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Posts posted by the_microwave

  1. Everyone's summer sounds wonderful! My girlfriend and I both have internships across the country, so we'll be moving into our first apartment together (!!!) and working all summer. It's a little strange to be spending the summer somewhere other than home, but it's also really exciting - can't wait for school/exams to finally be over!

  2. I think it's pretty nice, but I'm a big sucker for Woodland pets! I've got a Krawk on a side account that I might want to paint woodland...maybe! (If I could ever stop being indecisive for two seconds.) Still, I agree with some of the comments that they're a bit plain.

  3. I've had a ton of REs lately too, but I guess we're just lucky! Apart from a bunch of events that didn't do anything, I've had two events in the past two days where I randomly got over 15k NP! Not bad, but I'm jealous that you got the Sloth avatar! :) Fingers still crossed...

  4. Hurrah, a second basket! I agree with some of the earlier comments that this event is a tad disappointing compared to past years (not that it's ever that exciting, but this manages to feel even less so), but...it's still nice to have something going on, even if it's not much! And I'm excited to see what happens once the meter's filled up.

  5. This is such a good thread - I'm so happy to see that everyone is in agreement on this!


    Honestly, I think one of the most important things that any parent can do is teach their children - especially their sons - about the imperative value of consent. The responsibility always falls on the shoulders of women, whether it's little girls getting blamed for not letting little boys 'kiss' them, or women being blamed for harassment from men. And the best way to fix that is to start with children. Like Ali Cat said, both boys and girls are learning from things like this: Boys are learning to harass girls and girls are learning that their feelings don't matter. It's really awful how deeply ingrained these ideas are in us; like, of course your colleague didn't listen to your comment, because she's also learned these lessons about consent from childhood. "Boys will be boys" is practically a foundation of society (see: all the stories about frats recently, although I suppose that's a uniquely US disaster) and it's just...so horrible and so exhausting. Anyway, your post reminds me of this amazing video I saw the other day. So worth a watch!


    Idk - I just have a lot of feelings about this issue, and maybe this isn't the most coherent post in the world, but I'm glad we're talking about this because it's SO important.

  6. Oh gosh, big hugs to you as we mourn Zayn's absence <3 I think I fall into the "too old to be a 1D fan" category, which means no one around me wants to listen to me cry about Zayn all day, but...I know how you feel, this is horrible. I'm been down about this all day. Honestly, I'm still kind of in denial; absolutely heartbroken by this news. Trust me, you're not alone with this! Don't let anyone tell you your feelings are wrong or unwarranted.

  7. Probably around 30k a day on average, but usually anywhere from 10k-50k - mostly dailies, a few games, selling codestones. I'm intrigued by all the comments mentioning Food Club! I've never tried FC before and I'm a bit nervous about trying, but maybe I should check it out (although I don't know if my account is old enough to be useful).

  8. Come on, Thieves Guild! Just a few hours left before we see who wins...the Thieves Guild is the last avatar I need, so my fingers are crossed! Looks like the boards might be leaning that way but of course that's hard to tell. So ready to finally get this avatar!

  9. I agree with some of the earlier comments. I'm relieved that Jumpstart actually made a statement and showed they're paying attention...but they're still trying to spin it the best way they can, and I'm cautiously optimistic at best. I'm worried about Neopets - I think the comment above me is right, something needs to change. I don't want to see Neopets just stagnating.

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