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Posts posted by Ro-

  1. I was under the impression vampires were fine with silver - werewolves were against it. Also, Anne Rice's vampire, such as Lestat, were not affected by holy water or stakes, etc. They were virtually indestructible (at least to humans).

  2. CAV: I, in turn, am very surprised by this - where I am, I have never heard of a violent drunk. (In that case, the reason is probably to forget whatever causes their anger, or because they are alcoholics.) They're pretty much all friendly. I'm not saying drinking is a good thing - I'm saying it's better to learn it safely, in your own home, instead of on the streets. If you're with family, you're not going to get piss drunk, and a glass of wine with dinner every now and again isn't going to cause brain damage or alcoholism - it just means that by the time you start drinking with friends, you will be more accustomed to the effect, and won't go overboard.


    On parenting: if you believe everything your children say, they will walk all over you. Discipline and love are both important things for parents to give their children. In fact, if you allow them to drink at your house, they will be doing it in a safe place where you can monitor them.

  3. I'm not very impressed with a parent who actually believes their child is going to a study party on a Friday night. Brains develop into your early twenties, but if 13-15 is especially strong, why not have the age 16? Or any age, as long as accompanied by certain individuals, like in Canada or New Zealand? Does it increase addiction even without binging?

  4. I have never heard of teenagers drinking at a supposed 'study party', but perhaps it's different where you live. Wouldn't that be in an afternoon, when nobody drinks? A 'study party' on the weekend is just unbelievable. Sneaking out and so on generally occur in later teenage years, and I'm talking about earlier - 13-15. If you're younger, you'll start drinking with greater supervision, because that is the nature of parenting and age (less supervision as you age), so your parents will be able to help control your forays into alcohol, making sure that you learn your limits slowly. Parents will not let their children drink until they're ill or whatever, so it will be more gradually instead of immediately binging your alcohol-related life with binge drinking. Could you provide a citation for the idea that how much you drink initially is related to whether you become addicted? Furthermore, whether the incidences of abuse are greater among drinkers who begin younger?

  5. Studies show that when people are reading, they take in the entire word at once, so the order of the letters doesn't matter all that much. The brain perceives the whole, and doesn't notice if a letter or two is out of place when it assumes they will be correct. This applies especially with doubles of small connecting words, like of.

  6. Yeah, it's causig me a little less humour ad more ager. I do't wat to buy a etirely ew laptop for keys, but it's fallig apart. I'm ot sure what to say to that - perhaps 'cause I live i a big city, 13/14 year olds ca't go wherever they please, so I have o data.

  7. My N key is workig really badly, so please accept a post with almost zero Ns.


    Youger tees are still uable to go places without their parets permission, so they would't be goig to crazy parties, even if they could drik. However, by the time they start to wat to party ad drik they will have already tasted alcohol, ad may have a greater uderstadig of their limits. Their parets, of course, would be able to regulate their use etirely, because they'd still be kids. That is better tha goig out for your first drik without ay supervisio or uderstadig of your limits.

  8. Well, I have looked around at the people I know, and it is almost always the ones from stricter households/countries who go overboard - you learn with your family to drink, and that it's normal and okay, and then you learn your limits and that it's not cool because it's not taboo. Overwhelmingly the children of laisse-faire parents (and countries) are much more relaxed and unlikely to abuse privileges like alcohol.

  9. I think we should lower it, as explained by Gaia. It will allow younger people to experiment in safe, legal environments, and it will remove the taboo which can lead to people drinking to excess to appear cool.

  10. Quite. And, of course, how else would you explain all those people who have one drink with dinner? There's no drunkenness there, so it must be because they enjoy the taste. Apart from physically, I find drunk people easier to deal with because they are more open. Since I am extremely open at all times, I don't lose control of my mind when I am drunk - I just more intensely myself. Which way were you referring to, Masaryk?

  11. I like to drink some alcohol just because of the taste in not in excess. Many people drink a glass of wine with dinner because of the taste. And 'not necessarily' means not every single time. Of course people are killed by drunk drivers. I mean that not every single instance of drinking is harmful. As in 'not necessarily every drink causes harm'. Every cigarette does.

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