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Everything posted by Bodhi

  1. Bodhi

    AC 2024

    Yeah, it can be tough getting into it, though it's one of the few things I'm active in any real way for. That, the Negg Hunt and Advent Calendar. Mentally, I just can't devote myself to doing much more on NP. YYB is the only one of the games I've got the patience for, tbh, though this year and last, I've been unable to get more than 8 or 9 goals, whereas in past years I've gotten to 12 or 13. But I'm just happy for wins! A few more games and I'll be able to afford the bracelets and a few of the cheaper items. I loooove items.
  2. Bodhi

    AC 2024

    Able to play today, thankfully! I'm on 8/15 to get to level 6, which is lower than last year, but I'm not too worried. How're you getting on with it? I think one reason I wasn't as interested is because of the Void event that's going on, though I'm not even as into that either.
  3. I'm so frustrated! This year I've not been all that into AC, but a couple of days ago I finally got going, and have reached level 5. I'm off work for the next 3 days (Sat. to Mon.) so have plenty of time to play more and get the points I need for all of the team bracelets, but when I opened the game, I found it's a rest day. I knew Sundays were rest days in the past, but this was new. I hope we can continue tomorrow (Sat.) so I can hit YYB hard for more points. I'm so close!
  4. UFA: DIMENSION SKEITH https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=follekikio NM me on that account if you're interested! Will hold until 14th of this month.
  5. What did you buy? I'm going to go for all of the headbands. Every year, I like to buy one of each team item.
  6. Bodhi


    Those are epic levels! How do you find the time to play so much and how do you keep yourself from giving up?
  7. Bodhi


    What rank are you currently on, and what are you aiming for? I've hit 9, and probably won't go any further. I'm pretty happy with it. When I started, I didn't have any particular level in mind, just as high as I could.
  8. Something I noticed was that the opponent keeper will very briefly turn their back to the action, which is a good time to shoot. But the timing has to be perfect before they turn back again. When I play the first 3 YYB games every day, I will start over as many times as it takes for me to get 7 goals so I can earn 3k NP. If I don't score those 7 within a certain timeframe or get too many Darigans, I'll restart. Another thing I'll do is commit "sui***e" when I get a Darigan. I'll grab the ball, go to Xana and give it to her, then make her score an own goal. Yes, the opposing team gets the goal, but it means I don't have to waste time trying to score myself. However, I'll only do this if I'm a good bit ahead in goals, or if there's plenty of time for me to score more.
  9. Absolutely! They really are more aggressive. It's so frustrating.
  10. Is it just me, or is it harder this year to both score, and keep the ball away from opponents? I used to be able to get 9-11 in a good game, but this year it's 6-8. Also, my dumb players keep handing the ball to the keepers!
  11. Is it just me, or is A.C. a little harder this year? I find it harder to get shots past the keeper, and the opposing team's AI seems smarter. In past years, I was able to get 10-12 goals in a good game, but this year, I only usually get up to 8.
  12. UFA GoAndPlayWillYa Split Chia Perfect for a Team Kreludor fan! https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=GoAndPlayWillYa Please message me on that account if you want him.
  13. Ooo, Duolingo! I've been using that for a few years, but not frequently. I've been back at it recently, however, mainly to keep my daily streak going. My main course is French, which I find pretty easy because I had to learn it in high school in the '90s. Spanish, though I've not done it for a while. Norwegian (Bokmal): apparently it's one of the easiest languages to learn, and I quite like it. German: though I've not done it for a while. Haitian Creole: similar to French in a lot of ways. Got a good way into it, but then longer phrases were thrown at me and I had a hard time keeping up.
  14. Last: Dogs of God by Pinckney Benedict Current: The Fog by James Herbert Next: Domain by James Herbert
  15. SPORTS DAY!!! Yeh, egg and spoon, three-legged race, sack race, running... During P.E. we had those bars that pulled out from the walls in the assembly hall, and we had to climb the ropes. Then there were the hula hoops, bean bags and there were small rings made of rubber. Then there were the long, low wooden benches with those metal...flappy...things at the ends and rubber nubs also at the ends.
  16. Reading: my fave authors are Wilbur Smith (historical fiction) and Stephen King (Horror) Photography: I have a camera and like to use it. Apart from those, I use the internet a lot for online simulation games like Neopets and Subeta. I love animals, especially horses. I used to ride, but last time I was on a horse was 2001. I was promised I could ride the Clydesdale that lived at the animal sanctuary I volunteered at, when I had finished my work. It had been a lifelong dream just to see a Clydes in real life (I don't recall ever having knowingly met one prior to that) so he was my favourite out of all the horses there.
  17. Not being a gamer per se, I don't game much. But I do play certain sims online: NP, Horse Phenomena, Lioden and Subeta. NP: dailies with most activity during AC Horse Phenomena: active Lioden: borderline obsessively active Subeta: for Bath House daily. Mostly active during events. I also play Pokemon Go on occasion, and on my phone I have Make More! and Egg Inc.
  18. Shake Your Booty KC & The Sunshine Band That's The Way I Like It KC & The Sunshine Band
  19. I wish pets like that would be deleted from the game. lol This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please do not bump topics that are no longer relevant, please create a new topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED.
  20. I miss those games, too. Though not the optical illusion thing from Pter, where if you look away from the game board, everything seems like it's moving. On Lioden there's a game which has that kind of effect, though it's a side-scroll game as opposed to...uh...up-scrolling? down-scroll? Horizontal as opposed to vertical. Also, in Pter, I think my fave weapon was the fireball. Just hold down your space bar and let 'em have it! "PEW! PEW!"
  21. I used to adopt from the Pound, zap the pet then put it back into the Pound again. But recently I've been creating new pets with good names, zapping those and putting them UFA in the Pound forum. I don't know why, but I love doing this and have come up with amusing and thoughtful names such as "FiveMoreMinutes" and "SomeoneCares". After adopting out a freshly-zapped-to-plum Chia, I made a JubJub to zap, with the name of "GoAndPlayWillYa", but I might keep him if I get a colour I like! My fave species to zap are Chia, JubJub and Kiko as they give funny results!
  22. Zapped "FiveMoreMinutes" the blue Chia to plum.
  23. Well, wonder no more!
  24. Hah! I think I'll stick with what I have for now.
  25. No, I didn't! I mean...uh...of course I did. I just...uh...forgot. *ahem* >__> *sidles off to go do...something*
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