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Posts posted by Iona

  1. Ahh, I see. Thank you.

    Cool, may add it to there when it goes up then :)


    I searched the whole "Past Winners" section for my old elephante entries. It took me a while but I found all of them, they all got 3rd in 2007. I must say my 12-year-old art skills were pretty awful :laughingsmiley:... personally I think I've improved a lot since then. 4 years later and I'm finally entering again. :rolleyes_anim:



    Oh, I actually managed to score 3,820 on CC. Glad I didn't give up and choose Abigail.


    Something AA said on the Crisis Courier topic about playing for survival rather than collecting everything influenced me to change my strategy and it worked. Thanks!

  2. Congrats :) Good luck.

    I sincerely doubt I can get 3500+. Just do not have the patience right now.


    So I was curious as to whether or not I'd be able to add my BC entry to a BC forum in a few days but I could not find one. I checked the art forum's rules here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/31-art-forum-rules/ and it said that BC entries aren't allowed on it and you need to post on the "appropriate forum", but the link to wherever that is showed me a page with an error. Any help?

  3. Aha, yeah I loved palebloo as a Blue Shoyru too. I got a Fountain Faerie Quest though and was really keen on using it. It was a choice between Faerie and Maraquan (this was UC at the time) and in the end I went for Faerie. I really wish I hadn't converted her now, I did it because I wanted to give her a background and they didn't allow them on UCs at the time. Oh well. Maractite Shoyru sounds interesting!


    Thanks guys :)


    Sounds good, Wembly. There are no treats in my house right now... except from my mum's cereal bars, which are disgusting (I just tried one).

    But then I took 2 plain crackers, spread Nutella on one and then placed them together to make a sort of biscuit chocolate sandwich thing :whistle:


    I shall go play CC now. Will practise a little but I probably won't have the patience to attempt AAA.

  4. Hmm.. most I've ever got in Crisis Courier is 800ish. That was a very long time ago though, I only played it when it came out, haha.

    Might go make an attempt at it now. Think I may have to go for Abi this time though...


    Thanks for the congrats everyone! :)


    Ugh, another typical day.. returning from school, wiped out, eating everything I see... going on the computer even though I have a pile of school related things to deal with. Bah.


    Oh and I've got a BC entry for the upcoming competition, if anyone wants to take a look and give me an opinion you can check it out here. Thanks.

  5. It's not the value of the stocks that gets the avatar, it's the amount you invest.

    I got bored and bought really expensive stocks then sold them straight back after I got the avatar. :whistle:

  6. Iam preety borke my slef trying to save up to level up my mara gerlet some more so she worth a draik ubber hard


    I badly want a Mara Gelert. It has become my new dreamie :3


    There are none of my pets that I can bear to trade for one though. So it looks like I'll be zapping, or saving up :)

  7. In my days of noob status, I'd sell at losses. I wasn't very bright apparently.


    I've only made 140k profit so far from selling. I started selling last month after building up for the avatar.


    EDIT: I hope my friend comes back within the next 20mins or I'm going to have to leave and wait for Number 6 to drop again in the future... Darn.

  8. Not bad at all :D


    Ehe, I only sell at 60+ to be honest. Sold some for 74 last week but now I'll have to wait a while as my next highest is in the 40s I think. I don't mind, I'm patient about it.




    I really ought to go, but Number 6's at 6.6mil right now and my friend said she'd lend me the NPs I need. She told me to put up some trades and I did, but now she seems to have vanished. <_<

  9. I see :)


    I used to play games and save NPs, but these days I either don't have the time or cannot be bothered. :P

    I only seem to make money off the stock market these days. Though the last few days I've not sold any.

  10. Yesterday was a "stay-at-home-and-stuff-your-face-with-chocolate" kind of days. Now I feel like my pants are bursting at the seams. I miss my crazy-metabolism from college.


    Today is not shaping up to be much better. Ugh.


    Mm, yummy.


    I don't care at the time, but I always regret pig-outs 15mins later...



    Good luck with your shift, Spritzie. Longgg. :mellow:

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