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Posts posted by Ro-

  1. Well, I doubt raising the age would stop the parties - there's bound to be somebody who's above the age who can buy for the contents of the party. As for bars and whatnot, I don't know about New Zealand, but in Canada you are easily able to get ridiculously drunk without being cut off. I don't think the issue is legal age, exactly. I notice that in countries with lower limits, there tends to be less abuse, because there is less of a taboo. Like the kids with really strict parents who get to University and then go wild. The ones with fewer boundaries are used to it and don't see any glamour in it, so they don't go overboard.

  2. That is very polite of you, Gronjo. Unfortunately, that is about as fluent as I get in Spanish - I don't think they'd appreciate the rest of what I know on a general access forum such as this. Thank you for the tips about my aguilas.

  3. I can understand topics where the subject becomes irrelevant or solved with time, but what about the debate section? There was a topic on people with disabilities just closed, but why? People had more to add on it, and the subject isn't out of date.

  4. I just got the Nimmo's Pond avatar today - easier than I remember it being. I have some free time, so I'm thinking of getting more game avatars, but I'm not sure which is easiest to try for. Anybody got a suggestion for me? Out of the simple game ones, I don't have Carnival of Terror, Deckswabber, Extreme Potato Counter, Freaky Factory - Yoinked, Grundo - Snowthrow!, Kacheek - Herder, Petpetsitter, Plushie Tycoon, Raider of Maraqua, Revenge is Sweet, Techo - The Buzzer Game, Typing Terror, or Volcano Run. I also don't have a mouse, if that makes a difference.

  5. I think some people here are confusing 'pity' and 'condescension'. Pity is feeling sad for someone, and condescension is disrespecting them by talking down to them, or assuming they are invalid in various ways because they are disabled or handicapped or whatever. I feel pity for people who are disabled, because it makes their lives harder. Depending on the disability, I do not judge their minds based on it, so I wouldn't talk down to a paraplegic, but I might simplify things for someone whose brain is stunted, for example. There have been so few disabled people around me, I'm really not sure about my daily interactions with them. I might be uncomfortable at the novelty - how does one act around someone with no arm? Does one not mention arm related activities? - and worry about offending them, but fear certainly doesn't enter into it.

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