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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Some people may not know what I'm talking about, and that's fine. Just look at my siggy, and click on the link below it. That is what I'm talking about. darkSpyro, a Spyro fan site. But that's not really the problem. I really enjoy being there. There's some awesome people. I'm working on a film with people there. No, the problem lies within the admin, dark52.


    But CAV. Why talk about it here instead of talking to him in his face?


    That's easy. Because he'll simply block you and he won't listen to what you have to say. It's even rumored that he bans people that discuss this. And I need to blow off some steam before I explode and you see chunks of CAV all over the walls.


    dark52 created, moderates, and edits the entire site, and has done so for the entire 5 years that the site has existed. The site homes over 3k members. That doesn't sound too bad since TDN has 12k. But at TDN only about 30 people are actually active. In darkSpyro, just about every single one of those members are active, in one section of the site or another. So several things happen, good and bad. There are religious debates left and right. And there are trolls that spam the heck out of the site. How many moderators are there? NONE. dark52 is the only person that has any sort of moderation over the site. He is the only one that posts the news, that updates the walkthroughs, that gives information about the games. ONE MAN has to do this on a DAILY basis, and frankly he can't do it anymore. Trolls are running amuck and he can't catch up to them all. Accounts are getting HACKED by trolls, including one member whom has been around for years. His account got hacked, and a troll has now taken over.


    Look at this topic. It's very saddening on what is happening, and one person has completely lost everything because of his parents and lies. But notice how the trolls completely deface the topic. One troll is using the hacked account, which has 2k+ gems. You'll be able to spot the trolls by their posts.


    Those trolls have been around for almost an entire week. You know that normally the trolls would've been banned upon the first day of their arrival. But they haven't, and dark52 has been online. He was online just a couple of hours ago, and he has failed to do ANYTHING.


    Just look here at his profile. I made 2 comments there about his need to hire mods and to ban the trolls. Go a couple of pages back, and you see some more comments regarding that matter.


    He needs to hire mods, things will move a lot faster, and problems like these will be dealt with sooner. People constantly talk about how he needs to hire mods, and they mention it on his profile. And when people list users that would make good mods, Aura, Razzek, and my name constantly appear on the list, as seen here. This shows that I'm not the only that thinks mods are required, as several people do as well, and are even listing potential mods, even if Razzek isn't around anymore. :P


    But dark52 doesn't pay mind to these, and he's been caught saying this:


    Currently I can handle things myself.


    This is a lie when it comes to how battered the site is getting with trolls, religious arguements, and hackings. And he blocks people that mention moderation, and there are rumors that he Gnorcs (suspends) and even Riptos (bans) users for mentioning it to him ONCE. He's corrupt, and there's nothing that can be done since he's the only one that has power.


    I love being there, but dark52 doing nothing is aggrivating, and then ignoring advice makes it worse. Add this to how difficult it is for me to sign into TDN, and what am I to do?



  2. I would use hairspray. I love using blue and green, combining them, and making crazy patterns on my head. But I ran out of blue...


    Ah, Spyro. Among the few games I was ever actually GOOD at playing. I'm not good with these fancy controls these days. :P


    I can play crazy games. Maybe I'm just skilled in this. But Spyro games are legendary, and they helped create the gamer that I am today, which is why I'm a part of the fandom, and why I'm excited to be in the fan-made movies.

  3. I have a Spyro game for Xbox, somewhere.

    It sucks.

    And you kill Cynder in the end only she dosen't really die I think.


    You have ANB.


    I don't think it sucks. It's better than ETD. *is happy that nobody knows these abriviations*


    And no she doesn't die. If she died, how would she be in the next two games?

  4. isn't Sparx a girl?

    Sephy, CAV is doing voices in a fan-made Spyro movie


    No. He's a guy.


    Oh Cool! And no, Sparx is DEFINITELY a guy....

    At least he was in the three most recent Spyro games....


    He's always been a guy.


    oh wait the girls cinder or whatever

    sorry not much of a fan :P

    And yeah, Cinder is the girl in the Spyro games.




    Spell checks are fun. :P

  5. Lol.

    So, will your voice like really stand out? xD


    I guess. It all depends on if I do good or not. Playing both the timid Spyro and the smart-alec Sparx isn't as easy as it sounds.


    And then if things go well we'll make TEN. I'll be busy for a while. Even when I'm not working, I'll be checking into the project, so I may or may not be active here.

  6. I'll come with simply because the ending of the story was super-lame. I'm pleased Faerieland is back though, so I'll probably have to carry a different placard to you.


    I hate FL with a burning passion, but it's NOTHING compared to how predictable, boring, and cliche this plot was, especially its ending. It's unacceptable, and I haven't been on Neo since. It was that aggreviating to the point that I want nothing to do with Neo.

  7. that's freakin' awesome CAV

    good luck, maybe I'll actually be able to hear you in a video you make now :P


    Yes you'll hear me in a movie.


    I feel it's a fun fact to know that so far I'm the only American working on this film. Everyone else is Austrailian.


    Lol, wait, it's gonna just be you voiving something though, isn't it?

    Dangit. -wanted to see what you look like-


    Yes but you can hear my voice. Hooray for slow but steady progress!


    Maybe he just likes being mysterious. He didn't even have the picture that didn't show his face on his profile for very long.


    Either I just like being mysterious. Maybe I want to avoid any dangerous problems with sickos that could visit the site. Maybe it's because I kept a promise. Maybe I'm self-concious about the way I look. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!


    But if this works out and eventually I have to show my face, I'll do so.




    I don't wanna.


    Ryan knows what I look like, but I changed my hair, so I look kinda different


    I also know.


    And how dare you change your hair! :P

  8. Awesome, CAV! The movie is finally made! ;)


    Sorry Divya, but it's not the movie I mentioned a while back. I have no idea when that will happen. This is a completely different project with completely different people.

  9. That sounds awesome! Are you using machinima to make the movie? :D


    No. We are making it ourselves with no companies to back us up. I will be contacting Activision (since they hav the rights to the franchise) to see if we can sell the films on DVD, to earn some profit. We will be making the film using Blender. For those whom don't know, Blender is a program that makes 3D animation. If you want an example on what Blender can do, go to AA and ask him about Sintel if you haven't seen it. If you did see Sintel, there's your example.


    For the most part, I'll be helping with the script (which will for the most part mirror A New Beginning), and I'll be providing voices for Spyro as well as Sparx.


    Some more info regarding the movie can be found here.


    Is it sticking to the ground in the city CAV because its not sticking here thankfully. I don't want to shovel again.


    Kinda, kinda not.

  10. I like my initials so much that I'll sign all three of them instead of just two when I need to initial something.


    Exactly. CV is so boring, and it looks a bit like CW, the TV station. CAV is full of so much more flare in it. The A makes all the difference. :P

  11. Modern Warfare 3

    Marvel vs. Capcom 3

    Gears of War 3

    Portal 2

    Max Payne 3

    Duke Nukem Forever

    Mortal Kombat

    Forza Motorsport 4

    WWE All Stars

    Dragon Age 2

    MLB 11: The Show

    Maybe Conduit 2 and deBlob 2

    and the Nintendo 3DS, along with a few of the launch titles


    And with E3 giving us more games, my wallet will be sucked dry.


    And to stop any questions from arrising, NO I don't care about Uncharted 3. Didn't care about the first one, didn't care for the second, don't care for the third. I can't really care for a game that I can't play.

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