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Posts posted by Iona

  1. Haha don't feel dumb. I recently just started buying the lab map, and then I realized that it was so expensive and that it was probably cheaper to just buy the paint brush I wanted lol.


    Also the Lab Ray doesn't guarantee anything. It's all chance. So it could completely change your pet to something you hate. Painting it is risk free.


    I do like the ray. I have it on 2 accounts and zap daily. It's rarely kind to me however.

  2. I pretty much have all of my converted dream pets ^^


    So right now I'm working on getting my ultimate dream pet:


    UC Baby Kougra


    Yes I realise you can't lab ray one of these. Just posting incase anybody out there has one UFT/UFA.


    Once I get my UC Baby Kougra I'll most likely gift 80-90% of my UFT pets.

  3. I'm seeking a Hissi of any color!

    I've been searching for affordable morphing potions, the pound and creatable Hissi's on Hissi day for years with no luck :(

    If anyone desires I can trade my blue Jetsam for a Hissi of any color :)

    Please help me guys!

    Thanks :3


    P.S. Feel free to neomail or neofriend me,

    username: rach_muse


    I wouldn't like your Jetsam but I can gift Slizars the Red Hissi to you. I'll neomail you.

  4. Nuu. KI have dropped to 4th :angry: Though I can't really complain. I've only played like 70 games of YYB.


    We're doing AWFUL in Slushie Slinger. Virtupets are obviously insane at Make Some Noise. 19 wins to 1 is very 1337.

    I'm surprised that Maraqua are sitting at 7th. I thought they'd be doing much better.

    And Lost Desert too have really surprised me. From being champs they're rather close to the bottom of the table.

  5. Well that was very good of him :)

    As long as you love him and appreciate him that's all that matters. Everyone disagrees with their parents at some point in their lives.

  6. I feel for you. Sorry that he doesn't understand that some games can't have more than one file. It'd be a shame to erase all your progress to let him have a turn. Maybe you could get him one of his own games ;)


    I love my dad too, but we disagree on a LOT of things. It's not just me though, my brother and my mother both have problems with him too. He's a control-freak, has a very bad temper and is often unfair.

  7. UPDATE on my last post. Mivaz may be UFA if anybody wants to neomail an app ;) Nothing fancy, but if you're going to do one please put in at least a little effort.


    Sarail is such a pretty name. :* Would definitely adopt. Glt!


    Thank you :)

    I was just trying to make up names. Then when Cybunny day came I asked my brother to make some with my names as my accounts were full.

    I'd gift her to you... but I want to see if I can get any trades. And if not, I quite like her so I may start zapping actually.

  8. View all of these pets on my UFT Pets, Dream Pets & Wishlist Page




    Pets marked with :skull: are being labbed.



    These pets are UFT:


    Mariyah - Transparent Wocky { RN }

    2.png Seeking VWN Plushies/Pirates or BN+ low-end UCs. (& anything)


    Alexarry - Maraquan Bruce { SBD }

    2.png Seeking Spotted Lupe/Custom. (& anything)


    Mivaz - Island Kiko (July Trade)

    2.png Seeking VWN Basic Poogles. (& anything)


    Loj - Desert Kacheek (July Trade)

    2.png Seeking: Unknown.


    Bynor - Skunk Cybunny

    2.png Seeking VWN Basic Poogles. (& anything)


    I'm now seeking V/WN Basic Poogles for all of the below!!!!

    For basic poogles, I'll add up to 100k custom to any of the pets below. I'd prefer to trade my LEs basic though.


    Varvus - Basic Hissi

    Neeral - Basic Hissi

    Salzo - Basic Hissi

    Nizel - Basic Hissi

    Sazine - Basic Hissi

    Romayn - Basic Cybunny

    Sarail - Basic Cybunny


    Loet - Basic Xweetok

    Loob - Basic Xweetok { RW }

    Barno - Basic Xweetok

    Ryuichiro - Basic Xweetok { Japanese RN }

    Prob - Basic Jubjub { RW - Common Slang/Abbreviation for "Probably", "Problem", "Probable" etc }




    I can do a custom of up to 1.4mil on any pet - only for the right offer.





    Spotted Lupe/Custom

    For Mariyah: Plushies/Pirates or pets in that range.




    A legit variation of Mariah/Maria.



    Definition = n. (Mining) The clay or slimes washed from tin ore in dressing.



    Please mail all offers to iona_guild. Or private message me on here!


    Oh and please note that a lot of the above pets are being held by my brother.

  9. Hey all :)


    I've not been on HOP in a while.


    At the start of the AC I told myself I'd play enough to earn some decent prizes. I have played a total of 76 games of YYB. Nothing more, nothing less. Very poor effort. <_<

    But KI are at 3rd today. I hope we place this year... participant medals don't look cool. :whistle:


    To keep on topic, I never buy NC. Heh.

  10. I cannot be bothered getting all the images, so I've listed the pets:


    I want to trade this month.


    Pets marked with :skull: are being labbed.




    Mariyah - Transparent Wocky { RN }

    Alexarry - Maraquan Bruce { SBD }


    Romayn - Basic Cybunny

    Bynor - Basic Cybunny

    Sarail - Basic Cybunny

    Korko - Basic Hissi

    Mivaz - Basic Kiko :skull:


    Loj - Purple Kacheek :skull:

    Lynil - Purple Bruce

    Loet - Basic Xweetok

    Loob - Basic Xweetok { RW }

    Barno - Basic Xweetok



    I could also do a custom of up to 1.5mil for the right offer. I'd have to sell stuff, but if I find the perfect offer I'd be willing to do so.




    Not seeking anything in particular.


    Definition of 'Loob':

    n. (Mining) The clay or slimes washed from tin ore in dressing.


    'Mariyah' the RN:

    Although the more popular and common spelling is 'Mariah', this spelling is legit. An example is Mariyah Moten (a model) and if you search 'Mariyah' on Facebook you'll find plenty of results.




    Neomail "iona_guild" with all of your offers.

  11. I very much dislike the new game. I too was looking forward to playing the old one. I really hope TNT give us it back. But they don't really listen to people these days so it's not likely.


    Though not a big fan of the new Yooyuball format, I have found a loophole on how to win some games. Now because of my new discovery, I'm winning games 10-3 average.


    Care to share? *wink-wink*

  12. There is no limit. You're absolutely right. The aim is to keep playing as much as you can, sending wins (in Yooyuball) and good scores (in other games) to help your team win.

    The only limit is the NP. You can only recieve NPs for the first 3 times you send your score, like in other games.

  13. The weather is awful here. There've been weather warnings all over the news about strong winds in my area and we've definitely been caught in them. One of my trees has completely toppled over, it's probably snapped. Shame really, it was a nice tree.


    That sucks Iona. You didn't get sick, did you? That probably would have gotten me sick. Weather changes ridiculously quick here.


    I did feel slightly ill for a while. But I felt a lot better after a few hours of rest.


    And same. My country is notorious for crazy weather changes. We rarely have nice weather though.

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