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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. I see your member title has a nigahiga reference.

  2. i should go and read Bargo the Bikdip again and at least try to make sense of it

    1. Duskitty


      ...Bargo the Bikdip? 0_0

    2. khaos
  3. I speak the truth.

  4. I sub-consciously hurt people. :<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweetdang


      Everyone does, and honestly, it's terrible when you look back and realize.

    3. -Ryan


      Did you hear about that new broom? Its sweeping the nation.

    4. -Ryan


      Sorry, got too serious.

  5. I think I like Dangan Ronpa a bit too much.

    1. khaos


      haha no i dont

  6. I try to stay in the best mood possible, but sometimes its kinda hard. :}

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos
    3. Vocaloid Marshmallow
    4. Baixinha


      Hi! thanks for giving me my 1st comment ever! What kind of neopets do you like? My personal favorites are aishas and acaras.

  7. I used to wonder what friendship could be~

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. khaos


      Me too. :P Only 1 of my friends know because I accidentally said it during an argument. My friends/classmates don't like popular stuff... except the terrible mainstream stuff. so they wouldn't get the concept of a brony. :P

    3. Ruka


      My friends/classmates wouldn't either. xP

    4. khaos


      But you're a girl, so if you're friends fit the description of mine, it would be more understandable.


  8. i want to change my member title to something other than BRAIN.exe has crashed but its been there for so long its like a part of my soul

  9. I was on Mysteryseeker.com today and asked for a mission, and it told me to read homestuck. It made me think of you. xD

    1. rachiee


      really? o: omg

    2. khaos


      #late but yeah :P

  10. i wasted all mine on battledome items, almost had enough for faerie PB :( but i'm glad i didn't. i got the charisma charm and the dagger, the dagger's useless now, though.

  11. I will cosplay in 7 weeks. BE. READY.

  12. i will never leave this site

  13. i'll get the helicopter to catch up with her,then i'll drop the fence around her. electrifying fence! make sure the dogs are trained...

  14. khaos

    I'll give you NP, but not 20K. :P

  15. i'll go in the fence to poke her continuously. she'll be frozen >=D

  16. I'll let you and that other Chai Tea guy use my chat if you want. http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  17. khaos

    I'll stop when you change your name to Lassi, and then, when you can change it back again, I'll call you whatever you change it to.

  18. I'm 75th top poster in the WHOLE forum out of ALL the users. :D

    1. Ruka


      And I'm... 76TH! XD

    2. khaos
    3. Ruka


      Random: Who is Eli Goldsworthy?

  19. I'm afraid I can't do that.

  20. I'm fine, thanks for asking. You? PS.. change your username :P

  21. I'm gonna add you because I'm boss like that.

  22. I'm in a bad mood.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sweetdang


      *joins in happy dance*


      Come on, you'll NEVER see me dancing.

    3. Tedhaun


      Lippstik, come on over and make this person proud with your brand new style. http://pets.neopets.com/cpn/Lippstik/1/4.png

    4. khaos


      *observes happy dances*

      *observes Lippsik's style*

      *is in a better mood*

  23. I'm late, but I didn't know, congrtas on Content! :D

  24. I'm not on the list that made you TDN time super-duper? D:

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