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Posts posted by Ro-

  1. Being interested in psychology, I have observed the people around me based on their siblings and come to the conclusion that there are three major groups of people: only children, single sibling children, and greater than one sibling children. For the most part (not all, please don't misunderstand me), only children seem to be more self-involved and confident. Their parents dote on them and obsess over them, so they're used to being the centre of attention. They usually have big personalities, and don't get along well with everyone, though they may have followers. I don't know of any who wouldn't like to have a sibling. This group also includes people with much older siblings - they generally don't feel like their siblings, and they aren't usually treated as equals. The second group contains myself, so I don't have sufficient distance to analyze, but I think this group is generally where the 'I can't stand my sibling' stereotype comes in. With only one focus of their sibling attention, one-on-one siblings often clash heavily, especially as pre-teens and teenagers. They see each other too much and get sick of each other. Once they grow older, I think they generally get much closer. The third group, many siblings, contains the most well rounded individuals. Less effort is put into the sibling-sibling dynamic - by that I mean less pressure on each person-person group. When you're mad at sibling 1, you can go talk to sibling 2 instead. They generally tend to be close, supportive families. In this group there are also the parent-children, where a child has siblings much younger than themselves. These individuals tend to be much more mature than others. In summation, I think it's best to have three or more children, for the kid's well being. Unfortunately not so much for the environment.

  2. Hello, everyone. I'm Ro. I've been on Neopets on and off for more than 8.5 years, but prior to that my account is lost (stupid memory and frogs - why did I make my password something immemorable about frogs?). I generally just come on for stocks and avatar collecting now. I'm not one for stock greetings, I'm 19, and I require hats. I also appear totally incapable of making myself sound pleasant. Who are you guys?

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