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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. Well, there are a lot of people outside the US here. :P

    Hello! I am one of them...we don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here, but I am joining in with the celebrations here.


    CAV want pumpkin pie. CAV want pumpkin pie NOW. CAV must go to Costco to get pumpkin pie since nobody knows how to make it at home. CAV sad.

    I want pumpkin pie! Can I have some?

    Oh and what's Costco?



    Seriously? I've personally been hearing more about Thanksgiving than Christmas right now, but maybe that's because I don't watch a lot of TV.And I agree with you, Christmas has become rather commercial, but it has to be or nobody would be making money. An unfortunate fact. :/Ruto no like pumpkin pie.

    Christmas is so commercial but I love it because it's a family gathering.

    How can you not like pumpkin pie????

  2. Oooh, I usually just go to JubbyJack's petpage with all the dailies and some game ratios for the easier games, then look up the ratios for other games that I usually enjoy or are easy! =D


    Like I said long ago, the Garage Sale is where most of my income comes from since thanks to practice, I am for the best item in the bunch.


    Are all the dailies there? *goes to check*. WOW!

    Is that how you got like 1000np for interest?

  3. Yippeeeee! *high fives*


    I am pretty good with History because my history teacher's favorite thing to say is, "History is easy so I will make it easy."


    And someone told me the password to my school's internet network, so I can go on my iTouch in school and do whatever I want! :shiftyeyes_anim:


    Your history teacher sounds extremely awesome.

    You have an iTouch?! I have no portable music player.

  4. Yes, it was enough.


    Oh, and NZ is in the Commonwealth, we have $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 dollar notes.

    We have $1, $2, 50c, 20c and 10c coins.


    Our national sports are rugby and netball.

    The city I live in, Wellington, the capital, is also known as Windy Wellington as it doesn't get that hot (25 degrees Celcius max) and is obviously windy.


    Our national animal is the kiwi, the national fruit the kiwifruit and the drink, L&P.

  5. What is HOP? I am slightly curious lol.


    Uhm... you said that you were using US as an example? Does that mean you don't need more information about the US? Because although I live in the US I have extensive knowledge of other countries where my family/friends live :)


    No, tell me! Dante thought that this topic was just for US people, which it's not.

    If you're from any country, even NZ, you can post here.


    HOP is the Hang Out and Post.

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