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Status Updates posted by Saxen

  1. Woooo first comment!! :3

  2. Thanks for adding me as a friend :*

  3. ... the colour silver going well with Wraith.

    Why does it tell you you have a certain amount of characters left on this comment thing if it's simply not true?! lol

  4. Someone on the boards the other day said they saw one go for 1.5 million O_o. I'd say now is *definitely* a good time to buy lol.

    Simple sounds good for Wraith :) it's one of those colours that doesn't need a whole lot adding to it, it's got a looot of character already :P Never know though, TNT might bring out some clothes that look super awesome on it! I can imagine ...

  5. Well,, it probably wont be for a while yet XD I'm applying for an amazing pet who's owner said they can do a Draik custom though so fingers crossed :* :*

    You should ;) Wraith Draik would be amazing! Though I can also imagine it being kinda hard to customise :/

  6. Coool thank you darlin! The page looks pretty swish :* Expect to see a few more up there from me ;) hehe. I'm saving for another MP for Organs :D

  7. That smiley might very well be meaningless to you, not sure if you would know the saying I'm on about in your neck of the woods :P

  8. Why thank you *toofy grin*

    Well I live in the original Brighton ^^ settlers really didn't have much imagination did they XD

    That's awesome you took psychology :D Did you have a particular area you enjoyed more than the rest? There are a few things I really want to learn more about without having to look up unreliable sources online that don't know their elbow from their :) lol

  9. P.S Check out my brand spankin' new avatar ;)

  10. We have a Surrey really near here ^_^ You have a Brighton as well don't you? (I remember someone telling me :S)

    That sounds very wise :) It's best not to rush studying, especially at degree level. I'll be studying psychology next year and I haven't been in any kind of learning environment for like 3 years O-o scary stuffs. Uni sounds like fun! I'd definitely like to go.

  11. No problem :* I'm applying for Ham :D

  12. Hey Xepha ^^ Just thought I'd let you know that Saiaun the UC Grey Wocky is UFA. I know you love your Wockies :P x

  13. I can imagine writing Japanese must be pretty long winded :P I don't think I'd be able to remember how to draw them all O_o

    Oooh that's really cool! Sucks that you have to wait two years but I'm sure it'll be well worth it ^^

    Where abouts in Canada are you from btw? I have a friend in Windsor, Ontario :)

  14. Whaaat? French does have an alphabet! :P I can recite it if you need proof lol

    That's awesome! Do you plan on going to Japan at any point? My friend just spent a year out there and he's pretty proficient in the language now ^^ Another of my friends is there at the moment. I really love Japanese culture, I'd love to visit someday :)

  15. It's well cool you're learning Japanese :) I'd love to do that but it seems as though it would be really hard D: is it? I'm starting French lessons soon since I already know a lil and it's beautiful ^^ Japanese seems like a whole other league though!

    The first playstation ruled, I will say that. Original Crash Bandicoot and Spyro = WIN.

  16. Wow that really didn't process O_o I apologise. It's late for me though so.. that's my excuse :) lol. The 15th is pretty soon! bet you're pretty excited to have a break ^^

    I've never actually played a PS3 so I couldn't give any sort of valid opinion on the matter - though I do enjoy saying they're rubbish just because I play Xbox, soo.. they're rubbish ;D

  17. How long have you got until your semester finishes? I need a Bleach buddy XD I'll probably overtake you soon :P I watch upwards of 5 a day, but I have had several hour "binges" before haha.

    PS3 ehh? I play Xbox.. Does that somehow make us enemies? D:

    XD I'm a bit of a troller myself when it comes to peoples profiles. *lurks for a while* :K

  18. Haha yeah he is good in those episodes! He really likes telling people he's going to put them in jars XD I loved finding out his (and Udhara's) story when they flashed back in time, that was pretty cool ^^. The plot's all tying together now! :D

    Have you managed to watch any more recently?

  19. Wooo :D Our avatars look kinda similar as well, blue hairs n stuff :)

    I did see someone with a kinda weird Mayuri one, but I'm not a massive fan of him - he gives me the heebie jeebies D:

  20. Thankyeewww ^_^

  21. Error: Oops! - Pet Nifuel doesn't exist! D:

  22. Marvum. I'ma whoop you ;) haha. Thanks hun!

  23. Can I fight your Jetsam for the avvie plez? :D

  24. Aww you poor thing! It's 5am here so I'm not too far behind ya :P You not sleepy at all?

  25. You up late again too? XD

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