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Status Updates posted by Saxen

  1. When you buy books do you read the last page first? XD

    I was looking up the meanings of names and stumbled into some spoilers, I was so annoyed at myself lol. Nothing major just the relationship aspect, something I'd already suspected but still!

    So don't you go revealing anything Mr :P

  2. Gah! Stoopid blimmin thing ¬_¬

    If I do surpass you I promi... ise not to spoil anything for you, though that may be hard if anything super amazing happens ;P

  3. When we 'met' :P and we spoke briefly about Bleach I hadn't seen Gimmjows Adjuchas form yet or his zanpakuto release so I didn't fully appreciate his awesomeness, but now I totally get it - he is the don *nods*. I really like Ulquiorra as well though; he's the calm sort of crazy that's a bit unnerving, sorta reminds me of Byakuya :P

    If I do surpass you I promi...

  4. I really need to stop staying up till 8am..... O-o

    1. Angeló


      that's also what I did today 6_6 then slept in until 5:30 PM xD

    2. Saxen


      Oh noes you beat me, I only slept till 3pm! ;) hahaa

  5. I love your new picture!! You so purdy :* :* xxx

  6. Thanks! I've actually fallen in love with her XD Officially my favourite character, she's so awesome ^^. PLEASE tell me she appears in some later episodes? (I'm on 214) x

  7. Yeahh boiii tis moi :D Thank you :*

  8. Hello again TDN! I've missed you terribly ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Spritzie


      I always did the hot curlers, then just the weird foam ones overnight. That way it lasted like.... 3 hours. I finally just gave up. It wasn't worth the effort for the short period of time it actually lasted. Apparently, my hair will only agree with being straight.

    3. Saxen


      Oooh I've heard about those things! Did you use a super-awesome-rock-hard-hold-in hairspray? That's the only thing (besides gel XD) that can tame my hair and make it behave.

      Your hair looks good straight ^^ Mine is wavy to the point where it wont stay straight, but it's not like, curly or anything, so I'm in a weird in-between state. Long story short: my hair is annoying and I hate it lol.

    4. Spritzie


      No I did. My mom and I tried a few different hair sprays, just to prolong it, but nothing worked super well. (I'll have to hunt down some pictures.)

      Thanks :D I'm the only one in my family with straight hair. My sister and dad have wavy hair, and my mom's is super curly.

  9. *smooshies* :) :)

  10. Thank you sweetie :) I'm so excited to be back, I've really missed this place. Feels all warm and homey ^_^ xxx

  11. Heyy sweetie!! :) I'm back :D

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