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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. How is this a fail? Did you not read the thread? There are actually four musketeers.


    Even if there were only three musketeers, it is rather geocentric of you to assume everyone has heard of the candy bar. I've never seen it in Europe in my 5+ years there.


    There are three Musketeers. It's common knowledge.


    And I didn't say anything about the candy bar being popular in Europe. Since Piticent is from New York City, it can be assumed that they have the candy bar where he is, since it's in the US.


    I don't appreciate name-calling, thanks.



    Additionally, why did you call me "geocentric"? Lol, looks like someone else needs some summer reading...fail.

  2. He's not even wakeable anyway...try posting in the hour that he's wakeable, and not the hour after? Thanks :)


    Failed to read post time, nevermind :P


    and Khaos, don't backseat moderate, use the report button.

  3. iloverickymorris (Red Moehog: The person who created this Neopet probably broke up with this "Ricky Morris" fellow. Hmmm…)


    I can't tell you how many pets I've seen in the pound with names like "ilove_______"


    and the lucky person the pet is named after is always some random name.


    People, please stop naming your pets after your crushes. It's just so horribly tacky. lol

  4. Hi there, and welcome to the forum! :D


    I haven't had any problems with Neopets today, but it did take me a while earlier to get on the forum here.


    *shrugs* Neopets has intermittent issues somedays.


    Edit: As soon as I posted this, I went to Neopets and it wouldn't open. lol! Dang site.

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