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  1. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    Awww, that's a shame! Real life getting in the way sucks. D:
  2. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Unreleased Halloween and Bori Plushies!   
    I guess you can't wait to get your hands on them for your gallery, eh? :D
  3. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Dynohawk in Argh, Boochie - NO!   
    Totally should be an avatar for this to make it more bearable.
  4. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Duke_Sloth in Rapid Deflation- Is It Right?   
    I like that these rare items are being made available- but only if they are a rare prize. Having items that cost more than 100 million NP just seems silly to me when Neopets is such a controllable market. New members are at such a disadvantage now, so I like that there is a chance that anyone can get a PDE or other rare item- just from luck.
    So yeah. I hope that Hasees don't become a common prize from the Mysterious Negg- they can remain rare, but keep some entering the economy. I like to think of it like the Faerie Caves and Test Your Strength. Both release Paint Brushes (Faerie and Halloween, respectively), but they are super rare prizes, so the cost of the item doesn't fall so drastically -- though, I imagine the Faerie PB did when it was a plot prize, like the 8-Bit Potion.
    But, having plot prize items drop in price is a time honour Neopian tradition. :P Nothing they can do about that! It's annoying for the people that invested in them before, but how else should people be 'rewarded' for participating in plots? Straight NP? I don't like the sound of that very much.
  5. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Crimson in I'm so confused!   
    It should start at level 3 getting 5 NC every level until lvl 40, except at levels of multiple 5, which you earn the integer amount of the level NC. After 40, the usual 5 NC becomes 10.
    It may take a while to process NC.
  6. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in Sexism: What do you find sexist?   
    Nope. Every single sociology class I have ever taken that has discussed sexism (or any discrimiation, actually) defined it as discrimination + power. All of the readings I have done outside of those classes have defined it the same way. Thus, people of colour can not be racist, women can not be sexist, poor people can`t be classist, etc. While women and people of colour can both discriminate against their societal oppressors, they don`t have the institutionalised power in order to make it anything but individual bigotry.
    I have compiled some reading for you, if you're interested.
    Though, maybe I should clarify- sexism can hurt men, but it's not sexism that is directed at them. It is sexism against women that harms men as well. The patriarchial attitude that tells women that they should be in caring jobs (if they have a job at all!) can lead to men entering those careers being insulted. My brother, for example, left a job at a lumber mill to go to school to become a nurse. I bet you can imagine some of the insults that were thrown at him- all of them have to do with questioning his manliness, right? Things like that are intended to say that being like a woman is a terrible thing that should be avoided at all costs- and those attitudes, men avoiding "pink collar jobs", can hurt men. But it hurts them as a side effect of being sexist against women.
  7. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to cleomiele in Sexism: What do you find sexist?   
    I'm so glad we can 'like' posts now. Listen to this lady ^ Oh darn, I was about to link to a relevant blog but it's the same as one of yours, Rebecca :P Finally Feminism is great!
    To reiterate the point, women can be PREJUDICED towards men, as people of color can be PREJUDICED towards white people. However, due to there not being inherent societal pressure/power associated with that prejudice, it is not institutionalized and therefore it is not actually sexist or racist. "Men as a class are privileged over women as a class," to quote one of the above links, and thus a man's misogynistic comments carry more weight. In regards to your comment about 'sexist' advertisements towards men, yes, they do hurt men, but that is yet another side-effect of our sexist (towards women) culture, where being anything but super-manly (i.e. a woman) is just HORRIBLE. You can read more about that in the Finally Feminist link, if you choose to do so.
    On another note, a sexist comment that ticked me off in my economics class this week: we were having a discussion about substitute goods when something becomes too expensive, and my professor asked, "So if you were going to get your girlfriend a diamond ring for Valentine's Day, but the price skyrockets, what can you get her instead that is cheaper and also a good gift of comparable quality?" Of course, OF COURSE, there had to be one guy that said, with the conviction that he was just the most clever thing in the room, "A mop and a bucket?" I've never glared so hard at a total stranger.
  8. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from karmacow in I really need some help and I don't know where to go anymore...   
    Ugh, I kind of want to give him a smack upside the head. :(
    It sounds like he's not receptive to anything right now.
    -hugs- Try to remember that you're completely justified in feeling hurt by what he's doing, and that you shouldn't be guilty at all.
    (Aww, thanks! It took me a minute to realise that you were talking to me, I keep forgetting that he's a Hissi now! LOL)
  9. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from cleomiele in Sexism: What do you find sexist?   
    Nope. Every single sociology class I have ever taken that has discussed sexism (or any discrimiation, actually) defined it as discrimination + power. All of the readings I have done outside of those classes have defined it the same way. Thus, people of colour can not be racist, women can not be sexist, poor people can`t be classist, etc. While women and people of colour can both discriminate against their societal oppressors, they don`t have the institutionalised power in order to make it anything but individual bigotry.
    I have compiled some reading for you, if you're interested.
    Though, maybe I should clarify- sexism can hurt men, but it's not sexism that is directed at them. It is sexism against women that harms men as well. The patriarchial attitude that tells women that they should be in caring jobs (if they have a job at all!) can lead to men entering those careers being insulted. My brother, for example, left a job at a lumber mill to go to school to become a nurse. I bet you can imagine some of the insults that were thrown at him- all of them have to do with questioning his manliness, right? Things like that are intended to say that being like a woman is a terrible thing that should be avoided at all costs- and those attitudes, men avoiding "pink collar jobs", can hurt men. But it hurts them as a side effect of being sexist against women.
  10. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from vyvren in Ohemgee, as the spoiled Bruce said!   
    That's fantastic! :D Congratulations!
    (And just so you know, you can save the paint job for as long as you want. Make sure you use it before you complete ANOTHER FFQ though- you can't have a queue of them. ;))
  11. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in How long did it take you to earn 10 million neopoints?   
    Nope! There's no wrong way to play Neopets. :) 
    I wasn't working for the first couple months that I was back on Neopets (heh, being unemployed was most of the reason I started playing again! I was bored, but I wasn't working, so I had no money, so I couldn't go out, so I was bored... and so the cycle goes! LOL), so i was able to spend LOTS of time doing nothing but neopets. I got a level 50 Habi in less than three weeks, so I've made a HUGE profit off of that. I had plenty of time to play games every day, including lots of ones that refreshed the page a lot (pyramids, dice-a-roo, etc), and I got lucky and found a nerkmid or two on the ground, a couple of petpet pbs, etc.
    Plus, I already had a lab ray, a lot of avatars, painted pets, etc, so I didn't have much in the way of temptation to spend, whereas if I had a new account, I would be markedly poorer right now.
    You just need to find what works best for you. :) Play the game to your own strengths- if you don't, it won't be any fun, and what's the point if you're not having fun, right? :)
  12. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Mouseykins in The Daily Neopets Staff Blog!   
    Haha, this should prove interesting! :D I have started following you guys. :3
  13. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Emily in The Daily Neopets Staff Blog!   
    Haha, this should prove interesting! :D I have started following you guys. :3
  14. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Obsessionful in Who is the most famous person you have ever seen/met?   
    I helped teach Leonard Nimoy how to ride a Segway. That's about the most nerd cred I've ever achieved.
  15. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Crimson in The Habitarium Help Board   
    They are far more efficient in each of their tasks. You gain a lot by upgrading.
  16. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    I downloaded an add-on for Chrome that lets me manually adjust the flash quality for an entire website. I don't know what browser you use, or if they have add ons for other browsers, but it's worked fantastically for me!
    Yep, Pests can appear on top of your pests, but it is rare. And if they do, the pests are normally attacking the resource your P3 is harvesting, so your workers will attack them as well. Putting a decoration on top will stop that happening, but I found it SUCH a pain. Because you can't put a P3 on top of a decoration, each time you move your P3s back to work after resting them, you have to move that decoration, and then put it on top of them. Ugh. LOL.
    Nope! Your workers keep on working even if that screen is up, so no worries! I have that happen sometimes, when I refresh the page and then don't check it. I come back to the little notice about what has happened since you last were there, but I have a tonne of gems, so despite that screen being up, everyone kept doing what they were supposed to do. :) It just stays there so the game knows you've seen it! :)
  17. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to vyvren in Lab Ray Cookies?   
    I think they still restock, but very seldom and in a very limited amount. When they're not in stock, they're not listed among Noda's Cookies, but if you search for them you'll find this:

    Lab Ray Fortune Cookie
    125 NC
    Sorry, there are none left!
    Add to cart
    I bought a few a couple of days ago.
  18. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from ~Xandria in The Habitarium Help Board   
    I used to block off my P3s (I used fences and twigs- the branches seemed well to go 'across' and the fences worked well going 'down'. I have switched to just blocking off my storages- I got sick of half a day being wasted because my storages were full, and they couldn't access another resource. My lag is fine, especially since I put the quality of the flash down to low. But before I changed the quality, the lag was less with blocking the p3s- so if lag is a serious problem for you, blocking off p3s is definitely the way to go.
    Also, you don't have to rotate them. P3s can't move diagonally, so even if you think that they would be able to get out, they probably can't.
  19. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Tyler. in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    This is a huge debate, and I'm sure you'd all just love to hear my opinion so here it is. This shouldn't be an issue, it should be legal, end of story. Why? Tell me why not. Religious reasons, in my opinion, are all unsupported, and there's bigger problems facing the world.
  20. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to linsta in NeoQuest II help   
    These are the guides that I have used: IDNQ and Winnie_1964's guide. I'd suggest you look over Winnie's guide! The battle guide section in there will explain what you should do in a battle for the best effects. Also, if you're having difficulty with NQ2, I'd recommend Winnie's skill guide too because the skills are aimed at boss battles. So you will level up a bit slower using those skills, but boss battles will be a walk in the park (I used this for insane and the final boss was insanely easy xD).
    It's true you should not purchase wands for Mipsy. You will notice that for weapons you buy, they only have a damage stat. That means that the only thing your weapon will do is add damage to your physical attacks (or the "Attack" command). Since you dont use physical attacks with Mipsy, any amount of weapon damage won't help. Wands that you find will have additional skill stats, and you should use this to judge which weapon you want to use. If you levelled up group damage with her, look for wands with +group dmg. If you leveled up single-target damage, look for wands with that.
    Generally, I look at how many GOOD +stats each weapon has, vs how many GOOD stats are taken away. For stats that you dont use, just ignore them. For example...this wand has...
    - Damage Shields: +4
    - Group Direct Damage: +3
    - Group Haste: +3
    - Slowing: -2
    - Direct Damage: -2
    So if I levelled Group Direct Damage, this would be a good wand. the -2 Direct damage is negligible since I don't even use that skill. Also, I probably didn't level slowing, so the -2 there doesn't matter either. However, if I already have my group direct damage maxed out, then this wand loses some of its effectiveness. You cannot go above the maximum for that skill (which is 15). So just look for how many useful stat points a weapon or armor adds or takes away, and remember that skills you dont use don't matter, and any points over the maximum don't matter either.
    The same rules apply for armor. The armor you can buy only comes with a defense stat, which is useful on everyone. I'd skip out on buying weapons for Velm too since his attack isn't that helpful, but if you have lots of gold to spare and attack with him quite often, feel free to buy him weapons.
    As for seconds during the fight, it doesn't actually count seconds in real time. Even if you leave your NQ2 screen there for 2 hours, it won't make a difference in the time elapsed. How the seconds work.. each of your characters/enemies has a certain "wait time" after they attack before they can attack again. So for example, if your battle time is at 5s, and the next move (either you or enemy) is in 2s, then your next screen will update to 7s elapsed time. This is how the battle clock works. It's not really significant.. in fact you can just ignore it but if you learn how to time potions for hard boss fights, it will make them easier. The time between your character's attacks depend on if they're hasted or slowed. You can also decrease the amount of time between their attacks by levelling their innate haste. Also, the time will vary depending on what kind of attacks you use (for example, Talinia's group attack has a longer recovery time than a normal attack).
    Hope this helps and makes sense! Let me know if you have any other questions.
  21. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Saxen in Meet my new pet!!   
    After much thought I finally decided to trade Xen. I've been advertising a few days and got some really good offers, but I didn't expect an offer like this one!

    Meet Skradian, my grey Kyrii :*
    Cant believe it!!
  22. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Zombiiesque in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    Yup, that's just it! I'd like to know how anyone opposed to it can concretely say that it has personally affected their lives in a negative fashion. I'm sorry, but if you're embarrassed because a family member is gay and gets married/wants to get married, that doesn't count in my opinion. That doesn't actually affect you, personally.
  23. Like
    Rebecca~ reacted to Mouseykins in Transferring items   
    All information about side accounts can be found HERE.
    You are allowed to transfer items and neopoints to your side accounts as long as you are storing the items or using food to feed your pets or toys to improve your pets mood. If you're wanting to move them to your side to sell that is against the rules. Read over the guide I linked you to and that should answer all your questions pertaining to what is and isn't allowed concerning side accounts.
  24. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from bluebell_rose in malling   
    If the mall shop was priced the cheapest, I would buy it there. I would skip over to another shop that wasn't a mall shop if they had it priced cheaper.
  25. Like
    Rebecca~ got a reaction from Mouseykins in Poogle Day/Free Training Questions   
    Only at the Academy, unfortunately, so only pets that are level 40 or lower get free training. They can't train at the Academy and the Training School at the same time. :( I believe that if you have already started a course, but not paid, you will have to pay for it and wait for it to finish before starting your free training (I haven't tried that since my first pet day, back in 2001 or so, so I think this is what happened, but I would wait for someone to come confirm that! LOL)
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