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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. Omigosh Munro Chambers is in your city! #Jealous

    1. rachiee


      He's not in the same state as me though (he's in NJ, close enough) but I wish I could meet him ;n;

    2. khaos


      EVERYONE wishes they could meet him. :P

  2. Listening to the song "Death Waltz" while reading suicide notes/stories is really boosting my depression.

  3. Because.... Barbie, really?

  4. I'm fine, thanks for asking. You? PS.. change your username :P

  5. khaos

    I am what you're username is.

    1. khaos


      *your And I read your about me and it is very similar to.. me. :o

  6. Haven't seen you in a while. It's Khaos, in case you don't know,

  7. I'm 75th top poster in the WHOLE forum out of ALL the users. :D

    1. Ruka


      And I'm... 76TH! XD

    2. khaos
    3. Ruka


      Random: Who is Eli Goldsworthy?

  8. I love my new name too. :D

  9. So, you finally woke up, huh?

  10. We haven't talked in a while

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos
    3. wistiria12


      so who's it going? Hey? did you know that there giving away in wifi mewtoo? i just got one

    4. khaos


      Yeah but I don't have Wi-fi. :( I need to go to a friends house.

  11. khaos

    *is 5 PM where I live* I hope you do, we could use a few new people.

  12. khaos

    Are you gonna join the Pokemon RP?

  13. Go to chat :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos



    3. rachiee


      I didn't know when you left. I'll get back on again if you're still there :)

    4. khaos


      I'm on now, same link

  14. khaos

    I can teach you! :3 By PM or by chatroom. By the time you're done, you'll be as smart as Nintendo in Pokemon! ^_^

    1. khaos


      Oh yeah. *pokes back*

  15. khaos

    *pokes Ain* i'm making a Pokemon RP topic, you wanna join when I'm done?

  16. Kaizo Emerald - 2% done.

    1. PBJ


      Yay! :D Can't wait for the full version to come out.

  17. I hate everything. I hate stress, I hate school, I hate homework, I hate everything. I'm gonna ask my English teacher if I can quit on writing and publishing my book. (No, Sweetdang, not the one you crit'd)

    1. Ezazne


      Don't give up. It doesn't make anything better.

  18. I LOVE your signature.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      Thank you! Love it!!

    3. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      I got an error message trying to use it on TDN.

    4. khaos
  19. Oh my gosh, you watch Chuggaaconroy, too? (You said your favorite LP'er is gonna LP Pokemon Emerald, which he just started :D)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flyingeevee


      Never heard of Bikdiponabus, but I do watch SuperSkarmory sometimes :D Mangaminx is another fav of mine...she just doesn't update much :/ Plus I started to watch LPs from ScottishDuck17 xD Necroscope86 was my first LP'er to discover plus he updates SO MANY games so him and Chugga will always be on my list :3

    3. khaos


      You should watch BikdipOnABus. He is good at gaming, funny, and just really entertaining to watch. He is on a slight hiatus right now. But he has like over 1000+ videos. :P

    4. flyingeevee


      I'll give him a chance then :D

  20. If you see this, Happy Birthday!! :D

  21. I'm not on your super-duper TDNF awesome list?? D:

    1. Sweetdang


      Please don't get offended... I can't even differentiate you, Haduo, and err one more guy idk all the name changes confuse me!!!!!!!!


      But I lahve you, okay? :> :> :>

    2. khaos


      Lahve you too. :>

      Just remember, i'm the awesome 11 year old that loves Dragon Ball Z.

  22. I hate procrasination. Especially when you're stuck in 2 very important situations besides the one I'm procrastinating about. Broken laptop. :(

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