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mairead123 last won the day on August 10 2019

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  1. I'd like to know how to find SDB and quickstock. There's little point in redesigning web pages that don't tell users how to find what they are looking for. That's basic web design. Also text colours are not always easy to read. These are beginners's mistakes.
  2. in the battledome for Obelisk Skirmish I'm getting 'error sending score' repeatedly so whilst I can't complete fight it takes points off my score.
  3. I've been watching TinyKittens.com. They also have a facebook page. I sit and watch them then realize it's 3 hours later.
  4. I know the prize shop is closing 15/5/20 so I thought I'd go along and see if I'd claimed my prize. Unfortunately I can't find the prize shop and any links just go round in circles. Anyone know where I can find it? I have 35000 for the staff tournament which I don't think I've claimed and I've got till midnight to do so. Thanks for any help. Just found from another site that prize shop closed yesterday and was closed from 15/5, not on 15/5. It was closed on 14/5/20. Ah well, there's always next year.
  5. @jellysundae Even scarier are front line health staff reusing one use PPE.
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