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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. It's not fair to you, for him to act that way, but the best you can do is try to be as patient as possible. Arguing won't help. Telling him he's wrong won't help, most likely.


    I know, but I couldn't sit there and let him accuse me of things. I knew he was pissed. The plan was to just walk away. But I was already in my room when things started, so I had nowhere to go. And he was falsely accusing me. I can't let that go and make him believe he's right.


    And like I said, it doesn't matter the situation, but by using the "I'm a parent, you the child" excuse, you automatically lose the arguement at hand, since it's been proven several times that it's not vaild, and instead it's a crutch.

  2. There was some snowfall last night. It ended rather quickly, and it's sunny now. But the rooftops are covered in snow. And to think, the ice from the last blizzard has yet to completely melt.

  3. Ok. I'm online. Nobody's home.


    I understand that he's going through a rough time, but he has to understand the he isn't the only dang one. He acts as if everybody is having a good time whie he suffers. Meanwhile I'm the first of my family to need to go on anti-depressants.


    Ok. Everything started when I had to scoot (use my scooter) all the way to therapy, dispite the fact that ice is still on the ground from the last blizzard. I always have the idea to move forward until I see a bus. But there was no bus at all. So I ended up scooting all the way to the B64 stop, where I did catch the other bus. The only problem is that dad forgot to pay for the therapy, so I can't go in until I do so. I was suppose to meet my god-sister whom had the money. But my grandmother said 71st, I said 73rd, and the office was on 77th. So I spend the next half hour scooting around between the spots looking for her. I found her, and then I went in only to find out that my father paid in advance and I missed my session. He told me nothing about this.


    So I went home, and my father said to not turn on the laptop, and if it was still on, to turn it off. I was going to do that when I got sucked into a conversation and then 2 hours passed by (can't really blame a guy for that). He realizes that it's still on, and claims that if I don't want to follow the rules, that I can leave. I asked him why it was a federal case if I got sucked into a conversation and nothing happens, but it was ok for him to get sucked into a conversation with my grandmother and forget that me and my brother are still home alone. We can take care of ourselves, but still. He then brings out the tired excuse "I'm the parent, your the child. I can do what I want". To me, once you use that excuse, you lost the arguement since it's unvaild and it's a cheap way out. I said this calmly, and instead he decides to burst and says how he didn't want me scooting or walking towards therapy, even though I would've arrived LATER if I waited for the bus that never came. He accuses me of not even going to therapy, and instead of listening to me he just brings out a message left on the phone and claims that he's right, which pissed me off beyond belief. And you guys can tell when that pisses me off, since it's happened here on TDN. So I explode on him, we are at our necks, and my brother is in the corner begging for us to stop. A whole lot of crap happens, and in the end he asks what happened to his son. I reply asking what happened to him, and he just threatens to punch my mouth out. I try to contact my grandmother, and instead she completely places blame on me even when I didn't start anything. My father then says how I got what I wanted (a transfer) and that I didn't contact the guy about the schools. I tried to contact him, he didn't pick up. Is that my problem? I've told that to him a billion times, but it doesn't seem to get through that thick skull of his.


    I never wanted to think of suicide. I always felt it was a selfish way out. I said to myself that I would never sink that low. But I'm trapped in a house with someone who wants me gone, someone whom is scared of me, someone whom can't help me, and the only people that do help and listen (you guys) are being taken away from me since I'm this close to losing the laptop. I can't bear it any longer, and I have nowhere that I can go for the time being. I'm completely trapped.


    Sorry if I sweared or anything in this. I needed to let it out if I did (see why I need swearing freedom on the HAMS site Ryan?).

  4. And would you mind trying not to scare your best friend every time you talk about suicide? :P


    I myself was scared when I thought that, and when I blindly wrapped my headphones around my neck and started to strangle myself.

  5. I can't speak of it now. I have to shut off. But to say it mildly, he threatened to kick me out out of rage, and he doesn't know what happened to his son. My response was that his son died. And I feel trapped to the point where I actually did think of suicide.


    I'll speak more of it tomorrow.

  6. Maybe she's already spreading her luck CAV? ;) In that case, I should probably stop posting in case I jinx this topic. xD


    No. I don't feel lucky.


    But just in case, I'll check MyCokeRewards and enter a contest. I just need to find my Powerade bottlecaps...

  7. CAV you know I don't speak Polish! <.<


    That was Dutch.


    Right now, the big deal isn't bombings or anything. Het is de bedwantsen.


    That translates to: Right now, the big deal isn't bombings or anything. It's the bedbugs.

  8. I've never been in a gaming torney other than when I was in a Black Ops torney at my old school, where I got second place in the finals.


    A banana Wiimote holder. That sounds a little gimmicky but cool because we don't have that kind of thing over here.


    It was suppose to be like a pouch to hold your Wiimote in for when you take it on the go.

  9. That's not necessarily true. Or maybe it is in NY. Quite a few schools here have them, that don't have any issues. They put them in after the Columbine shooting. Specially in schools that got bomb threats and such afterwards.


    Most NY schools don't have detectors. Only schools with violent histories have that. And even if you can't bring in metal, there are still fights.


    And it's probably the best state in the US to go to if you wanna learn Spanish...


    Guess who doesn't want to learn Spanish. I tried to do so, and I had my Spanish side try to do so. But I can't learn a second language at all. I only know some Spanish and some Dutch words.

  10. CAV, remember this, each school will have "stupid kids" people you'd rather never meet no matter what. But each school will have people you can get along with no matter what


    Yes, but some schools have more stupid kids than others. And some schools have VIOLENT stupid kids. Most of the schools at hand have metal detectors, which means a violent history.


    Another problem is CAV loves New York and Arizona is boring (no offense)


    I ain't leaving NY until I have to so I can be an astronomer. :angry:

  11. Their pre-order deals range from great (in game suit and gun for Mass Effect 2), to rather useless (banana Wiimote holder for Donkey Kong Country Returns). They're also popular because they sell used games for a cheap price, and they allow you to trade in games for cash. I tend to go to Gamestop rather often. And the stores are small. They kinda look like convenience stores, only with a crap load of games. New game smell. It smells nice.


    There are hundreds of Gamestops here in NY.

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