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Posts posted by Iona

  1. Odd, I got it straight away.


    1) Make sure you've looked at the correct total (Under the Paid column rather than the Mkt Value one) and have at least 1,000,000 invested.

    2) Double check your Neoboard prefs page (try Viewing the source code then Ctrl+F "Sell" to quickly make sure you've not gotten the avatar previously).


    If you've done everything correctly and still have no avatar then I suggest you just contact TNT and complain ;)

  2. *Falls in*

    I have absolutely no energy today. I coached two 7-a-side girls football (soccer) matches today in the freezing cold. Stuffed my face when I got home... and now I'm lying down with my laptop, trying to keep my eyes open while listening to a recording of my speaking test draft for French tomorrow. *yawns*


    Still stuck on Nova Defender. Dunno if I'll ever get there...

    I'll do Sutek's Tomb later as I'm too tired to do it right now.


    Apart from those two games, I've done every AAA Daily Dare so far.

  3. Hey all :)

    Nice to see the site back to normal.


    Argh, I'm stuck on Nova Defender for AAA. I watched a YT vid of how to get the score within the first 3 levels. The person made it look easy :( I'm useless though, most I've got to is 300k.

  4. Possibly :)

    It's easy enough to remove if you wish to:


    #habitarium {

    display: none;



    Just add that within your style coding.




    Ah, I've got it. If you want everything fitting properly do this:


    Find the part, change the previous figure to the red:

    #main {

    width: 870px;

    background-color: #585232;

    border-left: 1px solid #000;

    border-right: 1px solid #000;

    margin-top: 0px;


    #content {

    width: 860px;

    margin-left: 3px;

    margin-top: -5px;

    border: 0px;



    And find the part and add the red:

    #habitarium, #footer, .user, #nst, .sidebar, .brand-mamabar, hr, #ban, .content div a img, .content div b {

    display: none;



    EDIT2: The games and trophies module is a few pixels too thin but I cannot remember how to fix that.

  5. Ok, I went through your code and tried a few things...


    Try this:


    Find the part which says:


    #main {

    width: 900px;

    background-color: #585232;

    border-left: 1px solid #000;

    border-right: 1px solid #000;

    margin-top: 0px;



    Change the width to: 920px


    Then find the part which says:



    #content {

    width: 995px;

    margin-left: 3px;

    margin-top: -5px;

    border: 0px;



    Change the width to: 900px



    You might want to centre the top image aswell.

    I know that the image at the top won't stretch across the whole thing now, but I can't remember how to shrink the userlookup contents (which is what is stretching the width).

  6. Hey Morgan :D I'm Iona, nice to meet you ^_^


    Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll like it here and have plenty of people to socialize with and get help/advice about neopets & other stuff from.


    I likes music, graphics, anime, art...sometimes and being lazy too :whistle: *high-fives*


    See you around! :woot:

  7. Maybe you're not doing it properly :S


    There are quite a few trades up with people selling the whole map & separates.


    This person is trading every piece you're looking for. Has separate trades. Some she asks for money, others you may have to neomail her to ask for how much she wants for the pieces you're after:



    BUT, I suggest you search for a trader yourself, as only you know how much you want to pay for a piece. Some people have better offers than others, of course.


    Go back to the TP search page: http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse

    And type in exactly "Secret Laboratory Map", choose "identical to my phrase", choose "newest".

    Loads of trades for lab map pieces came up for me, should come up for you too.

  8. I would be afraid of the snake getting out of it's tank and attacking me in my sleep.


    I agree with this.

    It's the same with pets like Tarantulas... I know quite a few people who have them, I'd be terrified :evil:

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