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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    Ahhhhhhh you changed your name. >_<

  2. Hello c: how are you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      I'm good as well. how are things with your friend?

    3. rachiee


      they're pretty much better i guess????

    4. khaos


      good to hear. c:

  3. back when it was something about the dark side had cookies. on the emo song.

  4. hello dark sort of me! :P

  5. Hello dark me! ^^

  6. *coughxatcough* I Neofriended you on Neo btw.

  7. I guess I'm mature for my age. :P

  8. Like how old?

  9. Why? Any reason behind that?

  10. Yep, I'm 11. Surprised? :P

  11. Well, it's not an actual anime. It basically just makes music and stuff, but has anime characters that appear in PVs (basically music videos). People have been begging them to make an actual anime out of it though. :P

  12. Haven't heard of either. :/ Mine's from the anime Vocaloid.

  13. Just notice that you're a girl and a Kaito. wat. where did you get your username from anyway?

  14. Congratulations on ACT trial!

    1. -Ryan


      Thanks. ^^

  15. Good, "Kaito Dark." You?

  16. ._.

    1. Kaito Dark

      Kaito Dark

      Jealous eh?

    2. khaos


      Que jealous, I was here before you.

    3. Kaito Dark

      Kaito Dark

      And I, after.

  17. Happy birthday!!

  18. khaos

    It's more than 26 letters. :P

  19. khaos

    That wouldn't fit. xP

  20. Y U NO 5 STAR RATING?!? :O *rates 5 stars*

  21. is oldneo gone for good? i really miss that site.

  22. khaos

    xat. nao. I can't NM you since i'm against punchbag bob D:

  23. Happy late birthday, MAY the 4th be with you. :P

  24. Why are you 2 stars? D: *rates you 5 stars*

    1. Sakabato


      ... I dunno actually, but I apologize to anything I did wrong.

    2. khaos


      probably some spammers that rate people 1 star. I see a lot of cool people with a low rating. some of it is reflected because of the good ratings they already got, though.

  25. khaos

    oh yeah, forgot about it. sure! :P

    1. khaos


      do you have the link?

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