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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Fai is my (and Sephy's) favourite character from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and Elric is the last name of the two brothers from Fullmetal Alchemist.

    Tsubasa Alchemist is just putting the two show names together :P

    And Fai and Edward Elric are both voiced by Vic Mignogna (whom I met over Labour Weekend :wub_anim:)

  2. Zakuro: If you want FM fast, posting in HOP is the best place to get posts, because lots of people post there. However, if you want to get it slowly, posting wherever you want is good. It depends on when, and how often, you can come on.


    Yes! But OMG, everybody's on the other side of the world so nobody's around when I post in the HOP. :sad01_anim:

  3. And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily Misdreavus22 was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.

    But while you're safe, Misdreavus22 suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP. :thumbsdown:

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