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Posts posted by xSummer

  1. I was just looking at the scratch card post and in the ice caves when I clicked on happy valley link. A tab window popped up and started downloading something that said malware setup and the tab page showed a bunch of things that needed to be downloaded or something. I stopped the download and deleted it and restarted my internet. What was that?? I wasn't in any other page???

  2. i was lucky enough to find one in a re and two on keyquest and they happened to be two of the most expensive. the most expensive one was 460k and the rest i got in sw. I have it on my dailies list. The only reason I did this just because the last plot i had to train alot cause my pet was horrible and don't want to be in that spot again. I hate spending too. Idk why I save cause it's like, "what am i saving for?" but this was one thing i wanted. The only main things i've always wanted was a baby paintbrush and faerie paintbrush but never wanted to use them just kind of stare at them haha but this i can use.

  3. Me and my friend noticed this the other day. Lately I've been looking through pages, and all of a sudden gets nps, or in my inventory getting a new item, like I got a map piece one day. Also I have been going to shop wizard and finding out im on a quest and for all of these I never once saw the re? Could it be a glitch?

  4. just because we celebrate doesn't mean anything. we buried him by his religion and followed it right which shows we are 10x better than them. it's a victory for us because it's been ten years. I am not sure how old you are but i think for the older crowd, it's understandable. and the celebration is because a murderer was brought to justice. We are happy, but it doesn't bring our loved ones back, and we are celebrating for them, because they no longer have a voice. Just as if a normal murderer on the street was sentenced to life in jail, you are happy, and celebrate, but it doesn't take away the pain.

  5. Believe it or not, I don't train. I play cause it's fun. I am also 20 years old and know it's important to not take an online game too seriously. I have no problem with you, I just applied to your posts like you wanted, but I do think "break" periods may be healthy for you. Just my opinion that you can take or leave. Like she said ^^ there are good people in the world and you need to make a friend that you feel the same about your pet with. Sometimes there are people out there that play this too and you can play together. You don't want the best time of your life to be full of time on the computer, I know cause when I was younger I did the same.

  6. I know were your coming from. Normally I only do one pet cause I always forget to feed the others but one was given to me by a friend as a bd pet and then the other two are le so now I have four. Hard to keep track if they are hungry or anything. & sometimes i feel like neopets is a chore too, i just took a two day break and some days dont do my games. i feel like its not fun if u do that. now i just do the negg hunt and habitarium and am happy but i do recommend taking a day break, makes it that much better

  7. i've commented and i think it's pretty obvious how I feel. I play neopets alot but I think you need to take a break and get away from neopets. Your connection to it is alittle alarming because it is just a game. Also I think you shouldn't post multiple things about it, rather just talk about it in one. But i truly believe you should take a break, get out with your friends, and realize neopets is a game and that's it.

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