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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. I think it's a problem on Neopets side with Mac computers. I've had similar problems with Darigan Dodgeball and Chariot Chase, it would stop after 5 seconds.


    I'm not sure if it's to do with Neopets trying to compensate for lag.

    Your computers could be too slow.

  2. Ah, now I know a bit about Finland :)


    Well, here's some info on NZ:



    Population: 4.5 million

    First Ever European Given Name: Nova Zeelandia


    Film Industry: Weta Workshops worked on LOTR, Avatar, Narnia.

    Spelling: British spelling, which means color is spelt COLOUR.

  3. Hey everybody.

    It's Zakuro...


    Lately, especially on the HOP, we've been discussing geography.

    I'm also supposed to know about country backgrounds for school...


    I'm not very clued up on the US, nor its states or history.

    So, tell me, or anybody else here a little bit about your country. :yes:


    EDIT: I was mentioning US as an example. If you're from anywhere else in the world feel free to post about your country too!

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