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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Stereotypes. The Dutch barely have any other than the wooden shoes one, which far outdated. And nobody can ever tell that I'm Puerto Rican at first glance, so I'm virtually resistant to stereotypes, since nobody can ever think of one for me.


    However, stereotypes make good jokes, and a good amount of my jokes revolve around them. It's really best when you don't take them seriously, because that's the point of them. It's a false generalization, and anyone that takes them seriously doesn't have a sense of humor.

  2. CAV, you just had to bring that up, didn't you? :P


    Sorry CAV, you're only a year older, though. :P


    Ohhh, I get it. No, I only high-fived my friends that are 16, even if neither of them are online right now... xD


    Yes, yes I did.


    Your point?


    Mkay then.

  3. Today's teengirls are alot worse.

    I feel sorry for parents that have to listen to their kid's Justin Beiber CDs playing so loud you can hear it through a closed door...


    Don't forget the malls, the "YOU NEVER LET ME DO WHAT I WANT! I HATE YOU!" speech that they make. And of course, worrying about their boyfriend and what they are doing.


    I sound like a parent...


    Yay! xD

    -high fives Anisha and Daisy-





  4. Wait... you mean teen boys aren't aliens? :P


    Teen girls aren't so innocent, so you don't have that much to say. Do these sound familiar to you:


    I don't know my daughter anymore!


    My daughter's a stranger to me!

  5. The age differences make things hard. I thought my parents were being horrible and cruel and didn't understand anything. But now that I'm older, I see why they did what they did. But when I was 15-17, I didn't get it at all.


    I get what they're trying to do and why they are. But they don't seem to listen to me when I try to explain myself. It's one of those "my teen son is an alien to me" even though I try to talk to them.

  6. They will eventually.


    That's one thing. My father didn't want me getting Xbox Live because he was afraid that I would get addicted. But yet I wasn't the one spending 7 hours playing Left 4 Dead non-stop only getting up for bathroom breaks. My little brother did just that. Now I have a 3 month card BUT:


    Everytime I connect the Xbox to my laptop, my laptop freezes. I don't get what's going on.

  7. ^ Hmm no way. There were plenty of great albums released in 2010.

    I feel like I still can't fully appreciate music (Only really started to get into music last year and I know I missed a ton of great albums), but I really enjoyed



    Maybe that it's just because of the kind of music I listen to. And the radio only plays the same music every time. You know, Pink, Ke$ha, Bieber. It gets sickening, and they never play anything else. And yes, I know about Pandora and such. I just keep forgetting to check into it.


    I'll give Gorillaz and Kanye a listen, mostly because I've been impressed with some of their past works.

  8. I'm sure it was a great site at one time. Unfortunately, pride is keeping it from continuing to be a good site. Anyone who gets that ban-happy over thoughtful, friendly suggestions really doesn't see the whole picture. This guy sounds like he's lost all his friends on this forum, but doesn't realize it because everyone keeps coming back every day.


    I don't think he's lost ALL of his friends.


    And remember, his bannings are only rumors.


    ignore the trolls, spend time with your friends on there



    If there weren't so many, that would be possible.

  9. I couldn't walk properly for the last two months of 2010. Needed crutches and physical therapy.


    Woah! What happened?


    MUSIC. Only two good albums came out (MGMT's Congratulations and My Chemical Romance's Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys). C'mon, we can't pretend that the Selena Gomez album or the Sonny With A Chance compilation had any musical substanence.


    The only good albums I can think of that came out this year:


    A Thousand Suns by Linkin Park

    Asylum by Disturbed

    Hurley by Weezer

    Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold


    Only 4 good albums, and hundreds came out this year. That's sad.

  10. Tbh I don't think Smosh is that funny. -shrug-




    I'm gonna kill you....


    my mom doesn't want me playing video games anymore, which is quite idiotic if you ask me


    Same here. My father and grandmother think I'm overdoing it with the games and internet, even though they are the only things stopping me from going insane from depression.

  11. It really sounds like this guy is on some sort of power trip. He is way too interested in it being "his" forum to have any real respect for his users. Face it; he doesn't care about anyone there or their opinions. Personally, I wouldn't want to put up with that crap. Dark52 is not interested in catering to his customers. Normally, in the business world, customers that don't like the service they get at a given business stop going. The forum is ugly to look at and overrun by trolls. It's like the worst of the Neoboards, but without moderation. But, as long as everyone keeps coming, nothing will change. Heck, even if everyone stops logging in, things probably still wouldn't change, since dark52 doesn't seem interested in pleasing his "customers."


    It sounds like darkSpyro will probably run itself into the ground sooner or later. It's inevitable that some troll will crack the site and destroy everything. If you aren't interested in starting your own site/forum, there's nothing wrong with becoming a member at some other Spyro site. There's no need to limit yourself to just one site. You can still be active on darkSpyro, while becoming a member at a different site. Then you'll at least be established somewhere else when darkSpyro finally collapses under dark52's ego.


    It's a great site, and it was amazing in it's prime (which was about 2-3 years ago). But the site has grown, and Dark needs to put aside his dang pride and save the site that he worked so hard to create.


    And it ain't very easy to convince all of my friends to move over to another forum. If I could, I would. But it ain't easy.


    Oh jesus....

  12. You've said your piece, as has he. Not much more you can do other than ride the wave like the rest of em.


    For the record, he never really say his piece. He just says nothing, and locks your topic.


    Well the wave is gonna become a tsunami. :laughingsmiley:

  13. Have you seen that guy in the Gym scene before?

    He has a kinda funny video called "How to make a sandwhich"


    And the rib cage part was histerical... xD



    CAV, you sound like Yoda.


    One problem I had with the video is how little Smosh was in there. They advertised them being there and each of them were only there for a minute.

  14. -watching Agents of Super Secret Stuff video-

    Rofl "Do you know what these are? These are Little Miss Double Rainbow girly cookies, and you almost ate them all the way!"




    "Are you my father?"

    "No Jaden! Nobody's your freakin father man! He abandoned you at birth! He isn't coming!"


    Sorry if I messed up the line. It's been a while since I've seen it.


    Ummm... I have no idea what you're talking about. Is it a comedian or something?




    You have much to learn. Not only is he on Youtube, but he has the most subscribers of all time on that site with over 3 million.

  15. Hm, well, this was a really great year tbh. I mean, I had the best summer of my life in 2010 and most day since then have been pretty good.

    The worst thing that happened was probably my grandma dying towards the end of the summer.


    I find this strange.


    2009 was a terrible year, but it was one of the best summers I've ever had. My mother died just one day before summer began. You had the best summer of your life and your grandmother died towards the end.


    Sorry for your loss.


    And this summer was the worst of my life.

  16. You don't need money to have a create a website. There are many outlets that will help you. We used NING as well as Proboards -both are free. Gave us everything we needed and much more.


    Anyway, the choice is yours, just like it is his.


    Those free boards are rather....lackluster, to say the least.


    The choice is his, but us members have the right to criticize him.


    Just think about if Ian never hired any staff, any mods, any news crew, or such. That he ran everything himself. Eventually, everything would fall apart. That is happening right now. You can't really side with him when he has no excuse.

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