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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. I went to see Harry Potter at midnight last night and I brought Pretzel M&Ms, Grape PopTarts, and BANANA BREAD! It was awesome. :woot:


    AWESOME!!! What are Poptarts and is banana bread nice?

    I <3 movie snacks.

  2. I don't think I have anything to hide


    So I'm guessing that you don't like the Batman movies? Because while they do follow the comic books, some of them actually are more based off the original animated series.


    I don't like the Batman movies... for unknown reasons. I just don't like them.

    I like the animated series though.

  3. The neopets header has completely gone!

    You can't see the neopets logo at the top or the my account, pet central etc. links at the top.


    Also, if you look at the Adblock blockable items, the header and link pictures appear but they are not on the screen.


    Problem on my side or Neopets?

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