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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    *pokes you back*

  2. Oh my gosh I am so freaking HAPPY :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  3. Oh ok. I never use it much anyway but message me when you want to get on Xat. And cool, I never got around to finishing it, but I finished Darkness a long time ago xD

  4. *points to xat* We haven't talked in a while o:

  5. Is it odd that I can name the games where each one of your Eevee sprites in your "About Me" is from? ._.

    1. flyingeevee


      I'd say well done! :D

    2. khaos
  6. We haven't talked in a while o: (It's Khaos, despite the recent name change :p)

    1. rachiee


      sorry i just noticed this like a week after you posted but hi!! c:

    2. khaos


      and I noticed a week after you posted that too xD Hi!

  7. *late* Welcome to the forums!

  8. Congrats on super member! :D

  9. You're becoming JB with your random name changes and all.

  10. Night of Nights is officially my theme song, and that is all.

  11. You left at *almost* your 1 year of being here. D:

  12. lol i seem to never see you on Neo anymore but maybe it's just bad timing. xD *points to xat*

  13. Waitwaitwait. You like anime (specifically Lucky Star), you post a lot, and you post a lot of topics, yet no one has commented on your profile or friended you, or rated you? That needs to change. *rates you 5 stars, comments, and befriends*

    1. Bubbleline


      Haha, thank you. I feel so appreciated now. XD

    2. khaos


      Haha, you're welcome. :p

  14. updating my status to something involving me not knowing what to update my status to.

  15. khaos

    *has seen the about me page* :P Are you watching it at this very moment or are you just watching the series in general?

    1. khaos


      *whistles* http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337 *whistles and walks away*

  16. khaos

    Yeah, I saw that. Thanks :)

  17. Oh, ok. Good to hear :)

  18. I am a whole blob of stuff right now. Beware of me.

  19. Don't you live in Denver? D: Were you there when that one shooting was? If so, then are you ok?

    1. khaos


      (And if not, thank goodness you're safe. :P)

  20. Almost 7,000 posts. >:3

    1. -Ryan
    2. khaos


      You. (7,000 posts that count actively, not counting posts in Games or anything.)

    3. -Ryan


      Oh... Really? :D

  21. Since you guys need at chat, I'll let you guys use mine. Omega Zero's already on: http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  22. I'll let you and that other Chai Tea guy use my chat if you want. http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  23. You're back on YouTube? :o

  24. Welcome back, Saxen! :D *late*

    1. Saxen


      Thank you hun :D Haha it was only like yesterday, you're all good XP

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