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Everything posted by Mouseykins

  1. A BGC costs more than the TP limit of 2 million. So you will have to use the auction house. If there's one up for sale on the TP that you're interested in, you'll need to contact the seller to set up a private auction for it. Additionally, our TDN ALP does lend the BGC. So if you are just wanting to use it for the avatar you could use our program. You can find out more information here: https://alp.thedailyneopets.com/?page=reqs_BGC There's no harm in submitting a request, even if you don't get approved. ?
  2. After turning off your adblocker are you refreshing the page? It's working for me on Firefox without turning my adblocker off.
  3. Apparently some dailies and site features are behaving funny. Try turning your adblocker off if you're using one and see if that helps. I'm not sure if Faerie Quests are affected.
  4. Have you followed all steps here https://thedailyneopets.com/altador-plot/part3/? Make sure you click all the "continue" buttons. We do have a Constellation Finder tool that you can use here https://thedailyneopets.com/altador-plot/constellation-finder/ Hope this helps!
  5. That's actually how our ALP lost it's first Bony Grarrl club. That was before my time. I'm not sure if it's happened since then though. I still haven't utilized my new pet slot on my main. I better get on that!
  6. Thank you for the information @Scoobert_Doo! I'm glad there's no GMC right now. I kind of dread the gaming events sometimes. I always thought their timing of having it run around US Thanksgiving was a bit weird. Wouldn't it be better to have it at the start of the month instead? That's my thought process anyways.
  7. Yay I can free up some space on my side accounts and bring one of my Vandas home! I might have to get a Yurble for my side, when I decide on a color. Thanks so much TNT! ?
  8. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Discord is a nice place to chat. Maybe start by introducing yourself and go form there. Discord is more active some days than others. It all depends on who is available for chatting. ?
  9. You may have better luck asking for these fights on the Neoboards in the Battledome section. I would try there as well if you haven't already. ?
  10. I second what Duma says. If you're unable to figure out what you put in as your birthday you'll have to submit a ticket to Neopets Support. You can do this by emailing them at [email protected] and provide them with as much information about your account as you possibly can to prove that you are the owner. Until then you may create a new account to use as your main account until you get this account unlocked for you. This process does take time and it will not happen overnight. TNT is known for being slow at resolving these matters, so please be patient. Good luck!
  11. I was excited to see this too! TNT has started zoning certain items as "static" so they stack on other items occupying that particular location. We are making progress! This was a nifty event to celebrate Neopets' 20th Birthday and most of the clues I was able to figure out relatively quickly. So I'm glad they weren't super puzzling having us search all over Neopia. I also got a couple of gallery items so I'm happy.
  12. The colors may be basic ones, but they're both mostly blue and that's my favorite color. Plus no gross colors = a total win!
  13. Guide for Day 2 has been updated! Sorry for the delay everyone. I got busy with some chores and lost track of the time. Didn't help that the kitchen clock isn't showing the correct time anymore thanks to the time change. We've been too lazy to take it down and change the time. That's on my list for tomorrow!
  14. I thought that was weird too! I was just going to take the image from the news that they used instead of from the Rainbow Pool but they didn't even upload an Invisible Jetsam image in the news. So I grabbed the Rainbow Pool image that had the floating Jetsam grin. I see TNT has fixed it now though. LOL
  15. It is my understanding that you can claim it and use it on your side account. I have on each of mine. Since you can't use Trudy's Surprise or get gift boxes on your side account unless buying a Gift Box Mystery Capsule (GBC), you're not really gaining anything except a free item from the NC Mall on that account.
  16. Ok I think I know what happened to your code. You probably had too many characters and it was automatically removed when you saved the page and neo formatted it. This happens with petpages too when you reach the limit. It takes off stuff you have no room for. Unfortunately, unless you have a backup, a cached file, you've lost your records. The issue your seeing with the overhang is probably due to some missing code that got wiped by neo. You're probably missing some closing div or table tags. Might I suggest saving your code everytime you update it to notepad++ or something where you won't lose it? I know kind of late now for this predicament. I save all my stuff to Textwrangler since I'm on a Mac and this way I never have to worry about Neo goofing up and wrecking my code like this. Another thing to consider which is a complete longshot is emailing support. Maybe in their files/records and whatnot they have your last saved changes or something and can restore it.
  17. I clicked on the first username on your list under Trophy Cabinet and it came to the anchor page, so your data is still there. I'm not sure what is going wrong on your end. But everything looks alright on mine. If maybe you want to upload a screenshot of what you're seeing wrong then I might have a better understanding. I can also upload a screenshot of what I'm seeing. My Mr. is online gaming right now, but when he's done I'll add to this post.
  18. Loic has filled his shop with fall-themed items so we can show off the change of seasons in a variety of colors. Head on over to see Loic at Dyeworks to see what items he has available to be dyed. DYEWORKS GUIDE
  19. Prizes for this years Daily Dare have arrived! Head on over to Headquarters to claim your rewards. Prizes Guide
  20. I "briefly" looked at your application. I haven't given it a thorough go through but you did submit correctly, so no worries there and I have your app. You can apply to up to 4 chains per month and be in all 4 chains. So as long as you don't give me a big list of all the ones you need, you're good. Confirmation messages will be sent via the forums hopefully on Saturday or Sunday.
  21. Participant Badge here I come!! My ? was just not into it this year. I had so much going on and sitting at the computer to waste time playing games all day was not something I cared to do. I completed half the challenges and left the others. I accidentally challenged AAA before sending scores on a couple of games thanks to my toddler pressing buttons on my iMac. She's 2.5 and knows how to work this thing, it's kind of scary lol. I know I'm missing out on a shiny trophy for my UL and a collectible but I'll just have to take out a loan from the bank and buy it.
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