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Posts posted by xSummer

  1. no this is happening with me too, yet you get the right np. like i was playing a 1000 game, played twice, it told me i played three times, yet got 3k. i think its a glitch.

  2. the day after and they ask for more information and go from there. ip may be alittle different but not alot if you are in the same location. say ur ip is 199, if he is in the same state it should be around that like 197 or close and they can look it up. they ask for more proof cause you didn't provide it but the next email will be, "your account was found to be selling or buying blah blah under these circumstances your account cannot be returned blah blah sorry for inconvenience."


    it automated. if u email back to that you get Dwayne which kind of repeats it but gives more information like mine was "the person that gave this to you is a seller." even tho i had no idea she was just a friend. i tried for 3 months but wish you luck.

  3. I never called her a liar, I am just trying to explain to them the process they go through everyday. Hundreds of trades happen a day but when some large items, like large some of nps or items are traded, they go search their accounts and try to figure out if this is possible, including seeing if their ips are the same. If they aren't, they freeze. They won't freeze unless they have a reason for this because they do a deep search about it. With checking accounts come debit cards. Yes they may not and pay by check but I was just pointing something out. I know TNT makes mistakes but they are smart people and on this subject they dig deep into the reason and don't just freeze after something like that because they know some people gift things like that. I am just letting her know what TNT told me and their process and how unlikely it is to get it back. I wasted three months of trying to get my account back which I was in a form scammed and never did, and he said that i proved alot of information and if he could he would unfreeze but there's always that chance I was lying and said I couldn't. If it was her brother, they would have the same ip and she can point that out to them. If its the same ip she could possibly get her account back, but if not well then we will see. I am trying to help but I also see many people who say stories like this to get out of it because they lost their account. I am just trying to be the middle man and give information and what TNT does and how they do it.


    If they do a simple search on the internet of chances of getting an account back, it proof in itself.


    But yes you should email tnt saying you can look at our ips to prove we are brother and sister. That would be perfect.

  4. I'm not saying her brother did that but I know TNT through going through this and they only freeze because that other account, which is his brothers, is a seller account. Believe me I chatted back and forth and learned this through Dwayne. He said they only freeze people with that reason because the account that gave stuff away is a seller account. So if it was your brothers, or not, that account was a seller. That is what I am trying to say. You might of known, or not, but that is why, and unless the discussion happened on neopets through neomail, they say there is no way to prove whether it was your brother or not. Believe me I spent a month talking to him and he laid it out that's why he said your discussion happened on msn and because I am not sure if it did, you won't get your account back. They do not know if you have a credit card or debit card, you could and just say you don't. You have to understand they hear these stories atleast a hundred times a day. I'm sure people say "My brother gave them to me cause he quit." But they know that happens that why they dig deep into the account and see that it is a seller. That is why it took three weeks for you to be frozen after the exchange happened cause they investigated it and found that out. Like I said I know this and you will get an email saying "you were frozen cause you were caught selling or buying neopoints, items, ect, due to this reason, your account cannot be returned and will remain frozen." I suggest rebuilding.


    I went through the same problem. My friend gave me her neopoints cause she was quitting. Come to find out her account was a seller account and because she gave me stuff, it was seen that I was buying when I never knew this. They spent three weeks investigating her account to figure this out and then frozen me and her. Even though I showed the chat stating it was a gift, they said there was nothing they could do. This is their largest no no and is less than 1% returnable. I even talked to their company and its the same thing.


    And I don't believe that nobody in your household has a debit or credit card, because your account pet had nc items on and all parents have either or, nobody holds onto their cash. You need to pay with a credit card or debit or bank account to pay for your internet. I am not trying to be mean but I think I know more about this seeing I spent the most time on this subject with TNT explaining their exact policy to me.

  5. I usually leave my habitarium running all night seeing it takes forever to level up and usually gain a level and a half. Last night however I hardly moved! I maybe went up 100! Anyone else have this problem or know why?

  6. i gave them a chat, neofriends, tons of proof to the point where id prob win in court but they didn't do it and won't do it. they did it because ur "brothers" account is a selling account. They only freeze cause of that reason cause millions of people do that stuff daily. They have been watching, saw that it was the case, and poof. They hear millions of stories that "it was my brothers account" or "it was a friend" that they just now send out a generic email saying there is nothing they can do and you broke the rules.

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