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Posts posted by Iona

  1. Guys! Guys! I've figured out my life plan!

    So starting from when I turn 15, i'm gonna save so when i'm 18 I can move to Colorado and start my own squirrel farm

    Then, via humane training and the teaching of Mandarin Chinese, I will train them and start my own squirrel circus. -nodnod-

    I am very proud of this plan. :)


    Sounds like one heck of an epic plan. I support this! :ph34r:

  2. SO jealous of fish 'n' chips places. We don't have any really. I mean we have places that sell fish and whatnot which I enjoy but we don't have any awesome fish n chips places like I image other places/countries to have :sad02:


    Ehe, it's like Tacos here. You don't really see places selling them as a 'speciality' if you know what I mean. Just supermarkets.


    There's a Fish'n'Chips shop about a 5min walk away from my house (:

  3. Agh, is that just you being pessimistic?

    Enjoy your little study session ;)


    Not a very big fish person here.

    But I love tuna& mayonnaise <3 ...and Grilled Salmon xD ...and the battered haddock/cod (or whatever you get at Fish'n'Chip shops).

  4. Good luck in your exams Manta :D


    Ugh. I feel quite ill this morning, but not enough to miss a day of school.


    Hmm, today's Daily Dare is a team thing :O I'll have to practise the game a bit, only have a HS of 300 or something like that. Will do it when I'm home from school.


    Anyway, have a good day all! Back later.

  5. Tacos :O

    I've only tried one once in my life. A few years ago, made it in a cooking class at school.

    Like most other things we made at school, it was rubbish... so it would be cool to try a proper Taco one day.


    Tutoring kids sounds interesting. I'd like to do that... too bad I don't have much time right now.

    Why've you been so down, SWO?

  6. Hey folks.

    It's another day of returning from school and immediately ending up on this topic :P


    Today was rather slow and dull. What's more is I've got so much work to get through tonight and a lot of things that deadline tomorrow that I've not started yet.

    Looks like I'll have to get my act together and stop procrastinating :(


    You're welcome! Considering how terrible I am at that game, I'm happy to have managed to help someone somehow. xD And there's a reason I have to play for survival...


    Haha, well it worked :P

  7. I'm not sure what you can do.

    I tried putting the game quality down to Low, but it didn't help much. It did go a little faster but the yooyu was still juttering a lot (is it supposed to? :S). I put it back to Best after that.


    I take back my EDIT from my previous post. The yooyu still jutters a lot but I got used to it and managed to beat AAA anyway.

  8. Really? That's quite bad on their part then. Sorry for correcting you there as it wasn't your sentence.


    Ahh, it's from the Neopets footer which you've covered up.

    A way of getting rid of it is using

    <style> #footer {display:none;} </style>

    However I don't know if you'd be able to use that, as you've replaced the Neopets footer with your own.


    EDIT: Nevermind about that last part. I just checked your coding and you clearly already knew what I just said. :P

  9. I like your layout :) but I think saying "Most Fairest" is rather bad grammar. Using 2 superlatives together is not correct. It's better to simply say "Fairest" or "Most Fair" (although the latter doesn't sound much better, it's technically still correct). Stick with "Fairest" is my suggestion.


    Also, there appears to be a random link to the Neopets index if your hover around near "Gentle" on the bottom left. (I'm using Google Chrome, dunno if it'll be in the same place or there at all in other browsers). You might want to fiddle with your coding a little to get rid of that.


    But overall, not bad at all, good luck!! :D

  10. Yeah mine's lagging quite a bit. The yooyu seems to jutter, I don't think it used to do that.


    EDIT: It's not doing it anymore.


    And about your screenie, that's really rubbish :( I hate when that happens.

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