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Posts posted by xSummer

  1. For the past five days I have gone to the shrine and every single time have gotten "You pet has gained a level" My pet is now on level 9, with one level gained by a RE and the rest shrine. Does it just depend on luck? In the meantime I haven't won a single thing from the fruit machine!

  2. I read the other articles on it but can someone please answer me this, does everyone get the same hunt and TDN will have guilds or is it by account and everyone is different? Cause then it's going to be hard! haha

  3. yes but once you email back it gets forwarded to dwyane. you can try though. i really wish it have a different outcome, i loved my account, but that is their most serious thing and even if you didn't do it, it's hard to prove because many people a day cheat and then try to lie anyway they can. wish it could be different. i know your angry, i was too. i took a 3 month break from neopets but now i am back, i suggest you do the same or just restart. Rebuilding is a pain but atleast now you can be careful and not take any expensive gifts, even if its from a family member.

  4. Personally, I don't often allow my nesters to gather resources. I like to keep my nesters that aren't nesting, in the houses so that I have nesters to replace the ones on the nests that get too tired.


    super interesting and good suggestion. maybe i should do that haha

  5. no sorry. i've already tried. they don't give their address and there is no live number. dwayne takes care of this section, nobody else, he's the same one for me. sorry, but i told you so. and i think he's rough because the people who do cheat are ruining neopets. sorry but like i said, start rebuilding. also it says only send in one ticket and wait for it to be answered and by sending multiple it floods their box and makes them angry.

  6. So I click on the white, then the blue, and then i tried clicking on everyone and they all said they are wrong. [removed] is there the only places to click?





    didn't know i said a bad word. why is it every time i pot for help i get it? haha


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  7. haha yea. i always did the big track and one night i was like hey maybe if i do a small track i can still get 1000k, and i did. kind of smack myself in the forehead haha


    new game, dannon danimal crush, the previous dannon danimal is now gone.


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