left to Right, so my opponent's goal is on the right hand side.

    8: My team's standard is 1+3, but I have settled on 2+2.

    9: If I can gain control of him in time, yes.

    10: Occasionally, I use the mouse playstyle and I've grasped the system pretty easily, though I times It can be confusing on which team mate is closer in a squabble.

    11: Mouse. :)

    12: 8.695 currently, after a couple of weak matches to start with, but I usually get into double figures every match now.

    13: All-Star would be lovely, but because of time restraints I'm thinking hopefully a few ranks under.

  14. They've been operating in a bubble as we all have. It's meaningless in terms of the tournament at large.


    True, but that's why I'm curious to see how they'll play out during the rest of the tournament. This is indeed a strange system, but we'll wait and see.

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