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Posts posted by Ro-

  1. Oh, yes, how dare they give you added value for your money and force you to buy their food for your children. Wait, no. It's a choice and it's marketing. Doesn't look like I'm the first with these thoughts though - does anybody agree with the lawsuit?

  2. I like to challenge that which was generally take for granted (the value of life) and figure out whether it is true, or why it is, etc. In Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan has his speech about how all of humanity could be wiped out and the universe wouldn't care. So really, what is the importance of life? That said, I'd prefer people not to die, but the creation of new life doesn't hold too much value for me.

  3. How other people see someone has nothing to do with how I see them. Anybody who is convinced by your rating to dislike you without speaking you isn't really worth your time, are they?

  4. I would like to point out the nature of the news - they display rarities. They don't mention the hundreds of people who die in normal car crashes, or every baby born, because they're common. Something being on these news means it's news-worthy - it doesn't happen often.

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