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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. I watched a bit of Avatar, it was really weird. And now that the Hobbit's being filmed in NZ, I'm happy :)


    I loved the Karate Kid! They did such a great job of capturing the personality of a kid that age. Plus I love watching anything with martial arts in it. Has anyone else watched Inception? I thought it was amazing, but I want to watch it again to catch everything I missed the first time through! One last comment, I was also disappointed with Avatar. I feel like they completely changed all of the intentions behind why Aang does what! Granted, they can't fit an entire season's worth of information into one movie, but still. I prefer the cartoon.


    I really want to see Inception :rolleyes_anim: And The Last Airbender was terrible with the poor name pronounciation to weird graphics and costume problems :sad02:

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