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Posts posted by Iona

  1. Dear Iona,


    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 1,400,830 beats the score of 1,400,000 by The Snowager in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!


    Yours Sincerely,

    The Neopets Team


    Thank you, Spritzie :D

    Yes, I started playing it the day it came out on Better Than You. I hadn't played it before BTY but thought I was okay at it so I kept playing. It got really annoying but I badly wanted the trophy and avatar and didn't know the next time I'd be able to do a BTY (I usually can't even get close to the people's scores).


    Took a lot of determination but it payed off.


    I got the avatar! I got my trophy! I am one happy person right now :thumbsup:




    Thanks SWO. Gratz to you too!

    I think I got awarded mine at the same time I got my neomail. (There's no random event for it) You'll have it if you check :D

  2. Yeah it is really infuriating.

    I keep losing at about 1mil.

    Plus, the game is refusing to give me bonus lives so I don't have enough for the last round (after getting through all the levels, I die on purpose just when I'm almost finished level 12 so that I keep my points & can redo the level for more points).


    Oh and it glitched too... Check this out: http://i54.tinypic.com/x6k6s6.jpg

    So I had to lose a life in order continue because it got stuck. I told TNT about it.

  3. Hello :)


    I am seriously tense right now. Been playing Wrath of the Snowager for the past 2 hours. I'm trying to get the Better Than You avatar & trophy but I keep losing the game because of silly mistakes. I got so close too.. was 20k out. I'm not giving up yet though. <_< I will not let it beat me. :ph34r: :grrr:

  4. Hey folks.


    Just back from school & football (soccer) coaching.

    I got some more results from my prelims today (exams I did earlier this month which act as a back-up/appeal if I miss my final exams in May or do terribly in them).

    anddd I've done pretty darn well so far :thumbsup:


    Now I've got a stack of homework to deal with...


    I shall be around :shiftyeyes_anim:

  5. @siemis

    hehe, it's funny watching cats guarding their territory.

    mine doesn't really fight, I think she's a coward, she just crouches there glaring and yowling >.>


    @ Rose,

    Woah, she was a water liking cat all along?

    My dad tried to put my cat in the bath once, she refused point blanc to allow herself to be put in.. and escaped immediately.

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